Billy came back to home and he still was crying on his bed. Something in the sky was coming to his house. Billy heard something and he stop crying. He was absolutely positive that it's the sound of UFO. And alien appear on his eye, it's look like sphere. He can not speak but he can use telepathy to communicate with Billy. At this moment Billy is very shocked in this situation. The alien introduce himself, his name is No.13. He came to here because his mission is he don't want to see other people upset. Billy asked him "Can we be a friend? I don't have any friend." "Sure! I will make you happy" No.13 said. Next morning before Billy go to school No.13 give the special gloves to him and he say "Who make you cry, you use this and punch him on his face " Billy accept and ran to the school. Linux see Billy and his weird gloves "What is that? It is the alien's gloves?" Linux said and he laugh. Billy punch on Linux's face with his gloves. Linux blown out of the school. And Billy called his friend to kidnap him. Linux say sorry with Billy. No.13 and Billy are satisfy. Linux do not bully other anymore and he start to study about astronomy.