Present Day689Please respect copyright.PENANACJ848K0vMT
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I was sitting in my bedroom in San Antonio. I had to leave Byron's home in South Dakota, to come here for some business. There are bad little vampire's killing people. I don't like it either. That's how we will be found out for sure. We need to stay a secret. We don't know what human's would do if they found out about our world. Meaning vampires, werewolves and many other supernatural beings.
I got up hearing laughter. I knew those laughs. My two little sister's, Nicolette and Claudia. Nicolette is three hundred years old. Claudia is one hundred and fifty years old. They look like our mom. White hair, weird I know with sea green eyes as well as mom's short height of five foot five. I take after dad.
"Trevor!" Nicolette shouted. "You here?!" she came busting into my room, making the door hit the wall. I cringed from the loud bang it caused. I glare at my little sister, but she ignored me.
"Yes, I am." I sighed.
"Wow, you don't seem happy to see us!" she snorted. I rolled my eyes. I am always happy to see those girls. They are my world and they know it.
"Now, you know that isn't true. You two mean more to me than anything else on this planet." I told her.
"I know." she smiled. "I just like to hearing you say it." I laughed at her. She does. She is crazy. "So how is everyone doing? Heard Byron has himself a mate?!" her eyes widen as she said this like it was a dirty little secret.
"Yes he does. She is a really nice person. She is also a medium." I explained.
"No way!" Claudia breathed. They love that kind of stuff. I nodded. "So, what made you come back here?"
"Little vamps are causing trouble and if they don't stop, they will revel our world to the humans." I said, sitting up and swinging my feet over the edge of my bed.
"Seriously?!" Claudia asked, outraged.
"Afraid so." was all I said to her. I stood up and walked over to the door to leave. I walked past my sister's who were now hot on my heels. Yep, now that I am home they are going to bug the hell out of me. Can't wait to get back up to South Dakota.
"Well let's behead the little shits!" Nicolette cheered. Bloody thirsty little thing she is!
"No, first they get a warning. You know this." I sternly told her. I know her to well.
"Fine." she pouted. I laughed. Yeah, like I said crazy!
I was walking down the main road with my sister's by my side. I kind of like when they are nearby. That means I know what they are doing at all times. They love to cause trouble. I was going to the club 'Neon', to see if those little vamps are there. It's a vampire club but human's are always in there.
It's also the place where I first laid my on eyes on that redheaded beauty in 1961. I known she was a teenager then, so she was up in age and wouldn't be returning here anymore. I turned on the main strip where clubs still stood with tons of business. I headed towards Neon. Weird name, but it was a fun place.
I walked past a group of young human's who were laughing, very drunk too. I moved out of the way, cause one girl was all over the sidewalk. I chuckled and walked on with my sister's. I noticed Nicolette looking at someone of in the distance. I bumped her shoulder, gaining her attention.
"What are you looking at?" I wondered.
"Oh, nothing, just staring at some hot hunk of meat." she replied shrugged. My face screwed up in disgusted. Like she really had to put in 'hot hunk of meat'. "Hey you asked!" she laughed. I shook my head and continued on towards Neon.
When we got to the door, Hector was outside in his usual spot. He is a vampire. He nodded as I approached.
"Hey Hector." I greeted, shaking hands with him.
"Hey, go on in. It's booming tonight." he smirked. Since that night I seen the redhead I haven't been doing anything else to find someone else to be with. I seriously wanted her. I don't dance, but Hector doesn't know this. I smirked and walked in with my sister's behind me. They knew to watch out for the blood. Human blood will kill us.
I headed over to the bar and order my usual. Vodka straight. My trouble making sister's went to the dance floor. Nicolette found herself a guy and was grinding hard against him. Like I really want to see my little sister doing that. It's beyond disturbing.
Claudia found herself a girl and they were all over each other. I shook my head, my eyes scarred for life. Thanks to those little shits. I looked away, in search of the little vamps. I saw one of the boys talking to an older male vamp. They had their arms around each other, smiling and laughing. There was two more I was looking for, but have yet to spot them.
I looked hard until I saw brownish red hair in the corner, laughing it up with a female. I couldn't tell from here if it was a vamp or human. I kept an eye one him for the minute, then continued my search for the last one.
I slammed down five more Vodka's before I heard a feminine voice next to me. I looked to my right, and was shocked to find a male vampire by me. I could have sworn he was a girl. I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Hey, want to dance?" he said softly. Thank you for vampire hearing.
"Um, not right now.." I trailed off not knowing his name.
"Kyle." he told me. He was cute though. Yeah, I'm bi. What of it?! His hair was a dirty blond. His eyes were big and a honey brown color. They were beautiful. He was about five foot eight. His skin was like porcelain. Smooth white. His face looked feminine. He was actually not cute, but beautiful in his own way. "Oh, ok." he looked so sad.
