STEPHEN AMELL: Tristen Forrest972Please respect copyright.PENANARgJXhEO6Wa972Please respect copyright.PENANA4PmkLXEnh0
TOREY DEVITTO: Jessica Hayne972Please respect copyright.PENANANDUMd4c08Z972Please respect copyright.PENANA3Atg4CkuxB
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The days of war had fallen on the Alliance of Freedom during the days Tristen Forrest was a mere boy. He was only 16 then, still working with his farther on their small farm on one of the harshest planets known to man.
Now, here he was, only two years later, fighting in that same war, much to his dismay. He wasn’t a fighter. Even on his harsh home world, he had not found the skill or the will to fight for himself. He was nearly killed every day because he didn’t fight.
Now he was asked to defend his home world Beowulf. He answered yes, only to please his father. He was tired of disappointing him with his softer ways.
His five other brothers were strong men. They had long gotten off the harsh world Beowulf. Most however stabbed their father in the back in doing so, joining the other government branches of the human race. There was not one that walked in their father’s footsteps under the Alliance of Freedom, except Tristen.
He wished that he had run to another government now. The war between the Earth Republic and the Alliance of Freedom was brutal. Many men wound up dead in the war, on his side.
How I wish I had said no now. Look at me. I was not made for this. All the men around me are killing someone and I’m merely shooting in thin air. Is it really my place to be here in this war? He thought to himself as he stood on the battlefield, stumbling around.
He continues forward with the men all around him. He seemed smaller than they, though he was of greater height than most. It was their fearlessness to charge forward towards death that had made him feel insufficient.
So he takes his gun and starts to aim when he hears the sound of many men’s death. The Rager Tank was on the field now.
Tristen turns his head backwards seeing the goliath of a machine, floating off the ground about a foot. He then realized that he was going to die. He was going to die like so many others before him, before he even got to live his life.
Tristen runs ahead for his dear precious life. As he does, he trips on a rock falling forward. He attempts to get up but wisely chooses to stay on the ground lying on his stomach. He waits for about five minutes, feeling the hover engines vibrate his back.
Tristen gets up as soon as it was over him. That was the worst thing he could have done. He saw the bodies of those crunched by the tanks forward armor. They lay on the battlefield, in both uniform types. Those of the Alliance were dead, those of the Republic, dead.
The horrors of war burned into his mind. Upon seeing that no life mattered in this war, he knew it was time to go. He just couldn’t bring himself to do it. He was such a disappointment to his father all these years. He might as well fight it out.
Tristen grabs his gun and symbolically pulls up his pants. He charges towards an army of men running at him. He slows down realizing that he was but one man against an entire army.
The army ahead of him fire their weapons, only not at him. He brings his arms down from protecting his face. He sees that everyone is going around him, as if he wasn’t even there.
He picks up his dropped gun then starts firing at the men coming for his allies. Tristen, being a terrible shot, completely missed everything and everyone. He kept at it though. He thought it be best that they run in fear of a man with no talent than a man who was afraid to even pull a trigger.
He kept this attack pattern until he was finally spotted by some men. They started to shoot at him. In a panic, Tristen dives for a rock. He crawls behind it hiding as they blast up the rock.
The firing stops finally and he catches his breath. He wonders what has happened that they didn’t want to kill him anymore. He decides to look over the rock and he sees something magnificent.
A gorgeous beauty, dressed in red and black armor, hanging from a grapple line, shooting into enemy lines with no fear. She swung back and forth, dodging the laser blasts of the enemy weapons, but never missing a shot.
The entire front line was leveled by one woman in a matter to two minutes or less. The second line moving forward quickly breaks apart to make it more difficult for her to take them on. This matters not to her.
She barks orders at men below, and they run one way and she the flies the other way. Her gun blazes as she gets farther and farther from the eyesight of Tristen. He can still see the beams light and hear the sounds of the weapon blasting.
Tristen was truly impressed. He stopped looking from around the rock and wondered what made him so special when he himself could do nothing without others protecting him.
He was on the battlefield for the first time in his life yet he still needed an entire army around him to protect him. He could only feel worthless around brave men and women who were more than willing to lay down their lives for others.
So Tristen sighed then laid back against the rock. He reloaded his weapon as quickly as he could then looked over the rock. He saw his target. A small group of men were walking through the large hole the second wave had created by splitting up.
Tristen charges at the men coming for the small line of defense that was not paying attention. His yell captures the attention of the small line of defense. They prepare themselves watching the single man run to his fateful end.
Not a single one of them decided it would be a good idea to tell him to come back. They needed time to ready their weapons. His meat would have to protect theirs.
Tristen fires his gun completely missing his targets. They in turn ignore him. They get closer and closer… Tristen reloads his weapon once more. He fires this time hitting a gut. The man flies back, dead, the first of Tristen’s kills.
As soon as this happens, they look at him. Tristen’s eyes falls on the men charging forward. They finally saw him. They finally saw a threat. They all pointed their weapons at him.
Tristen drops his weapon and runs the opposite direction in fear. The trips on a rock and the energy blasts fly over him. He gets up seeing is allies coming towards him firing at the enemy behind him that missed.
Tristen stumbles trying to get behind his allies so they would protect him. The opposite happened. He was grabbed and pushed forward with them. A gun was handed to him and he couldn’t find a way to escape.
Fear of death took over. He smashes the butt of the gun into the man on his side. The man stumbles forward in pain and is shot down. Tristen escapes running westbound as his allies run north.
He listens to their screams of dismay and death as he continues running, never looking back. Tristen keeps running with all his might trying to find a place to hide. They were all locked on him though. Energy beams flew past him grazing his clothing every so often.
Tristen turns back shooting at them. He continued to miss any kind of target. He turns back towards his running target, a rather large rock that offered great protection and takes off running faster than he ever had before.
