I'm one of many people who daydream a lot when not writing or doing something that doesn't cost much concentration. So my special place can be practically everywhere. (As long as I feel comfortable.)
I've noticed lately that I do a lot of thinking when I'm hiking in the Swiss alps. Enjoying the nature, the weather and the whole trail from the valley up to the peak and back down. (I am one of very few people in my age who loves hiking and nature.) Suddenly out of the blue an idea emerges or a certain thought that was been on my mind lately or longer. With a problem or a philosophical question I try finding a solution. With an idea or inspiration I play with it from something small to something great, to a new story or add it to another that I'm writing. Otherwise just talk to myself in my head and enjoy the environment.
There is another place, well not exactly a place but time. When I'm a bit under pressure from school with tests and exams. Right somewhere in between comes the best ideas ever! No it can't come before or in the vacation when I'm not hiking. Oh well, that's life I guess. Luckily in school I always have with me a A4 size notebook for works, tasks and lastly those spontaneous ideas for stories. In English I'm underchallenged due to my personal history with schools and languages. (I'm only half Swiss, the other half is German. No one in my family, no matter which side, is English speaking. Not British, Scottish, Irish, American or even Austrailian. NONE!) So during English lessons I write further on my stories if I can or read an English book.
And last but not least is my bedroom. It's cosy and small. On my desk or couch (from IKEA), on the laptop (Apple MacBook Pro) While listening to music, I type the words thus stories to save and publish, here in Penana, FanFiction and FictionPress.
Otherwise it happens once here then there. It comes and goes, I also had it once in a muesum. So it's connected with what I see, I watch at things very carefully (similar how Sherlock Holmes does it without the magnifying glass). See things that others don't see or over saw (the details!).
Those three so called "special places" are where I get the strongest impulses, ideas, inspirations or what ever you writers call it!
Cheers on you all! ^.^