"I'm so glad it's Thanksgiving break! No school, no homework, and no idiotic, annoying boys. Life is good." Caroline says as she stretches her arms out in front of her.
I smile. "I plan on taking it easy this week. I'll probably just watch movies, read and rake leaves while gaining weight from eating pumpkin pie." As we walk, I kick up a burst of red and gold leaves with my foot. "Hey, do you wanna stop for some cider before we go to your house?"
"Sure, why not? I'm always up for cider."
"Race you!" I speed off before she can get a head start, but pretty soon we're neck and neck. Dashing down the street, we run to a stop at my house, her blonde head beating me by a few seconds.
"Man you're fast!" I say, catching my breath.
"Well so are you." She gives me a wink and opens the front door.
After grabbing some hot cider, Caroline picks up my brother's skateboard and rolls it out onto the devoid street.
"Come on, go grab the other one."
"You know I can't skateboard Cari. I'll just break something important."
"Ah come on, have some faith. I'll teach you."
"Fine." I mumble defeatedly. Picking up the board, I drop it down next to Caroline's, waiting for instruction.
"Ok, so place your feet side by side on the board, lean to turn and use your foot to get more speed or to stop. Like this," She does a little demonstration for me before asking me to try.
"Here goes." I mentally cross my fingers and slowly glide forward and practice making a few turns. Happy I didn't fall, Caroline declares me ready enough for long distance travel.
We skate our way through the neighborhood until we reach the turn going to her house. Feeling more confidant on my skateboard, I speed up to catch up with Caroline, but I end up going too fast on the turn and I hit the curb and skid off the board. Cringing, I gingerly stand up as Caroline rushes towards me asking me if I'm hurt. I check my legs and find I mostly just have cuts and scrapes. Sadly, as I apply pressure to my leg, a spark of pain singes my calf and I carefully roll up the bottom of my jeans to find I badly skinned my upper ankle.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I should've just had us walk. I'm so sorry Ella," She remarks. "Here, let me help you to the house, I'll have my mom take a look at it."
"Thanks Cari." I tell her with appreciation.
We limp slowly into her house.
After her mom inspects the damage and sends me off with some Neosporin and a large bandage, Cari and I head off to the living room to start our friday night movie marathon.
After some the first half of Pride and Prejudice, the both of us are sitting on the floor, Cari hugging a pillow silently mouthing Mr. Darcy's lines to Lizzy and me laying on my stomach wide eyed and eating a handful of buttery popcorn.
"Admit it! You love him!" Caroline shouts at the actor playing Lizzy. I start to giggle and toss some popcorn at her playfully and soon we are up and having a mild pillow fight with the sofa cushions. Careful to not make too much noise, we clean up our mess and run upstairs to her bedroom.
"So, anything new with you and Luke?"
"Um... we broke up."
"What?!" Cari asks incredulously.
"To be clear, I broke up with him. It just wasn't working out; he was always too busy with basketball practices and spending time out with his friends. I don't think he even genuinely liked me."
"Alright, I'll give you some cudos for at least making it a clean break. You're too sweet and cute for him."
Rolling my eyes and smiling I say, "Thanks," I pause. "I think we should head off to sleep now."
"Aww fine." She takes up residence in her bed while I get comfy on the floor on the makeshift bed we made.