Travis Sherman had it made. He had just finished high school, with all honors, and his mom had just bought him a new car to celebrate. He was one of the most popular guys in school, the ace of the school basketball team, and had colleges offering him scholarships. His childhood crush looked like she was starting to like him too as well. Everything looked like it was going in Travis’s favor, until the day the college semester began.
“Travis, pass me the rolls.”
Travis put down his fork and handed his little sister, Mary, the plate of rolls. “Here ya go.”
Mary took two rolls from the plate and picked up her knife. Travis’s mom took a spoonful of soup from the bowl and slurped it. “So, your first day of college is tomorrow. Are you prepared?”
“Yes Mom! I am!”
“You have your books in your backpack?”
“Pens and pencils?”
“Yes and yes!”
Travis’s mom grinned. “That’s my boy. Your father would be proud to see you go off to college. Too bad he was just a tad short…”
Travis’s mom gazed off into the distance, her eyes watering up. Before Travis could respond, his little brother, Jared, spoke up. “It was too bad he died in a car accident a year ago, but do you think he would still want us to mourn for him after so long? Knowing him, he would want us to be happy and live the rest of our lives. He would feel guilty he caused you so much pain.”
Travis put his spoon in his soup and gulped down a spoonful. Soon, he stood up. “Well, I’m gonna head to my room for some last minute anime watching. I have to finish just three more episodes before tomorrow.”
Mary snickered. “That’s all you do Travis! If Natalie knew what you were doing, she would probably dump you in a second!”
Travis turned back and faced Mary. “W—we’re not dating!”
Mary burst into laughter. “Just wait Travis! I’ll be sure to tell her when you officially introduce her to us.”
Everyone started laughing, with the exception of Travis. Travis turned bright red and dashed up the stairs. “Shut up Mary!”
Travis closed the door to his room and turned on his laptop. Going to his bookmarks, Travis clicked on the link and started watching the anime.
The anime was just finishing up when Travis heard a knock on the door. “Come in.”
The door opened, revealing Travis’s mom. “Just wanted to let you know I’m taking Mary to her karate practice tonight. You want to come?”
“Not this time Mom. I was just thinking about watching TV or something for the rest of the night. It’s my last night to laze around after all.”
Travis’s mom smiled slightly and started closing the door. Just remember, you can’t have that attitude when college starts.”
“I know mom!”
“Okay. We’ll be off. Jared is coming with us as well. If we’re not back by the time you go to bed, just want to say good night and good luck tomorrow.”
“Thanks Mom. See you tomorrow.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too.”
Travis’s mom closed the door. Travis finished the remainder of the episode and closed his laptop. After a few hours watching TV, Travis brushed his teeth and went to sleep.
The alarm pierced the silence. Travis flinched his arm and hit his alarm clock, silencing it. Getting up and stretching, Travis stepped out of bed and yawned. “Well…today’s the day college begins…”
Travis went to his closet and picked out his outfit for the day. Taking a shower, Travis rushed back into his room and made sure he had everything in his backpack. Soon, Travis was downstairs eating a quick breakfast. Travis’s mom came out of her room, wearing a robe. “So today’s the big day.”
“Everything ready?”
“Yup, just double checked.”
Travis’s mom smiled. “I’m so proud of you Travis.”
Travis had just taken the final bite of his breakfast. “Thanks mom.”
Rinsing his dishes, Travis slipped on his shoes and put his wallet and phone in his pockets. Taking his keys from the counter, Travis walked over to the door. “I’m going to talk to the coach after classes so he can tell me when practices are. I’ll be a few minutes later then.”
“Okay Travis. See you later! Love you!”
“Love you too!”
Travis dashed out of the house and into his car. Travis was soon driving down the road to college. Parking in the closest available spot, Travis took his backpack from his car and started walking toward the university buildings. “Okay…my first class is in…B 214…” Soon, Travis was walking into the classroom and sitting down. A ragged old man soon walked into the room, clearing his throat. “Alright everyone. I’m going to be your professor for basic math this semester. I hope you are prepared to learn everything you can to help better yourselves, and society as well.” Soon, the professor started rambling about the syllabus. Eventually, the teacher looked at the clock. “Alright everyone, that covers the syllabus. On Wednesday we’ll be covering chapter one, so be sure to brush up on it before then.”
Travis dashed out the door and looked at his schedule again. “Alright, C 108. Just gotta get through this, talk to coach, and get out of here!”
Soon, Travis had suffered through that class as well. After walking to the athletic department and talking to the coach, Travis rushed to his car and drove his way home. Taking the key out of the ignition, Travis grabbed his backpack and walked up to the front door, to see that it was slightly cracked. I wonder why Mom has it cracked like that. Opening the door, Travis shouted, “I’m home Mom!” There was no response, just an eerie silence. “Mom? You here?”
Walking forward, Travis looked into the kitchen and towards the living room, not to see her. “Mom!”
Walking along the path to her bedroom, Travis started smelling a smell he hadn’t smelt since his dad had died. “Is that…blood?!”
Charging into his mom’s room, Travis looked around. Travis gasped when he found her. With a pool of blood around her, Travis’s mom lay on the floor, motionless. “Mom!”
Running forward, kneeled by her and felt her pulse, only to find nothing. “Mom…MOM!”
Travis started crying, harder than any time he had in the past. I—I gotta call the police!
Travis stood up and took his cell phone out when he heard something behind him. Looking back he saw a masked man charge him, knocking him to the ground. Travis’s phone slid away from him. As Travis was about to shove the man off of him, The man hit Travis’s head with the butt of a handgun, knocking him unconscious.
When Travis awoke, he was lying in a hospital bed. “Where…am I?”
Looking around, Travis saw a police officer sitting on a chair, staring at Travis. “Ah, you’re finally awake.”
“Who are you?”
“Officer Jerry Holmes. I’m here to make sure you don’t escape.”
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t give me that crap. You know what I’m talking about?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“You killed your own mother idiot! I’m here to make sure you don’t escape custody!”
“Y—you think I killed my own mom?!” Travis’s eyes started welling with tears. “I didn’t do a thing to her! I was the one who discovered her body!”
“Just save it for the judge. You’ll be out by the end of the day. Enjoy your last few hours of comfort while you still have it. Things are going to be very different for you in prison.”
But…I didn’t kill her!