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    I'm here to enter contests and maybe a few collaborations, my favorite genres are sci-fi, fantasy and horror, not the stupid let's go check out what's in the old house with a sign that says keep out horror. But with a twisted creativity that says I will hunt you down until you tire out, drag you by your feet into an old fisherman's boat, and pull your arm off. Sharpen the bone with your forearm bone and repeatedly stab you on your limbs so you'll feel real pain before I take the final shot at your head. That kind of horror.
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Penana's top warriors of a story

Even in a relatively tight-knit community like Penana, it's difficult to find good stories to read—not because there aren't any good ones, but because we just don't know where to start. We have taken it upon ourselves to review stories that have especially stood out to us, as an archive of sorts to refer to if anyone is looking for something specific.

We do plan on ranking stories every once in a while, but this is more for fun than anything else.

»A note from Aretice: It is not my intention to separate "good" works from "bad." I simply want to acknowledge stories that I think many others will enjoy, and I think Comrade will agree with me.«

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