The wind crackles like a whip, as fat rain drops splatter on the concrete. Horns blared on the streets and footsteps rushed. A child was wailing about how he didn't want to get wet a few strides to my right. People shouted as they flung me aside, before proceeding to thud into another person. Stupid Humans. Can't they sense the people around them? They have a thing called sight, after all.
This why I don't like cities on earth, everything is noise. Crowds chattering, tires screeching on the road and just why does my apartment complex allow those barking beasts? Some earthlings say they know "quiet." Heh. They don't even come close to knowing the bliss of silence, because on earth silence isn't a possibility.
Even if you are alone in a room, there is still the creaking of floorboards from the neighbors upstairs. There are still children screeching and giggling, when playing outside. Hundreds of animals are always on the move, if not more. The scuttering of insects are still present and rain still creates an ongoing rhythm. Splat, splat, splat..!
My father said Earth was beautiful. Now I'm beginning to think his sense of beauty is warped. Well... he was an insight so the experience may have been different. But really. It's all a bunch of noise to me.