Vitae, the youngest brother of seven, was a curious lion; maybe the most curious being in the universe.
Vitae's brothers were the rulers of the universe; the monarchy in a vast, expanding kingdom. They lived among the stars and gazed down on the worlds; they had admiration for their parents work.
The eldest of the brothers, Michael, sat as king and governed the younger siblings with advice, lessons and stories of the time before. He wasn't assigned a piece of the universe like his brothers but instead ruled above all, ensuring balance and virtue above all else. Vitae, however, was not left a piece, nor did he have a role to play in the universe.
"The universe was split into five," said Michael to Vitae. "Time, light, dark, water and fire. Each has a guardian who is powerful, intelligent and courageous as the next. There is no need for another guardian."
Vitae spent his early years helping his family. He learnt many things as the years past. He learned how to see time, to ignite stars, swallow worlds, engulf planets in fire, and flood the flames in oceans. His brother's referred to them as 'tricks'; they called them small and insignificant, and they were nothing compared to the universe. So they used Vitae to do the dirty work, fix what they couldn't find the energy to fix or help the other Piece Brothers.
Vitae, however, saw the potential and the power of these 'tricks' and started to question why he didn't have his own piece. He deserved a piece of the universe as much as his brother's did. Vitae became envious of his brothers and began mocking them as he jumped from piece to piece. He started to look forward in time and would foil their plans; he collided black holes with constellations and created lighting storms to alight forests and flood fields.
His brothers grew tired of his insolence and called a council with Michael.
"He's a menace!" called one brother.
"A torment!" called another.
All of them shouted over one another.
"An outcast."
"A blight."
"A mistake?" said Vitae. "I have wandered patiently for centuries under your towering shadows and I'm told I'm useless each day. Why should I lie in the dirt and convince myself it's fair just because you deemed it so?!"
Michael stood tall. His aura darkened and the heat disappeared from the room; the clocks stopped, stars froze, and black holes collapsed as burning comets struck the ground around them. Fire engulfed all but where they stood. The five brothers cowered to the floor while Vitae met Michael's gaze.
"You deem yourself worthy to question our rule? To question your place among us?" Michael roared. "You clearly don't understand how this universe works. So, I stricken you to a mortal life, which should teach you where you stand and, maybe, earn a place as our brother."
Lighting struck from above, hitting Vitae, banishing him from his home. His fur turned white as snow, his aura faded and he shrunk to a hundredth of his normal size. He plummeted from the stars, setting alight as he pierced through the atmosphere of a distant world. With the impact of a supernova, Vitae collided with the ground, the last of his aura erupting across the barren planet which now stood as testimony to his exile.