Lexi thought about that late night chat with Law for several days afterwards, finally giving up her whole plan to try to avoid him as much as possible. Look what that ended up with, a small makeup session against the wall in her room. Kind of counterintuitive.
She thought about his offer, how he wanted her to go with them to his world. It scared her, honestly. Which, she thought, is what any normal person would feel, considering some 'alien,' by all definitions, was asking her to leave everything she knew and loved behind to possibly live a better and more exciting life. What if it all ended up killing her in the end? What if she met some brutal demise?
Everything Law mentioned about his world sounded pretty dangerous.
…All the same…
Such adventures Penguin and Shachi spoke of. The fun they boasted about and the tales, which she was sure were exaggerated just a little, were all so full of laughter and pride. They truly loved their lives, of being pirates conquering the seas, of having nothing to hold them down.
Law, too, expressed this similar opinion, albeit a bit more subtly. When she'd asked him to describe his world, he admitted it was cruel, yes, but that there was a treasure to be found at the end of the…Grand Line, or whatever sea he'd called it. He recounted his dream of becoming pirate king, the one to rule over the seas and do whatever it was he'd like.
How she wished that could be a reality.
Doing whatever you wanted? With no boundaries? Nothing to hold you back? Now, that was something Lexi could get behind. Too bad in her world there was always a catch. Always someone or something in the way or attaining what it was you wanted most. Nothing came for free, after all.
Maybe his offer wasn't that ridiculous? She shook her head. Who was she to even know if he was telling the truth? They were pirates. They probably lied and stole and killed for a living.
…But he'd said those things with such certainty, such passion. Shachi and Penguin too. If those were all lies, they were excellently crafted ones. And she didn't think Bepo, such an adorable bear, would lie to her. And he'd agreed, even supplying his own adventures in his search of a female partner.
Lexi sighed, staring up at the ceiling of the living room. Law must have heard this, as he glanced up from reading one of her textbooks.
"Something the matter?" He questioned. Lexi shook her head, but Brittany, who was sitting cross-legged on the floor next to Penguin and Shachi as they played the game of Life, beat her to it.
"Psh, she's just grumpy. I would know. That's her grumpy face." The black-haired woman teased, sending Lexi her best winning smile. The brunette narrowed her eyes.
"I am not grumpy." She defended, crossing her arms in a pout.
"Sure you're not." She waved away Lexi's excuse, reaching over to spin the spinner in the middle of the board when it was her turn.
"What? 10 again?" Shachi cried in outrage, watching as Brittany jumped ahead of his green car on the pathway. "Isn't there a rule about that?" He demanded.
"Only if one of you is a police officer. And what careers do your cards say?" One eyebrow rose as she looked pointedly at their sides of the board.
"Hairdresser." Penguin muttered, glaring at the offending card. Shachi looked sullenly at his own, glaring at the man pictured with glasses in front of a computer.
"That's right. And I'm a doctor. Which means I can spin as high of a number as I want." She concluded triumphantly, picking a life tile from the pile of unclaimed ones. "So no complaining."
"Hmph." The boys huffed, trying their best not to look like sore losers. They failed, seeing as they crossed their arms and grumbled under their breath, unhappy with how Brittany was so much better at the game than them.
Lexi raised a brow at their dispositions, catching Law's eye. He smirked at her, still wondering what was on her mind. He'd noticed a shift in her attitude since their little 'talk.' She no longer avidly avoided him like before, though he could tell she was still rather confused about something. Probably thinking about his offer. Hmm. He wondered how that mental debate was going, seeing the deep concentration etched into her face.
Suddenly, everyone in the living room heard a very loud thump, which could be felt through the floor. Brittany frowned, Shachi and Penguin looked around in confusion, Law cocked a brow, and Lexi immediately stood, rushing to her grandmother's room where she knew it had originated from.
The brunette burst through the door in a hurry, frantically looking around the room for Nana. She spotted a foot poking out of the doorway to Nana's bathroom, laying on the ground. The older woman groaned, and Lexi ran to her side, dropping down to her knees to assess what had happened.