"Ok, let's go." I said grabbing his hand, pulling him out onto the floor. He smiled. It was very nice. I brought him close to me, wrapping my arms around his waist.. He wrapped one arm around my waist and brought his hand up, laying it against my cheek. He softly touch all my features, coming up to my shoulder length hair, running his hand through it.
I closed my eyes, loving the soft caress. I opened my eyes looking down at him. He was beautiful. I felt him raise up and plant his lips to mine. His eyes were closed. I closed my eyes, returning his kiss. I slid my tongue across his lip and he immediately opened up for me. I slid my tongue into his mouth and caress all over. He tasted nice. He pressed deeper into me, causing me to flex my arms around his waist pulling more into me.
The kiss was heated and rough. I heard him moan and that just set me off. I bent down some grabbing his thighs, lifting them for him to wrap his legs around me. We deepen the kiss, and he started to grind against me. I groaned from the pleasure he was causing me. We both pulled away from the kiss, leaning our heads against each other. I may not have to breathe but I sure am panting like crazy.
Out of the corner my eye, I saw the third boy. He was in between a female and male vampire. I set Kyle down and looked around real quick, to see the other two were still in the same spots I last saw them. I started to walk away, when Kyle's hand grabbed mine. I looked back at him, to see confusion and sadness. Oh yeah. I looked around and they were all there.
"Hey, um, come on. My name's Trevor, by the way." I told him, linking my fingers threw his. I went to Nicolette and Claudia who were sitting, telling them I saw all of them here. They got up right away, flanking me. I sent them off to get retrieve two of them, while I got the third one.
I felt Kyle holding onto my shirt. Grabbing the third little vamp, I yanked him away from the other two older vampires. They hissed at me, until they noticed who I was. They bowed their heads. That's what I thought.
I yanked the kid outside in the alley. My sister's came with the other two a couple minutes later, throwing them next to their friends. They were glaring. Brave! They will find out in a moment that isn't a smart move on their part.
"I know you three have been causing trouble around here." I stated.
"Yeah, so. What's it to you? You can't do a thing." the boy with brownish red hair smirked. Little does he know.
"Really? I am King Trevor Denkins." was all I said. They paled, if that's possible. Now, I had their attention "Keep it up your shit causing us to be revealed and I'll have your heads. Got it?!" I hissed. I could feel my anger rising. They nodded. "Good! Now go!" They ran out of the alley, like their asses was on fire. Teach them little punks.689Please respect copyright.PENANAjYRClJHWua
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I watched him from the alley way. God, Trevor was hot, when angry. I also watched him on the dance floor with the blond boy. That was hot too. Soon, I will come back to him. I missed him, so much.
I've been watching over him for along time now. I fell for him. His beautiful shoulder length black hair with blazing blue-green eyes. His tall muscular build. His voice was intoxicating. Deep and husky, no matter what.
I walked away knowing I will be following him to South Dakota, when he leaves to go back soon. I know he will need my help, cause soon shit will be hitting the fan. So much betrayal. I feel bad, and I want to be there to help him recover. All these years and I was not allowed to see him. Actually, little does he know I have been watching then when we meant back in the club in 1961.
I fell for him, from afar. But I wasn't allowed to act. My kind didn't' want us mixing with others. That pissed me off. I wanted to be with him. My parents had me set to marry the Prince of Angels. Yeah, well I wasn't going to do it. That guys a real ass, and thinks he is all that. I told everyone to shove it and got band from the heavens. I am now an Fallen Angel.
That's fine by me. Means I get Trevor now. I couldn't even give him my name all those years ago. It was forbidden. Yeah, well those morons seen how well that worked out. My parents still want to marry Prince Jackass. Not happening. Ever.
I got to my apartment, unlocking the door and walking into the kitchen to find something to eat. I looked in the cabinets, and fridge but nothing looked good. I just decided to call it night, heading to bed. I was exhausted anyways.
My head hit the pillow and I was gone. Dreaming of Trevor.689Please respect copyright.PENANAZaoKaROH3Z
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I took Kyle back to the castle with me. We were in my room laying on the bed, cuddling. He was just to damn beautiful to let go. Yeah, don't get me wrong. I am still in love with my redheaded beauty but Kyle is just something else. We spent the last few hours talking.
Man, I think I am falling for him. How the hell does this happen?! It's insane. I listen to his light snoring. How that is possible is beyond me, but I loved it. It help me fall into the best slumber i've had in a long time. Tomorrow, I go back to South Dakota. I can't wait.689Please respect copyright.PENANAzLCY7S7TEV
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