I screwed the door knob in. It looked amazing on my bedroom door. I hurried off to school. The day was uneventful which was completely expected. Once play practice had ended and I got home I rushed up-stairs to do my homework.
I opened my door and stepped through. Then I fell flat on my face. After falling three feet. From my now floating doorframe. Now obviously this hurt so I decided to lay there for a while and think about the meaning of life and how my nerve endings were on fire. After ages I dragged myself to my feet. I moved my mountain of curls out of the way and glanced around.
“What just happened…?” I looked around some more. I walked around the door frame, stuck my arm out, climbed out and back in. “Ok so I somehow transformed my doorway into a portal to somewhere else.” So I jumped back into the big grassy plain. “Now the question is where. Well let’s look around. There are no visible human things. Native Midwestern prairie grasses. Ok ok ok, I need a second opinion.” I snatched my phone from my pocket. No service. I clambered back out the door. I opened a new text message. It read, “HANNAH GET YOUR BRAIN OVER TO MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW THIS IS NOT A JOKE!!!” You know it really is a good thing I am really bad at jokes or she would not have shown up nearly as fast.
I grabbed her wrist and dragged her to my door. “NO TIME TO EXPLAINE JUST LOOK AND TELL ME WHAT IT IS”
I jumped down she stumbled behind me. “What the wamhat…. What did you do? How did you get…? Is this a….”
“I know right! I just opened my door and BOOM dimensionally transcendental grassy plain! It is specular! But important questions what? Why? When? Where? The what, a grassy plain of some sort. The Why, well let’s put that aside for now. When, ok this goes with the where. Did we move location or time? Or both.”
“Well this is a big grassy plain it’s not fall…. Grasses native to our region I am going with the when changed. We need to find someone and ask the date. But we should get some ro-”
I should have listened before grabbing her arm and running toward the puff of smoke.
We ran up the side of the hill with caution, after all who knows what is over the hill? I glanced back to make sure the door was still there. We could smell the fire.
We crept up over the crest of the hill. Glancing down al we saw as a grass fire moving swiftly towards us.
“Perhaps we should go back and close the door before that reaches it. It is a wooden door.” Hannah said. I couldn’t agree fast enough. We ran towards the door as fast as we could.
You know in the TV shows where the characters sprint around for half the show. Yeah that is not what really happens. We got like half way back to the door. After that it was more like an old lady's speed walk. In any event we made it back to the door before the grass fire did. We climbed out. I snapped the door shut. Rummaging through my pockets for my inhaler I asked "So what do you think the answer to why is?" Hannah looked at me like I was a nutjob, which I am, and responded. "Magic. Because I don’t know what science could do this?"
"Magic is just science we don’t have a name for."
“Well what is different from yesterday what the variables are? What did you do differently today?"
"I don’t know. Maybe I.... Random thought! Ok little experiment. Through that door is a big grassy field right?" I concentrated super hard. I thought about the day I moved into my current bedroom. Picturing that night I concentrated on every detail. When I opened the door... There I was sleeping. Nine year-old me in my new bedroom before it get painted electric lightening blue. Before i painted murals over the walls. My drawings and paintings gone. I closed the door as fast as humanly possible. "Hannah I know the When. It changes. Concentrate on the last time you were at my house. Picture everything. Every single thing the sights smells feelings. Got it? Now. Open the door."
"Ok i don’t see how this will effect anything." She pushed it open. Looking inside she turned pale. "That was us. This door changes."
"Yes and clearly it is our responsibility to find out why and how it works." After all this could change the course of human history. We re-opened the door. And stepped through it. I smelled smoke and glanced around. The field was back and the fire was on the door frame. "Hannah go back through the door! It is on fire!! Hurry!"
I scrambled toward the door but a wall of flames got in my way. "We need to figure out what is different I do not want to die in this grassy field. It is a little too hot here."
"Well think! What did you do yesterday?" we tried to back up but the fire swirled around us.
“Ok so umm…I- I texted you about the effects of peanut butter on the rotation of the earth. Then I practiced my lines for the play….Went to bed nothing odd!” I bumped into Hannah as the fire gusted toward me.
“Think harder Sarah! Anything! It could be something super small! And hurry!”
I gasped. “The doorknob! I changed my doorknob”
“Well we need to get to that door. We can just run and jump out… you go first.”
I sprinted toward the crumbling doorway and jumped. I hit the floor and shouted for Hannah to hurry up. I grabbed the doorknob as she jumped out the door. As I unscrewed it I remembered where I got it. The night I moved into my room I woke up to my door closing, I walked over to discover an odd brass and crystal doorknob on my floor. Only one side was there. I threw it in a drawer and forgot about it. Until I saw a matching piece at a garage sail. I concentrated on that night when I woke up. I opened the door and pulled the knob away from the door.
“What are you doing? Don’t step through you could get stuck.”
“Hannah this happened once already I don’t get stuck or I would remember meeting myself.” I placed the doorknob where I remembered finding it and crept back through the door. I looked back at my sleeping self. “If I could I would stop everything that’s coming but remember that it all turns out all right” Younger me stirred and started to wake up. I stepped back out into my world and shut the door.
“Well that’s that. I gave myself the doorknob in 5 years she will find the other half at a garage sale. Everything that just happened will happen and she will do what I just did. Thank God that’s over. Let’s go do some algebra.”
Honestly I have no idea why I went where I did with this. Well hope you enjoyed this. Yes my best friends name is really Hannah and yes we are actually that nerdy. Dimensionally transcendental is a fancy way of saying bigger on the inside. I live in the american midwest hence the grassy field.... There really is not much to tell you.... Oh the doorknob I described is my real doorknob. My room is electric lightening blue (When tell ing parents what color you want your walls be super super careful.) well Have and amazing day!!! Keep Writing!!