No Plagiarism!8to9UzdNB0VjQD7IBhAGposted on PENANA Once upon a time, there was a girl named Honig Mütze. She was half African, half Chinese, with green eyes, red curly hair and white skin,I’ll let you imagine what she looks like by your own imagination. She wasn’t like the others students at her school, yes she goes to school, she is only 15. Her friends were all rich and had everything they want ; their house were as big as hotels, Prada, Louis Vuitton bags everywhere, they were spoiled kids. Honig, was living in the forest, by herself. She never met her parents or any member of her family. No one knows why, not even her. She was never old enough to try to understand it by herself, but she made a promise to herself that when she’ll be 16, she will start looking for answers. Until one day came, her birthday, she finally was 16, which would mean she would start exploring more the world. 22 of November, Christmas arrived, her school was on holidays for 2 weeks, so Honig had plenty of time to go out and start asking questions. It was 6p.m. when she decided to finally go out on her own in this scary forest. She grabbed her jacket, put it on, and got out of her house. After walking for 7km, the sky started to become dark, she was beginning to feel dizzy and tired. She focused one second on where she was but didn’t recognize anything at all.