Steve was upset to say the least. He had just became aware of his true standing when it came to Reed and Nicola; He had also face the truth behind that fact that he wouldn’t be able to visit his mother anytime soon. Steve was so upset that he never gave the note another thought.
“Hey, I think i heard someone in your house,” It was his neighbors little sister Bobby, a short athletic brunette, sticking her head out the apartment to his right. “I wasn’t sure if you had company over or not and i figured it would be better if i didn’t call the cops.”
“Thanks for looking out.” Steve chuckled lowly, the young teen was always watching him and his apartment.
As Steve stepped into the hall he was hit with the strong aroma of coffee.
“Boss is that you?” Steve waiting a few seconds and continued into his home after receiving no response. As he walked towards the kitchen to check the coffee maker only to notice the flashing screen of a burner phone. When he picked up the phone its screen was filled with multiple text messages. Some were mundane asking if he was okay and how the kids were, which was peculiar since he didn’t have any, there were some older messages that made his skin crawl.
The only thing that stuck in Steve’s mind was ‘Find the Moirai they know’. His mind wandered and drifted until multiple bullets tore through the air.
After trying to pursue the shooter Sam was the first person that Steve contacted. He wanted to know anything and everything about these Moirai.
“They’re crystal-gazers, clairvoyants, prophets, oracles, fortune-tellers, whatever you want to call them; the point is that they can see into the future of anything and anyone. That’s why people don’t like them everyone feels that everyone should be told of their future but the sisters won’t allow it. They all live normal lives, the only thing is that they like to drop someone a hint every now and then.”
“Are there any files on them? Pictures, descriptions, audio,” Sam sighed through the phone when he knew that his friend would have to contact the Moirai.
“I met one. Get here as soon as you can and I can try to contact her.”