The snow came earlier this year, but this did not affect our holiday times. Christmas holiday still starts 26th December, and the Christmas feast is still on the 25th of December. My name is Rhine Riverton, a Hogwarts student living in the Slytherin Dungeon.
"So you've been hit by an invisible force." My twin younger brother, Ethan, who's eating a 10-layered cream and chocolate fudge (hmmm, looks like the one I bought yesterday), sounded like I deserved that.
"Yeah, and it came out of nowhere." I crossed my arms, wand in my pocket as usual.
"You see, nothing can come out of nowhere." Ethan placed that huge snack (which can't really be called a snack and with a 90% chance it's nicked from my trunk) aside and started lecturing me, "it must have a thing to cause it. Can't just pop out from some random place."
"Yeah there is something that does."
"Oh come on, you know that wasn't me!" Ethan waved his arms up and down and yelled.
"Then who was it?" I shrugged my shoulders.
Ethan put on a smirk on his face.
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Two hours later, I finally got what Ethan meant.
"Hem hem." The famous cough of Dolores Umbridge once again filled up the dining hall since last time in 1995, now 23 years later in 2018. In her PINK gown as usual, carrying her PINK wand case and a PINK notebook, she walked up to the table in her PINK high heels leaving a trail of PINK glitter on the floor.
"Ugh." I nearly wanted to throw up on the sound of her footsteps. Why, just why would SHE be in charge of monitoring students during lunchtime!?
No one knew that Umbridge, now scoffing down her 30th plate of pink muffins, will be the Lord of weird things for today.
Ethan came to the table with some liquorices in his hand. Liquorices are the favourite snack of the Rivertons for AGES. Mmmmmm.
But the little sweets are not like the ones we used to get. The ones we get BITE, and we usually wear special gloves that when these snaps come and snap us, it gets trapped on the hooks mounted on the gloves and we can enjoy the treat easily. This time neither me nor Ethan had our gloves on, and the snaps didn't attack us.
"That's strange." As Ethan finished his sentence, Draco, our pet dragon who looks more like a winged yellow pig with dragon features more than a dragon due to him being infected by pig genes when he's still an egg, jumped onto the table with his ridiculously short legs which only measure a stubby 5cm (he has wings but they are equally teeny-tiny) and gave the liquorices a big slap. That's what he does to ensure his paws are safe and he can eat without worrying being snapped (well his body and cells are jelly like and very squishy and not even a guillotine can do him any harm).
In result the jet black sweets just laid quietly in Ethan's palm.
To further ensure that it wasn't some strange magic, Draco used his tongue. Don't get me wrong, he sticks out his tounge 24/7, and that's his most sensitive part. He tests EVERYTHING with that. Using his wings to keep himself midair Draco started licking one of the snaps (it's called hygienic he's keeping the others clean).
They're still quietly lying in Ethan's palm. No snapping no biting and no squeaking.
"Okay, they're no problem now." Ethan gave Draco the liquorice that he licked and popped another one into my mouth, "no issues raght?"
"Hmmm." I chewed the candy around and around in my mouth, letting the sweetness and flavor all burst out in my mouth and enjoying the tastiness. "Nothing wrong, didn't bite me in my stomach as far as I'm concerned."
Ethan raised his eyebrows as high as he could. Liquorice snaps not snapping people. Hmm, strange!
To further investigate, we went to the headmasters office. Before it was Snape and Dumbledore, but now professor McGonagall sits there instead.
"What's the password again?" I asked Draco, who just trotted in with his tiny legs.
"$$$$" Since Draco can only speak in his money language, he took out a miny white board and started writing on it with his tiny little paws. 2 minutes later the white board said "wheezy waazy".
"What kind of stupid password is this?" A dumbfounded look appeared on Ethan's face, "fair enough, she could have inherited Dumbledore's brain. WHEEZY WAAZY!"
Well, Ethan did sounded more stupid than the password itself.
But then something weird happened again. Instead of it spiraling us up, the who block of staircase whooshed up like the lifts in the Ministry, and we arrived the office in less than a second. Draco was looking around and totally had no idea of the situation. He was too used to being in the spiral staircase and sleeping whilst being spiraled up slowly.
"Oh hello there Rivertons." Although having a slight shock from the staircase thing, professor McGonagall still was in a calm mood. She then scanned us two. "Oh my, Ethan you're not looking good."
"Um, professor, these liquorices are not normal."
"Not normal?" McGonagall came over, "they look totally fine."
"Yeah they look normal but they don't act so." All three of us looked down onto the ground at Draco, who is now rolling on the ground, "they're not snapping. No matter what we do or what Draco does, it does not snap."
Apparently the sweets not snapping isn't really a problem for Draco. He only cares about if they're edible or not.
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Meanwhile in Umbridge's office, Umbridge was planning another prank on her fellow teachers and the students. Her plan, which included the no-snap sweets and lift like staircase was all going smoothly.
Until Draco stepped in.
Originally, he had nothing to do with Umbridge, but then during dinner he put too much scrambled eggs in his bowl and seems that the oil in it is upsetting his tummy. The Slytherin Dorm toilet is too far for his little legs, so he quickly ran to the staff toilet just beside Umbridge's office, since they have little plastic buckets in the male toilet, making the perfect pooping place for a small sized creature like him.
After relieving the smelly brown substance from his stomach, Draco heard some strange noise and detected that it came from that all pink office. As soon as he went in, he saw Umbridge had sketches taped all on the walls, showing how to make the liquorice snaps not to snap and how to manipulate the staircase. He jumped up, snatched those sketches and fully powering his wings for the first time, flew as fast as he could and handed those sketches to McGonagall, which saw the pink toad having been suspended from teaching and only to function as a background support staff.
So after that, everything went back to normal. The liquorice snaps once again had their sweet teeth functioning, the staircases are once again turning and Draco can once again enjoy his 5 minute snooze before reaching to the headmaster's office. I once again sat on my bed, and took out my diary to record these things. My diary is a very beautiful ink-green notebook, with a sentence inscribed with silver ink on the first page.
"My name is Rhine Riverton, a Hogwarts student living in the Slytherin Dungeon."