Chapter 10
I bolt upright in an unfamiliar bed. For a moment I expect to find Pythia sitting beside me, but I don't recognize this world. I climb out of sweat soaked silken sheets and take in the cool night. My breath catches at the beautiful sight before me. A city cloaked in moonlight waits in silence for the day. The buildings feel like an illusion, so white are they, and I walk closer to the edge of a balcony with sculpted rails. My eyes tear up at the quiet allure of an expanse of ocean to my right. It must be a dream! Never before have I doubted whether I am dreaming.
The flutter of wings causes me to look up to see an owl glide by. My gaze keeps rising to reach the top of the tower I am currently residing in. Decorations festoon the building providing a roost for birds to nest. As I turn back to the city a glint of light behind me catches my eye. I spin around to find a mirror staring straight back at me.
Until now, I hadn't noticed the clothes I am wearing. Flowing nightclothes drape my body. Inherently Greek in form, the silken fabric drips from my curves. Pinned loosely in place by a gold broach, with embroidered golden flowers tracing the sides, it's a wonder that I might be placed in such finery. The delicacy extends to the entire room where elegant decorations reside.
Movement in the mirror causes me to gasp. A boy with a curly, lush, set of hair enters the frame. A smile graces my image in mirror, and my inverted body turns to the boy. My own fave involuntarily follows with a smile, and my heart beats faster with excitement. My mouth opens as my mirror image's does, and a laugh stains the quiet night as the boy leans in for a hug. "Brother." I sigh. Confusion stills me. I don't have a brother.
"Cassandra." The voice chills my soul. A woman steps out of the shadows and into a ray of moonlight. Her golden hair drapes long and perfect in wavy lines. That voice. It's the one from my other dream. No wonder I thought her voice male. Her face is striking, her nose an aqualine, finely shaped, form, and her eyes a silvery grey that seems to stare right through you. "What is your name?" My voice shakes as always. Why can't I control myself?
Her laugh comes like rumbling thunder, and her low voice exudes power. "You know me, my dear." She says this gently, yet that kindness does not reach her eyes. I could not trace what made her voice masculine before. Now I realize that affect is not inherent. Her voice... bleeds a lack of empathy.
Five days after the... incident
Dear Pyth- Me,
After the monster attacked and things went very wrong I slept for two whole days. It seems Vast was right. The big vision finally came, and it was appropriately confusing. I've tried telling the others, especially Pythia, but... they are all treating me like a fragile child now. I'm getting sick of it. I've stopped talking to them.
This is the third time I've tried to start writing all of this. Everything around me is futile and fleeting, and I can't help but feel a sense of hopelessness. If I can't talk to anyone then how am I supposed to tell them something huge is coming? That feeling of dread is with me every day now.
Maybe I can convince- I have to talk to the Presidents. I'm beginning to think they aren't coming. What's the poin- Gods. Screw this.
A knock on my window causes me to jump. At the sight of familiar yellow eyes I leap up and rush to the window. It's open in a second.
I whisper down to the street. "I thought you weren't supposed to be here."
Bast's eyes glint at me in the late evening moonlight. "Those goons can't keep me away for long. C'mon. The guards won't stay distracted forever!" She replies back.
I hesitate. "I have something to show you." She shoots back swiftly waving her arms for me to hurry up. "The last time you said that-" I question.
"This is important." Bast interrupts. Still I don't move. "I know about your dream." I clamber quickly from the window. I pause then leap down to the street. My legs freeze in pain from the impact. Bast tugs my arm. "Let's go. You'll have to work on that where you're going."
"What do you mean?" I ask, as we walk quickly down shadowy paths. Within a few minutes the area begins to look familiar even in the low light. "You need to leave this place with your fellows. That is part of what I am showing you tonight."
We round a corner and almost run straight into a jagged piece of wood. I stumble back in surprise. "What?" I gasp.
Bast releases my arm and deftly moves through a space filled with wreckage. I follow, weaving through broken fabric, piles of shredded wood, and bits of strange odds and ends. I pass a pot upturned on the remnants of a fire. Curiosity fills me. The moon appears behind a could and the dark is suddenly revealed.
