Chapter 24: .the/porno/baron
The currency was BitCoins and the customers would request whatever their pitiful hearts desired. They got live streams, information, pictures, video or audio. Whatever they wanted.
The website had a lot of links. Some led to a database. It was a page where he advertised people, to other people. All the people were from the city. I could see their addresses, their phone numbers. I could even pay to have them kidnapped. The people ranged from eight year olds to seventy-six year olds. Most were women and young boys. It remembered what Ubel had said. “It wasn’t about the children, it was about the profit.”
There were hundreds of videos to choose from. Most of them cost one BitCoin, 160 pounds. It still shocked me that some sick bastard would pay that much for something like that. It broke my heart a little bit.
We looked at Derrick. He had an account on the site with 3 BitCoins. How the child had gotten 460 pounds was a mystery, but I assumed it was from working at the sausage factory.
We paid for one of the videos. Scott decided which. It was called “Pay to see drugs being made.”
As we paid and opened the video, a chat box opened. A message was pinned to the box. It was Oxycotton. She explained how this wasn’t a live stream, and that they weren’t in the business of drugs anymore.
I wanted to tell Scott about Chrissie’s secret identity, but I didn’t for some reason. I guess I was still a little unsure. But Derrick’s story had only made me more certain. Bastyboy had said Oxy was on her way. That’s why Chrissie was there that night.
The video showed a drug lab, it wasn’t 45 Sundrive at least, and some workers sitting by the table, mixing the different chemicals. In cages there were people. They were injected with syringes.
The video was pretty uneventful.
“Druggies pay for this to check if their drugs are being made and checked properly,” Derrick explained. “I have seen things like this browsing For.”
The next video was called: Bethany in the Park. We paid for it and watched as a masked man mutilated a beautiful German shepherd. I couldn’t watch this. I tried closing the laptop, but the men wanted to watch the whole thing. I ended up just closing my eyes.
Most of the things on the site was porn, in fear of stumbling across child porn, we didn’t pay for any of it.
We went back to the database. It was different now. On the top of the website there was a blinking box. In capital letters it said: NEW.DOCUMENT10.NEW
A little wary of what we might find, we waited a couple of seconds before clicking it. I couldn’t take it anymore. I opened the Document. The first thing that appeared on the screen was an information box.
Welcome to Document10
This is a collection of all the Documents
Each person costs 32 BTC (฿)
Delivery within five working days.
We read the message a few times before entering the site. Document10 was a website full of pictures of people. There was a small text next to their name. A description if you will.
We scrolled down until we found someone familiar. It was Jennifer Vaughn, only the title said Jenny Vista. The picture was taken from as she was walking down the street. Her blonde locks bounding around her shoulders.
The text under said: Basty has known Jenny ever since she was a little girl. Jenny was going to be Basty’s little friend, but she was a very disobedient girl, and broke the terms of their friendships. Now Jenny is a lot older and has a lot of friends, all very sexy and ready to play. Look here to see price listings for Jenny and her friends.
We clicked the link and came to a site simply called Oxycotton. There were pictures in horrible resolution on the site. To get the pictures in better quality, you had to pay. Over fifty people had seen the pictures of Jen.
We scrolled down and found links everywhere. We read a message from Oxycotton herself. She also said that “Jenny had a lot of friends”.
We hovered the mouse over the words friends. It turned blue, making it obvious that it was a hyperlink. We clicked and came to the site with the most bone chilling, bloodcurdling name ever. In capital letters it said. OxycottonPresentsDotOnila.
Scott let out a gasp when he saw all the pictures of me. Pictures of me and Scott, pictures taken in my most private moments, pictures taken when no one should be around. They were in awful resolution but you could pay to get them in high resolution. There were videos in 1080p. Videos of me walking down the street, videos of me riding my scooter, videos of me smoking. There were even videos of me masturbating. Videos taken through the cracks of the curtains, videos taken as I was jogging. All in plain sight, all without me noticing.
We checked how many people had bought the videos and pictures. There were over ten thousand people that had seen my videos and pictures. I looked at Scott. His fists were clenched and he shook. Derrick’s mouth was open. I felt sick.