No Plagiarism!QCxoyZc3H0paXwMVTOf9posted on PENANA —۞—8964 copyright protection597PENANAwmWdHr3qO0 維尼
《你的長夏永遠不會凋謝》8964 copyright protection597PENANAT2uvwG5ZjC 維尼
by William Shakespeare8964 copyright protection597PENANAsAKBptiTOf 維尼
梁宗岱 譯8964 copyright protection597PENANAGkj88YCL9y 維尼
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?8964 copyright protection597PENANAxKVBCpU1LW 維尼
我怎能夠把你來比擬作夏天?8964 copyright protection597PENANAYKJ9AXNLhd 維尼
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.8964 copyright protection597PENANAlYxbT5krPp 維尼
你不獨比他可愛也比他溫婉;8964 copyright protection597PENANAYHupGIffnb 維尼
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,8964 copyright protection597PENANAkzI8mfXBgL 維尼
狂風把五月寵愛的嫩蕊作踐,8964 copyright protection597PENANAwjTDwwK65C 維尼
And summer's lease hath all too short a date.8964 copyright protection597PENANAbzRWUgUZLZ 維尼
夏天出賃的期限又未免太短;8964 copyright protection597PENANATs9WUWNkwB 維尼
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,8964 copyright protection597PENANA5PEGzm5hhq 維尼
天上的眼睛有時照得太酷烈,8964 copyright protection597PENANAa27cm3JJNt 維尼
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;8964 copyright protection597PENANADrkaTxC57r 維尼
他那炳耀的金顏又常遭掩蔽;8964 copyright protection597PENANAJOxPdiHokz 維尼
And every fair from fair sometime declines,8964 copyright protection597PENANAI5ZeAUVtF5 維尼
給機緣或無償的天道所摧殘,8964 copyright protection597PENANAByrE4EwDTT 維尼
By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd;8964 copyright protection597PENANANeBGWjYbtP 維尼
沒有芳顏不終於凋殘或銷毀。8964 copyright protection597PENANAATLbedWEm2 維尼
But thy eternal summer shall not fade8964 copyright protection597PENANAOd663V7hHx 維尼
但你的長夏將永遠不會凋落,8964 copyright protection597PENANAAfjck20FoQ 維尼
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;8964 copyright protection597PENANAlNgJUtKaw4 維尼
也不會損失你這皎潔的紅芳;8964 copyright protection597PENANASvAJG2qk25 維尼
Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,8964 copyright protection597PENANAF8wxDL1JTt 維尼
或死神誇口你在他影裡漂泊,8964 copyright protection597PENANAR60EbVEQyV 維尼
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st:8964 copyright protection597PENANAg5AFT1MQiV 維尼
當你在不朽的詩裡與時同長。8964 copyright protection597PENANAruDTCbC5Xq 維尼
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,8964 copyright protection597PENANAAna8Jp863g 維尼
只要一天有人類,或人有眼睛,8964 copyright protection597PENANAAVKVFvyWZc 維尼
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee8964 copyright protection597PENANAQar9ywDEcM 維尼
這詩將長在,並且賜給你生命。8964 copyright protection597PENANAg109ksBEWj 維尼
—۞—8964 copyright protection597PENANAWLUGsr1Cx9 維尼