"Nana? Are you alright? Can you hear me?" Lexi inspected her grandmother for any wounds. Wearing a casual t-shirt and pants, it was difficult to see anything beneath the clothing, but there were no rapidly spreading bloodstains, so she assumed it wasn't as bad as she'd first feared.
"Lexi?" Nana called, looking around. Lexi leaned over her fallen grandmother, watching as the older woman's eyes narrowed and flicked back and forth around the room. "I can't see. Everything's too blurry."
Lexi gripped Nana's arm, trying to help her up but a hand on her shoulder made her pause. She looked up, seeing Law stooped over her, assessing Nana with a critical eye.
"Don't. She's suffering a stroke. Any sudden movement could make the bleeding worse." He said evenly, moving to crouch down beside Nana's head. She was still trying to peer around the room frantically, becoming panicked when her eyes were too blurry and unfocused to make anything out of the shapes.
"I'm calling an ambulance!" Brittany, who'd stumbled upon them in the bathroom promised, running back into the living room to grab her phone. Lexi's eyes widened, having the sudden realization that Nana could in fact die if she didn't get help fast enough.
"Oh my god…" She muttered quietly, her whole body going tense. Law ignored Lexi's panic, checking over Nana's head carefully, being sure to handle her as gently as possible. Going into full doctor mode, he probed her skull for any case of a fracture or broken bone. There was a very deep and rather pronounced jagged feeling on the very back of her head, probably due to her collapse to the floor.
"How long will the paramedics take to get here?" He questioned Lexi suddenly. Her eyes were glazed over, and she was staring at Nana with innate fear. Narrowing his eyes, he snapped his fingers in front of her face to get her attention. "Lexi-ya!"
"What? Umm…like ten minutes, I don't know." She breathed out, feeling her mouth very dry. "Can't you do something? You're a doctor, god dammit!"
Law eyed her seriously. "I have no equipment, no anesthesia, nor any use of my powers. What are you expecting me to do on the floor of a bathroom?" He could see his answer upset her, seeing as she scowled, looking away. There was no doubt she knew that information already, but that maybe somehow he had some miracle up his sleeve to save her. Unfortunately, that wasn't how medicine worked, no matter how much she wished it did.
"It's an air raid." Nana muttered quietly, her words coming out slurred and almost unrecognizable. "Get to…to the bunker, Lexi."
"Just…just hang in there, Nana." She could see her eyes begin to droop, a sign of her rapidly approaching exhaustion. "No, don't fall asleep, Nana. You have to stay awake for when the reinforcements arrive. They're coming, I promise. General Patton's on his way."
She didn't know why she was pretending the war was still going on. There was no reason to. Her confusion could simply be the stroke's symptoms. But Lexi felt like it was the best thing to do, to keep her thinking that this was just the war. Something she was familiar with, not some random accident. No, she needed to have something to hold onto, to focus on.
Law watched the exchange between Nana and Lexi silently. Lexi, unshed tears forming in her eyes, was trying her best to appear calm and in control for Nana. Nana, on the other hand, was rapidly looking as if she was losing the battle of trying to stay awake.
"No, Nana you have to stay awake." She cried, her voice catching in her throat. Reaching out a hand to grip her grandmother's Lexi squeezed, hoping that she could still feel her presence beside her.
"Sleeping on the battlefield…is a coward's habit…" She muttered, blinking a few times before opening them more, obviously not down and out quite yet.
It was several more minutes before the paramedics arrived at the house. Law had to physically pull Lexi away from Nana, who was still awake despite a hard struggle. Working quickly and efficiently, they brought in a large orange gurney, placing Nana as gently as they could onto it before strapping in her head so it wouldn't move around dangerously. Checking all they could in a matter of minutes, they wheeled her out towards the ambulance that was waiting in front of the house.
"I'll drive you to the hospital." Brittany supplied, and Lexi nodded, too stunned to really say anything. Law decided at once he'd go with, and neither Brittany nor Lexi denied him that. He ordered Shachi and Penguin to stay there, seeing as they looked like they didn't quite know what to do. He glanced up at the guest bedroom where Bepo was still hidden from sight. He was glad his first mate was sensible enough not to be seen at a time like this.