A cloying sadness coalesces around the place as I realize where we are. The camp remains broken by the monster of only a few days past. Evidence of attempts to clean up are visible, yet the area is still in ruins. We approach the tent of the mother and child I tried to protect. A few meters away lies a large pile of ash. I step closer and Bast speaks. "Looks like the creature dissolved in the sunlight."
"Why are we here?" My voice is hushed. It feels wrong to break the silence. Bast shoots a look at me. "Someone wanted to meet with you." It should be no surprise to me that we walk into the nearest tent.
Sitting there in the dark with the light of a single small candle are the mother and her child. The boy rubs his eyes when he sees me. I take my seat silently while Bast remains at the door. She glances at Yulia and quickly away again. "I will be outside." She murmurs.
Not knowing how to begin I allow Yulia to speak. She regards me for a full minute. I try to discern meaning from her eyes, but I am only met with determination. I have back trying not to look away. My eyes find Alexander's.
"Cassandra." The woman's voice draws out my name. Another pause. "Five days ago you did your best to help my boy. For that I am in your debt."
I frown and protest quietly. "I didn't actually do anything! Bast held me back. I couldn't even escape her." Disgust fills me at that. The mother laughs and smiles gently at me. "Bast is experienced at capturing prey. You will learn that there is strength in deeds. No matter if you succeed or not. Do not worry. Your friends will do what you cannot. And you have strengths beside theirs, you know, Cassandra." She tuts. "All you must do is search yourself."
I slump in my seat. She might be right but I still feel... doubtful. "Is that all you had to tell me?" I direct.
Yulia makes a disgruntled sound. "I owe you child. Though you seem determined to push my thanks aside. Bast said you would like to know the meaning of that poem. Are you still interested?" My curiosity explodes.
May the common man love his craft,
that he may feel the lift of wings.
May the common woman look to the stars,
that Orion's belt may inspire she.
To all those who seek,
the quickening of the oppressed calls thee.
Take heed.
"What does it mean?" My heart pulses as fast as lightning. "I was thinking that the part about being on lifted wings meant I needed to go up something. Oh! And the thing about Orion! That's the one with three stars, right? I was thinking that meant there were three places I had to go to look for more clues. The last thing about the oppressed really had be stumped though. And why should I take heed? The-"
Yulia interjects with a booming laugh. Alexander follows with a more quiet chuckle. I glance between them and grow silent. "You overcomplicate things, Cassandra. It is only right you were raised in Erudite. How did you end up in their hands?" My mind reels at the change in subject. "I... my parents both died when I was young. There was no one to care for me. No one to give me shelter, and... I lingered there with no where to go. Until, Erudite took me in."
"And tortured you." Memories flash through me one after the other. I flinch. "How did you know?"
"Have you not been listening to what Bast has been telling you?" Yulia admonishes.
"People are becoming 'discontent?' What else could be more cryptic?" I protest.
"You are not the only one wounded by the Corporations. Everyone here has a similar story." She continues.
"The common man and woman." I murmur.
"Yes. What are we to do? We come to America hoping for refuge and disappointment is all we receive. America cannot help us while the Presidents refuse to break from hiding." Yulia's arms gesture helplessly in the air.
"The Presidents are doing their best!" My voice is loud in the night.
"Have you spoken to them yet, Cassandra?"
"No. But they must be on important business..."
Yulia makes a doubtful sound. "What ever their 'business,' they do nothing while the Corporations grow more and more chaotic. They are resigned to hide and let the factions finish each other off while the world suffers. This is why we must fight."
A creeping dread fills me at the prospect. "Why fight against such odds? It is safer here."
"Is it really? Alexander almost died this week. Whose child will be next? Our children are dying everyday and there is no where left to hide where They will not find us." Her voice grows with tears and Alexander gets up to give her a hug. "They grow closer to finding even this most well hidden place with each fortnight. We have no choice but to act. So, now I ask, Cassandra the Seer." I stare into her eyes. "Will you join us?"
The passion in her voice incites the anger that has lied dormant from fear my entire life. Despite my hesitations, for once, I do not second guess myself.
"Yes. I will."
"Go left on Birch Street, and then take a right at the Sleeping Dragon Inn. Straight forward will be City Hall and the fountain there with the eagles. Make another right at the fountain and you will see the door." Yulia instructs and smiles at me. "I heard you already found it. It is fortunate the meeting is there tonight."
