The bell rings for lunch break and everyone gets up to go to the cafeteria or grab their lunches, but I head to the roof.
Each step echoes in time.
One. Two. Three. Four.
One. Two. Three. Four.
I find myself counting the beat.
When I get to the stairs, I decide to count in ¾ time.
I notice that each time I count one, I start on the opposite foot that I did the last time.
It annoys me enough that I go back to 4/4 time.
I reach the door to the roof.
On the door there is an old, and worn out sign, prohibiting access to there. It’s supposed to be locked but it hasn’t been for a long time. At least since before I came here.
Everyone else is too afraid or dismissive to check on it anyway.
I find a spot in the corner between the room that I just came out of and an old, unused generator. I lay down and pull out my phone to listen to some music and meditate for a little bit, humming along with the chorus.
I wonder if anyone knows that i’m here.
I can’t be the only one that knows about this place. Maybe someone else comes here too. If there is, I haven’t ever seen them at all. Maybe they come here before or after school.
It’s just a hunch though.
I focus back in on my music and watch the sky, and the clouds covering most of it. It’s rather dark today. I wonder if anyone else is noticing that too.
I’m pretty sure that most everyone else are inside right now though.
Maybe I should see if there is anyone else out here. I’m pretty lonely as I am now.
I’m too socially awkward.
Just focus on the damn music…