"Which song did you want to listen to?" He asked me, handing me an earbud and sticking the other into his own ear.
I thought about it for a moment. and stuck his earbud into my ear. "I chose last time, so you choose."
He smiled. "Okay then." He thought silently to himself. "I know just the song."
Despite how much it hurts me, I play the song he played that night. It always brings back fond memories of times long gone. The dissonant piano chords that somehow match the emotions conveyed by the smooth vocalization send my heart racing as it reminds me of his smile. Of how the stars would dance among the sky during the late nights he would play it for me again. Now, every time I listen to it, I'm cast into a reverie and I can't help but reminisce over times long gone. With each crescendo the memories become more vivid. The arpeggios are thoughts dancing clumsily in my mind. And as the song reaches its climax and falls back down to its conclusion, I'm reminded once more of how powerful this one song can be. And this thought always echoes through my mind as I prepare to listen to it one more time:
This is the song that can break me, and then fix me over and over again.