"You heard that?" I ask incredulously.
"I hear many things." She taps her ears and I remember how far away she heard the monster. "Now go." Yulia shoo's me out of the tent. "You must make it there by midnight."
As I walk out of the peaceful home I stare up at the twinkling stars. "Cassandra." Bast's voice calls from a shadow nearby and I look over. Her eyes glimmer yellow.
"You agreed to join them." Her cat's gaze assesses me. Bast does not seem happy at this news although she was the one who introduced me to the family. She let's out a sigh. "There are more important things than one's own wishes."
"I am beginning to understand that." I agree. "You don't seem excited at this news." I'm surprised to hear myself push Bast with my words. At Erudite I would have never dared.
"This is the last time we will see each other while you remain here." Bast explains gravely.
I throw a glance at Augur. "What do you mean?" I question.
"I must remain here and give the refugees a chance at a better life. And you must decide whether to run or to fight." A sense of dread fills me at the thought of making such a choice. I don't trust myself to make the right one.
"It is time to go." Bast speaks softly. In a moment of impulsiveness I take a quick step forward and latch onto her shoulders. A purr rumbles through the woman. "I don't forgive you!" I insist over her shoulder. "I just can't stand saying goodbye on bad terms."
Bast pulls me back by my shoulders to stare at my face. A small smile graces her warm face. "We will meet again, Cassandra. Now, go."
All I can do is nod.
I reach down to run my hand over Augur who lets out a purr. A single meow follows me as I walk into the dark city.
There are few lingering people outside on the streets. Creatures of the night prowl here and I catch myself jumping at every shadow. It is different walking alone than with someone. I do not like being alone and I walk quickly to my destination.
A flash of blond hair leaps from a rooftop and into the light of a street lamp. The feminine face turns to look at me and the sight of the hard, hawkish, edges cause me to gasp. I know that face! The woman turns the corner, and I swiftly follow after. Once again I race through the streets of the Capitol as if I were gifted with wings. That golden hair keeps one step ahead of me the entire run. We pass a building with a sign of a sleeping dragon, then continue on past the grand buildings of my first day, and the fountain I later discovered. The woman disappears into a door with trim covered in the symbol of a winged hammer. I quickly follow.
Noise and heat and the crush of bodies hits me the instant I step into the building. My eyes dart every direction in search of a wisp of blond. I catch a glimpse of woven gold and I shove through the people around me in her direction. I run straight into a man's back. This one does not move out of my way.
The man turns and my heart stops. The curly hair is not all that takes my breath away. His scent of clove and olive hits me like a wave and I disappear into his soft blue eyes. "Brother." The man pushes me away.
"Who are you? Get off me!" The man's voice washes away any remains of my vision. I stumble back murmuring apologies and scrambling deeper into the crowd toward a small raised stage. What just happened. I drift in confusion and make my way to the edge of the fairly small room as the people around me press in.
My heart rushes in relief as I find a set of stairs to take refuge in. I take the time to look around, but with so many buzzing conversations I can't make out what any one person is saying.
It is not long before an imposing man walks onto the stage. I almost laugh at the dark cape that whips around behind him. Everyone in the room grows almost instantly quiet without anyone having to motion for it. The impressiveness of the moment only expand as the man speaks.
"Brothers and sisters. All of those who are new and long standing members of our family I welcome you to this meeting. My name is Ezekiel and I am the Head of the Household that stretches as far east as Glenbough and as far south as Salt City." Ezekiel's voice is deep and even. It gives me little impression of the man underneath. "You are all here for a reason. I hope by the end of our conversation this night you may come to know and believe in that reason."
He holds up a worn wooden cross. I recognize it as the old symbol of Christianity. "As some of you know I lived in Imagine as a boy. I was as normal a child as could be expected being born in the Game. But as in all Games, I found there were those that would cheat." Ezekiel's voice hardens. "You see, for generations my family has followed Old Christianity. It was a point of pride that we chose not to give up our faith when so many others had. We worked and lived and fought for the betterment of our District in the way that was the lighthearted fun of the Game. It was not long after I reached the age of Apprenticeship that that things took a turn for the worse. Our district was not one of the highest earning, but it was certainly not the least.
