My name is Joe Smith and this is my story I live with my Granddad. He is the only family I have left but he is dying, so I'm on a quest to get the cup of eternity it heals any wounds. So lets get back to present day. I was planting carrots when I heard a bang, my granddad had fallen over I picked him up and put him down on his bed. He then says "Joe I'm dying and there nothing that can save me unless you go to peak mountain and get the cup of eternity." So I went on my quest to peak mountain it would take several days though on foot so at my next stop I needed to get a horse to half the time it takes me.
I see a man next to a barn there are 4 horses different types I then ask the man for his fastest horse, he brings out a brown horse its the strongest horse I have ever seen. I then ride to my next location. But as I'm riding on the path a group of goblins jump out of no where.