Tristen smiles as he sees the rock of hope being closed in on. He grips his weapon closely cheering on the inside.
A grenade lands near him and he stops in his tracks. He starts to run the other direction to get away from the grenade. It releases is deadly explosive energy and Tristen finds himself in the air.
He was still alive, nothing truly broken, until he smashes his head against a rock. He rolls of the same rock that offered him hope and drowns into deep unconsciousness.
… … … … … …
… … …
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Tristen opens his eyes to clouded vision staring upwards. He was being carried from what he felt. He felt like crap. His entire head ached with intense pain within. It was is fire burned at his skull.
His mind swirled around within itself. He couldn’t focus on anything. His blurred vision, coupled with a headache that would make anyone want to bash their head with a hammer and the constant ringing in his ears only made him unable to focus.
Through it all, he saw the face he promised he would never forget. There she was, the woman warrior, as gorgeous as she was dangerous with a weapon.
She stood over him looking at one of the men helping carry him around. He focused on her voice to try and cut through his still clouded hearing.
“How bad is he?” she asked. “He is pretty bad condition. His head smashed against the rock we found him at. There were some guys behind the rock. They heard a cracking noise. We believe he cracked his skull. He’s got the dent in his head to prove. Somehow, this guy is still alive though.” The officer reported to her.
“I want him to get the best care we can give him. We need every man we have on the battlefield, broken or not. This one has something special about him if can survive a force strong enough to bash his head against a rock.” She tells the officer.
“Captain Parr… this might be brain damaged. We can’t send him on the battlefield if that is so.” The officer says.
Tristen’s eyes weren’t opened wide at all. He was beginning to realize this himself. The light hurt his eyes. He was screening most of it out by having his eyes nearly closed. But he saw her, he saw he smile at him. It was sweet and caring.
She stroked through his hair as she smiled at him. “I don’t think this one won’t be on the battlefield. Make sure he gets the best attention we can give him.” Captain Parr tells the officer.
Tristen felt himself slipping as they loaded him on a vehicle. He fell into a deep sleep.
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Tristen awoke in a medical bed patched up. He was connected to all sorts of machines. He blinked a few times adjusting to the lights. Through the blinding light he saw a doctor and the warrior woman.
It took him a few moments before he could hear them. His eyes were never taken off the woman across from him though. She was keenly interested in what the doctor was saying however.
It took a second before it came to him the doctor wasn’t talking to him. Finally, the doctor turned his attention to the conscious man.
“How are you doing Mr. Forrest?” he asked Tristen. “I feel like dirt right about now.” Tristen says. “Cognitive functions and speech seem normal.” The doctor tells himself.
Tristen hears beating in his ears. He makes a few disturbed faces that finally wince into pain by the beating sound. Captain Parr watches his facial expressions closely. She taps on the doctor writing his self-notation.
“Doc.” She tells him. The Doctor looks up from his N-Pad. He grabs Tristen by his shoulder shouting at him to get through to him. Finally Tristen comes to.
“What is that beating noise?!” Tristen yells at the doctor. The doctor tilts his head slightly. He had no idea what in the world Tristen was talking about from what he observed.
“There is no beating noise Mr. Forrest.” The doctor tells him with a very confused look. “Of course there is. It’s coming from over there! AHHH! Now it’s scratching!” Tristen yells holding his ears.
Captain Parr looks at the direction Tristen’s finger was pointing. She walks to the area and sees the culprit, a small fly scratching at its feet. She looks towards the doctor.
“It’s a fly.” She tells him. The Doctor looks at Tristen with even more confusion. The man was the oddest case he had ever seen. “Mr. Forrest, do you mind concentrating on my voice?” he asks him. “No, why?” Tristen asks. “Just keep you hearing on me.” The doctor says.
Tristen focuses his attention on the doctor. “You’re probably wondering how badly injured you are or were. Things were pretty bad. Though the damage didn’t extend to certain portions of your brain, the damage is there. Some autonomous functions of your body were damaged. We’ve had to place Nano tech in your brain to make it send relays to keep your heart pumping and your lungs breathing.” The doctor tells him.
“What?” Tristen yells. “That is not the only problem. You have certain other problems that might show up later on. These are things that we can’t identify. We just needed to make sure you would live though. Seem to be some kind of precious to our Captain here.” The doctor says. “I’m not precious.” Tristen says looking down.
“Don’t you say that Mr. Forrest.” Captain Parr tells him, “Every life is worth something. My father taught that. You’re no different Mr. Forrest, contrary to what you may believe. Doc, I think you have everything here.” “I do.”
Captain Parr throws a smile at Tristen as she leaves the room. Tristen looks at the doctor who looks at his eyes. He could tell something was wrong.
“Something wrong Mr. Forrest?” the doctor asked. “Are you having troubles at home?” Tristen asked. “Um, how did you know that?” the doctor asked with interest. “Your face… it told me the story. Now you’re just interested in what I can do.” “Yes I am. Can you see better?” he asks seeming to know what is going on with Tristen.
“Somewhat…actually a lot better. Things are clearer. I can almost see as far as I can see up close. It’s strange. What happened to me doctor?” Tristen asks staring at the doctor. “Something unexplainable. The damage to your brain may have unlocked other potential elsewhere. Impressive.” The doctor responds, “We’ll certainly explore this more. I need you to sign some papers right now though.”
Tristen is handed an N-Pad and photon pen. Tristen looks at the N-Pad with confusion then up at the doctor. The doctor knew something was wrong.
“What is it Mr. Forrest?” he asks. “I can’t read this… I can’t read this… I can’t read this…” Tristen keeps repeating.972Please respect copyright.PENANABhDJy0mkKH