He always awoke early so as to catch these moments, when she was still asleep and was in a state of pure peace. Her hair flowed like water over the pillow and her breathing was soft. When he lent in close he could smell her skin, the left 8over perfume from the night before lingering sweetly.
She stirred a little turning so that the bed sheet moved slightly exposing the rise of her breasts. He ran his finger lightly across there curve and she opened her eyes.
"What time is it" she asked reaching for her phone.
"Shit it's nearly half nine. Luke will be home soon. I have to go baby" She leant over and kissed him.
She was the girl he loved.
Half an hour later she was gone. He lay in bed looking at the dent in her pillow where less than hour ago her head had rested. Life sucked he decided as he got up to begin his day.