Both were having issues with boys and love and etc. It even caused "mental and emotional" tiredness to one of them. The other would post lonely and wishful things on their spam constantly. And then when she actually got a BF, a day later she posted about wishing for someone--- basically a man. And she just got one. She's all good about it now. It's just, these underclassmen are putting so much focus and energy into relationships that they are suffering. Themselves and their grades. Their suffering grades only made their parents mad which, added more stress. They don't know how to communicate. They think too much because they won't communicate. They are causing so much unnessecsary stress onto themselves. It's painful to follow, knowing that nothing will change until they develop or realize something. And it'll only get harder for them especially as they get into Junior and Senior year. I get that it'd be nice to be in a relationship but, freshman year isn't the best time in my own personal opinion. I have a part of friends who dated freshman year, they broke up after a few months, both dated a few other people. But late junior year they got back together and now halfway though senior year, they are going strong. To me that just proves that there can be a difference and that for these two.... It's something they need to realize as unimportant at this time. If this little issue means so much to them now, how are they going to survive AP courses, college applications, job interviews, everything beyond our little High school campus. These high stress levels, wilm only become worst when they relaize how much more they have to do. It's frustrating because, there's nothing that'll get into their stressed out minds.
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