In spite of this we sank lower and lower in rank as the year went on. The more well off communities shared their wealth with those less fortunate. For a time, it seemed the worst was over and we would regain all we had lost. Yet still our District sunk lower.
I put my entire effort into my Apprenticeship to the Earnings Keeper. I was determined to save my family, my community, and my District. We all fought our hardest and I rose quickly to the top of my class. Then the rationing began." There are whispers in the crowd. "Yes. First the entertainment, then the electricity, then the food and lastly medicine." Ezekiel pauses for a long moment. I shift on the edge of my seat.
"At this time I expect we were all working over eighty hours a week." There are protests in the crowd. "I know. It was only a matter of time before people started breaking down. And break down they did. Whole houses were decimated by strings of work accidents and fatalities. My own mother soon returned ill from her new job in the Loom. Her sickness only got worse over time and our need for medicine stronger. We sold our belongings and finally our house for the last remaining CureAll." Ezekiel's voice fills with emotion. "It was not enough. She died choking on the fluid in her lungs.
Soon after, I learned of the true nature of our betrayal. I had finally become an Earnings Keeper in all but name. There was one test I still needed to pass. One of loyalty. My young self was still naive enough to trust that all was fair at Imagine. I was finally told the truth about the Corporation.
The Game was rigged." He says softly. Dismay fills my heart at the menace I hear now in the voices around me. They start to fill the room. It takes longer for them to quiet as Ezekiel begins again. "I continued my diligent work as ever. It was only too easy to forge numbers and records to make one District's output rise over another's. My heart grew black thinking of the mothers dying everyday because of what I had become. A plan began to form in my mind. I worked from the inside to prevent what happened to me from happening to another. I worked against Imagine though I knew also that I would eventually be caught.
I was counting on it. Was it my fellow community members that chose to defraud my family of our rightful earnings? To kill my mother? To ruin my entire world?"
By this time his voice is once again shaking with emotion. "When they came for me-" Ezekiel visibly shudders. "When Imagine came for me with the Guard I did what I knew best. What I learned from them. I rigged the Game."
With a chilling laugh he continues. "The Erudite androids they had with them were programmed specifically to eliminate threats. I simply told the robots they were fugitives." Ezekiel gives a long sigh and closes his eyes. "They drowned in their own blood."
My heart stops at the clapping that follows. The growls of hate and the cold stares of the downtrodden fill every inch of the room.
The leader's steely eyes open again. I found out later that it was our expanding Old Christian District that put the target on our backs. All because the new Leader of Imagine held a grudge against my faith! It was not my fellow neighbors or my community that ripped my life away from me. It is not my friends that betray me everyday. It is Imagine!" He throws his arms up into the air in anger. His hands gesture to the crowd with open arms. "It is the Valeyard!" Cries of loathing fly through the room. "It is Erudite!" My voice joins the rest. "It is America!" This cry is louder than the rest.
"Our fight begins today for our future. Despair floods our nation from the corruption of the Corporations. Will you let it continue? Will you allow everything you love to burn?" Shouts of 'no' fling toward to stage.
"Join our cause and I promise you this will not come to pass. We follow the one true Leader of our revenant Nation. She has risen to lead us to a new future of prosperity and peace. In a world without Corporations. Her name is Lady Klytos and in a fortnight we ride East to meet her." East. The word echoes in my head. As I stumble out the door and into the street the word mixes with the clamor of the citizens behind me into a horrible rattle.
I somehow make it back into my bed. My head aches with the events of the night and I turn to look out the still open window. The moon shines as brightly as in my dream, and reflects off of the small mirror in my room. As I drift off to sleep I could swear I hear the rasp of a masculine voice laughing in my ear.
"Cassandra." Pythia! I bolt upright. "Whoa! Whoa!" She cries. Her face looks concerned. "Did you sleep at all last night?" I rub my tired eyes. Pythia walks over and closes the window. Her hand rubs at the window sill and her eyes narrow. "You went out last night." She says accusingly.
"You well know the reasons why-" The door bursts open and I glance over to see an astoundingly overjoyed Jane. "What-" Pythia and I blurt out at the same time.
"The Presidents are finally here!" She shouts giddily.