I'm annoyed right now. I love to sit on the windowsill and a blooming big tree is in the way! How can that be possible? All I wanted to do was walking past all you humans and jump back to my favourite spot.
So, I did so. And in the process, caused everyone to scream and curse at each other as they tried to shoo me out of the room. I wanted no harm, only to sleep. I should have guessed that my spot was going to be blocked, when those tall boxes housing decorations for a tree came down from the loft. Alas, I had just porked out on two plates of food and chased a squirrel along the wall. Who ever could have known that animals move fast?
I start to meow, the owners pay me no attention. Well, only the youngest one. I like to sleep on her winter blankets and take up space. But she doesn't seem to mind... at least, I hope that's the case. She comes along and pats me on the head, mentions the word 'treats' and leaves the room in search of them.
I'm not hungry you stupid human! All I want is to jump onto the windowsill, stare outside into the big, wide world and eventually fall asleep before the day is done. I meow again to no avail. I have to crawl under this stinky Christmas tree, already covered in decorations to get to where I want to be.
I move quickly, not fast enough however as a big shout of my name pulls me away from my pleasant daydreams. I feel a human's hand, try to yank me free from my spot but I growl back. Slowly, I begin to build up my jump. By now, the youngest human is sent to crawl under the tree and pull me out with treats. I won't go!
After feeling enough strength, I make my leap upwards, like I have wings and can fly towards the windowsill. But with a slight touch on my back leg, I find myself wobbling a little and losing balance. There's a shrilling scream as I don't catch myself in time and fall back into the tree itself, the force of my fall knocking the baubles, fairy lights and chocolates everywhere.
I finally open my eyes a little, the youngest human is in shock and nursing her hand. I must have squashed it or cut her or something. I don't know, the other two look furious as they try to steady the tree and clean up the mess. I meow again and crawl behind the sofa. This is where I stay, for what feels like hours until snores tickle my eardrums.
All the humans have fallen asleep. So, that is my cue to leave and avoid getting yelled at again. Crawling out, looking around once, I leave through the open door and notice some roast chicken left on the floor on my sister's plate. Don't mind if I do thank you!