They watched the ambulance take off down the road, sirens blaring. Brittany ushered everyone into the truck, grabbing the keys from Lexi and turning the key. They took off down the road after the ambulance, hoping that Nana would still be alright when they arrived at the hospital.
The man leaned his head on his hand, staring at the house with a bored expression. This outing was proving to be a lot less exciting than he'd thought. Perhaps he'd overdone it with that Cooper guy. Lexi had certainly been spooked enough to minimize leaving the house. He pouted. This was no fun.
Things had to happen soon. He was running out of time. He'd taken too long to perfect his method, had spent too much time playing with the insignificant girls he'd practiced on. Oh, this wouldn't do. It was riding on the final stages of his plan. And he really didn't have the patience to wait another year for the day to come along again. No, it had to be now.
Still, when he'd seen that black-haired woman arrive at the house earlier on in the day, though no Lexi coming out of it, his patience was beginning to be tested. He just needed the right time, the right opportunity, to come along. No, he'd be patient. The results would be worth the wait, he reassured himself, his other hand flenching into a fist as an excited tingle ran up his spine.
His eyes looked away from the house and further down the street, hearing the whine of emergency vehicle sirens. They progressively got louder and louder, until finally an ambulance and a police car rounded the bend, coming to a quick halt in front of Lexi's home.
He raised a brow, fearful that something had happened to the girl. No, this would ruin all of his plans. He narrowed his gaze, watching as men ran in with an orange gurney.
Minutes later, they reemerged with the grandmother strapped in, and he breathed a deep sigh of relief. It wasn't Lexi after all. All the better. His plans were still set to continue then.
They filed into the back of the ambulance, closing the doors and the driver set off back the way they'd come, to the hospital.
A grin appeared on his face, watching as Lexi and her friend ran outside towards her vehicle. Then, it faltered, spotting an unfamiliar man with a strangely patterned hat. Who was this man? Why was he there? A boyfriend? Lover? Cousin, relative? His eyes narrowed, a finger tapping in annoyance. This was an unforeseen problem.
Perhaps he'd have one more person to get to before his final target, he thought, his gaze never straying from the man's yellow hoodie as he climbed into the back seat. Watching them back out of the driveway and follow the ambulance, he waited several seconds before turning on his own car, driving after them himself.
They arrived at the hospital shortly after the ambulance. The parking to the emergency room was always full, packed mainly with employees' vehicles, so Brittany didn't even bother circling the lot, instead parking on the street and cutting the engine, clambering out of the car with the others in a hurried pace.
They dashed through the sea of parked cars and towards the entrance, a double set of glass doors. Lexi was the first to reach it, practically sprinting through them to reach the reception desk.
"Donna Roe, she's my grandmother. They just brought her in. Is she alive?" Lexi demanded in a rush, bracing herself against the admittance desk to stop herself from falling over. The woman working behind the counter, looked up in a shock, stunned by the breathless and wild-eyed gaze of the brunette. Regaining her composure she gave Lexi a sympathetic smile.
"If she's just arrived I have no word of it yet. If the situation is critical, a nurse should be out shortly to update you on what's going on. You can have a seat until then." The woman gestured to the row of chairs at the back of the room, trying her best not to sound too rude about it.
Seeing as Lexi wasn't moving, Law laid a hand on her shoulder and directed her to a seat, guiding her to sit down. She didn't say anything, just sat there in silence staring at the floor. Brittany joined them, looking rather uncomfortable. The edges of her eyes were red with tears as well.
There was another couple sitting on the opposite end of the room but they felt no inclination to speak to them. They simply glanced over occasionally, probably discussing how she'd burst through the door like a madwoman.
Law was anxious as well, feeling helpless as he was forced to sit with no direct involvement in what was going on. Having no powers was extremely frustrating. If he'd had full use of them then perhaps they wouldn't be sitting there worrying over whether her grandmother would live or not.
Impatiently, they all waited for a status on Nana.