The man woke with a start. His eyes skittered around the oval cell-like pod he was contained in. When he tried to push his way out, he found his hands were bound by a strange, sticky, green rope. He had no idea where he was, and panic started to rise in his throat. Gulping down the lump, the man struggled against his bindings. Surprisingly, they came off as easy and felt like a spiderweb. Touching a hand to the clear pod, it opened. The man sat up, and looked at his surroundings.
Rows upon rows of pods, identical to his , surrounded him. How many were there? Thousands? Billions? Panting, he tried to stand up on shaky legs. Using the pod as a support, he was able to stand and gaze around at the pods. It seemed there was no end to them at all. How did he get here? The question lingered in his head, but no answer came. All he could remember was falling asleep next to his wife after sending his daughter to bed. As he picked off strips of spiderweb-like material from his body, a thought ran through the man's mind that terrified him. He needed to find his family as soon as possible.
Taking a step forward, the man stumbled, like a child learning to walk for the first time. He staggered forward, determined to seek his wife's face again, to feel the laughter of his daughter fill the room. The little things he longed for. Soon he came to a black door, which contrasted against the bright white of the rest of the room. Nevertheless, he entered it, and found himself in a wide, mechanical room. It appeared to be the kind of room you'd see in movies, with all the controls for a spaceship, with one side exception.
A figure crouched in the center of the controls, scanning several screens blindingly fast. The creature was anything but human. A large cranium supported its giant mouth that held rows of jagged, sharp fangs. It had no eyes whatsoever, and was making odd clicking noises as it 'observed' the screens. The creatures body was that similar to a cheetah, if a cheetah could stand on its hind legs and be covered in scales that is. A long, slender tail dragged a heavy, spiked ball on its tip.
Upon glimpsing this horrid creature, the man let out a mix of a sob and a yelp. The thing jolted from its position, clicking loudly, a long tongue drooled a slimy liquid, and it's head faced the man with alertness. It growled, and let out a piercing shriek, so loud the man had to cover his ears, and run away blindly. He heard the creature pound behind him. It was chasing him. And soon it would outrun him. The man saw a set of snow white stairs ahead, and raced up them as fast as his legs would go. More pods. He couldn't help looking into the pods at this point. But when he looked in, the man leaned over to the side and had to vomit. Laying inside, in a peaceful slumber, was his daughter, and next to her was his wife. They were both covered in the same substance the man had been covered in. He pounded on the pod
to his wife, and screamed.
"Honey! Can you hear me? Speak to me! Come back!" The tears ran down his face, causing the man to crumple on the pod. He couldn't reach her. He heard the clicking sounds again, this time it was right beside his ear, and he turned to face the creature once more. The man let out an inaudible cry as the lizard-like thing took him by the neck. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw another creature, similar to the one that was grasping him. It spoke through clicks, though the man could still understand it.
"Fool! Inject the medicine, do not kill him, he is still alive! Send him to sleep!" The one that spoke this brought out a metal syringe, and pushed past the other. The other creature let out a grumble, but watched as the syringe got injected into the man's neck. The man blinked repeatedly, and felt his vision start to go black, as he was placed in an oval pod, alike all the others, wrapped in spiderweb substance, and trapped.
The man woke up, thrashing in bed. A calm, cool hand gingerly consoled him to stop moving, followed by a sweet, yet worried voice.
"Are you all right, dear?" His wife asked in a whisper. The man wiped sweat from his brow, gazed at his wife, and spoke shakily.
"Yes, it was just a nightmare."