Harry was stunned. He had no words. He couldn't even scream. The corpse of Draco Malfoy, the man he loved, lay at his feet, struck down by Voldemort. He wasn't the only surprised one - Bellatrix's mouth was agape, Hagrid had the same what-just-happened look, and all was quiet, aside from Narcissa Malfoy's sobbing. The woman knelt over the body of her son, weeping as she held his stone-cold face that was stuck in time. The tears were still shining on his face, his eyes shut tightly. Though his face had relaxed now, there was no doubt that he had been crying as he ran in.
"How unexpected." Voldemort twirled his wand in between his fingers. Harry could barely hear him through his own thoughts, which were beating on themselves. Why was Draco here? Why did he do that? He's not really dead, right? RIGHT? PLEASE?! Harry's face filled with tears, and he let them flow. He crawled over to Draco's body, placing his hand on his heart. Nothing. He felt nothing. Draco Malfoy was dead.
"As I was saying," Voldemort continued, obviously unaffected by the tragic turn of events. "Harry Potter, the boy who lived. Come to die." Harry's emerald eyes angrily burned at Voldemort, hating every part, every cell of the being that was Voldemort. The anger surged through his blood like a raging fire, pumping adrenaline through his veins. Harry yelled out angrily, as Voldemort sent his final doom upon Harry.
"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Harry felt his world go black in an instant.
Harry lay in nothing. Slowly coming to his senses, and thankfully wishing clothes upon himself, he was able to see what was around him. Or, at least, the lack of. Harry squinted through the mist, noticing something small had concealed itself within it. As soon as he saw what it was, he recoiled back, afraid of the being that was there. And yet, he felt the urge to comfort it, help it somehow.
"You cannot help." Albus Dumbledore walked towards him with leisure. "And I would not advise that either. That is the part of Voldemort that was within you. It has died now."
"W-Wait," Harry said, trying to process this. "but you're dead."
"Then I'm dead?"
"Not quite." Dumbledore stroked his long, silvery beard.
"But...But I let him kill me! Voldemort, I mean."
"Ah," said Dumbledore. "and I think that has made all the difference." There was silence for a moment, until Harry spoke up again.
"Where are we?" he said.
"Well I was going to ask you that," Dumbledore said. "Where do you think we are?" Where did he wish to be? An odd idea planted itself within Harry, and suddenly he was somewhere familiar.
"King's Cross." Dumbledore chuckled, gazing around him. "But, I must digress for a moment, Harry. There is someone you must see." They walked a little, and Harry noticed the familiar shape of someone sitting on a bench. The blonde hair became apparent, and even his absent, grey eyes were a welcome. Harry broke into a run, catching the boy's attention.
"Harry!" he said, astonished.
"Draco!" Harry ran into him, embracing him in a tight hug. "I thought you were-"
"Oh, but I am," Draco said. "But why are you...?"
"Voldemort," Harry explained simply. He looked back to Dumbledore. "What happens now?" Dumbledore stroked his beard.
"What indeed," he said. "I suppose you have a choice, Harry. A choice to stay here with Draco or to go back to the world of the living." Harry let go of Draco, still holding his hand. Draco nodded.
"Go back," he said. "You need to save them." Harry shook his head slowly. "But I couldn't. How could I ever live without you?"
"I think it's more important that the world is saved, Harry."
"I can't leave you,"
"You must,"
"I won't." Harry said firmly, grabbing both of Draco's hands tightly. "Sorry, Professor." he added, frowning at Dumbledore.
"You need not apologize, Harry. I'm sure that the world can take care of itself. Miracles are never impossible." Harry smiled and nodded, not letting go of Draco's hand.
"You don't have to stay," Draco said, shaking his head. "after all, the world needs its Chosen One."
"There isn't just me," Harry said. "and I did promise you, after all."
"Until the end?"
"Until the end."
Neville Longbottom stared death in the face. More specifically, his red, blazing eyes.
"Avada Kedavra!"
Their wands battled against each other, Voldemort's emitting a string of green energy, and Neville's bursting a red stream. He pushed hard, using all of his will, the fire blazing in his chest to persevere. Suddenly, it was over. Voldemort's wand flew high above his head, and all that was left of him was a shell of a man who had destroyed the lives of many. Neville stood there, stunned and amazed at what he had done. The world was saved. He held the Elder Wand in his hands now, the highest power of any wand. And much to his own surprise, he snapped it in half right then and there. He took one piece, walking towards the ledge, and threw it to the left, and the other to the right. Cheers burst all around him, as the people of Hogwarts rejoiced of their much deserved peace. Neville was hailed as a champion, as nervous and amazed as he was.
And at last, the people of Hogwarts could rest.
Nineteen Years Later
Harry and Draco sat together on the couch, cuddling and enjoying each others presence.
"Have you heard?" Draco said, leaning against Harry's chest. "The Weasely's are taking their kids to Hogwarts today."
"That time already?" Harry said. "Wow, the years go by quickly. Want to go watch again?"
"Of course," Draco said, stretching his back out. "We should be off, it's almost eleven." Harry took Draco's palm in his own, and the two flew across the skies together, the mystic views of the world as breathtaking as always. They came to King's Cross Station, and flew through the walls, glancing to see if they were on the correct platform. Sure enough, the platform nine and ten were there, as always, waiting for new and old witches and wizards to dash through it.
"Come on, Rose, Hugo, we'll miss the train!" Hermione ushered her children along, Ron at her heels. "Oh, I knew we should have left earlier! Ronald Weasely, I swear if we miss that train..."
"Relax, Hermione! The platform's right there!"
"Then let's go!" she said urgently, holding Rose's hand and slipping into platform nine and three quarters. Ron and Hugo followed seconds after. Harry and Draco smiled to themselves, flying in after them.
"Is that all of your luggage? Alright...I love you, honey." Hermione gave Hugo a tight squeeze.
"Come on, Ted, the train's about to leave!" Ginny said.
"I'm coming," Teddy Lupin could barely keep up after her, his turquoise hair bobbing as he went.
"Grown up quite a bit, haven't we?" Hermione commented upon noticing him.
"They made me prefect now, Mrs. Weasely." Teddy winked, showing her his badge as he stepped aboard the train.
"Hufflepuff will never know what they have coming." She chuckled, taking Ron's hand in her own. Harry and Draco couldn't help but grin as they watched everyone board.
"She's right - that Teddy has become quite the lad," Draco said, pointing over at the young boy who had now found a seat beside a cute-looking girl.
"Before we know it he'll be out of Hogwarts and out into the world." Harry shook his head in disbelief. "I can't believe it's been nineteen years already.
"Don't worry, Harry." Draco said. "You know that we'll be there with them every step of the way."
"Of course we will," he agreed. "until the end."
"Until the end."