Story Playlist:
To know the future, is to know the end.
To know the end, is to know the beginning.
"I need you to keep an eye on Lukas for me. He is here for other reasons I feel, and I don't want him knowing things he shouldn't." I order.
"Of course, I couldn't agree more." Aaron says, bending down to kiss my hand.
He stands and strides towards the door, but with hands on either door's handle, he stops. He turns towards me slowly before asking, "And the girl?"
"You may not harm her, but she is yours." I reply.
He nods, but when he makes to leave, I add, "And son. Do not fail me, I hold no compassion for those who disappoint me."
I do not bother to look at him as he leaves, but I whisper, "There is much more in her than I originally thought."
Lukas advises me to change into the new clothes he brought, and promises me that everything will be alright. When the door closes behind him, I rise from the chair and take a few deep breaths to slow my fast beating heart.
Picking up the tunic, I slide my fingers across the fabric. It's a simple design made with ordinary black cotton and silk. It's nothing threatening or unusual, but it makes me feel sick anyways.
I tug it on, finding that it fits perfectly, almost too perfectly. It's soft, comfortable, and light weight, much like the clothes the royal army wears when training, I think. At the thought, my stomach drops. What is she planning to do with me?
The door slams open, and Aaron is standing in the door frame in all his twisted glory. Aaron has always been good looking, but in a darker way. His hair falls neatly across his forehead, the midnight black locks accentuating his high cheekbones and amber eyes. A chill overcomes me at the sight of him.
"Come with me, love." He says, a smirk playing on his lips. Cautiously, I follow him as he takes me down the cold hallway to a weapon covered room. My panic spikes up at seeing all the perfectly possible ways to die scattered about the walls and floor. I let my eyes scan the room nervously on a window. Lost in thought, I'm brought back down to earth by a shove from Aaron, who laughs as I trip over a wood block on the floor.
Straightening myself up, I ask, "Why am I here? What's going on?"
"My, my. Talkative today aren't we, love." Aaron's eyes gleam. After a silent few seconds, he says, "The queen wants me to train you."
Puzzled, I reply, "Why?"
"Because you have a special gift that she finds to be very useful." He answers, arms crossed.
"You can't be serious. She's never even given me a second glance my whole life.”
"It's the truth. That night in the dungeon, something happened and your eyes changed. When you looked at the guard by the entryway, he dropped dead." Aaron pauses. "So, she wants me to train you on how to use it, everyday until you've learned how to control it."
I look at him blankly, processing his words.
“Let’s begin shall we?” He takes a step closer, I take a step back.
“What exactly will you be doing to ‘train’ me?” I ask, suspicious.