Vilo walked into the room to find Thea Blackmoore lying on her bed, completely passed out. The festival that night had been loud, large, and long, and with Thea the center of attention, everyone was vying for her hand in marriage, which Vilo was sure was in the least interest of Thea.
Thea stirred then groaned, slowly waking up, the noise a reminder to Vilo of why she was in Thea's room in the first place, to light a few lamps and get the fire started.
"Hey Vilo," Thea mumbled, "isn't it nice to see you."
"You're tired, Thea, get more sleep." Vilo told her annoying friend and owner, well, that's the best word Vilo could think of, she was more like a maid who got paid by the Blackmoore family in food, shelter, and education, which was a lot better than most people got.
It was 2119, and the whole world was lit by candles and worked by people like Vilo. The Blackmoore family was the royal family in Cascadia, and Thea would one day rule a country, a country run by her, but worked by people.
"I've slept enough," Thea's voice broke through Vilo' s thoughts, "let's go do something fun. Like biking."
"Bike where?" Vilo crossed her arms and tried to look important.
"Wildwood," Thea quickly responded.
"First, no way, too dangerous, second, do you remember last night?!"
"Yeah, big party, lots of drink idiots thinking they were worthy of my non-existent love. They don't have a chance with me, and they wouldn't even know why."
"Are you still caught up with that? You know your parents might be okay, but the rest of the citizens won't. I thought you decided to try to pretend. Try hard to make it seem natural."
"That's the problem, it's not natural. Guys are weird, and annoying. Plus, I'd rather travel the world."
Vilo burst into laughter. That was a new one. "You, travel the world? You'd have to mutilate your face to keep mobs if people from following you."
"People outside of Cascadia wouldn't know my face if it was staring at them. Plus, I don't want to go anywhere close, I want to cross the ocean."
"Sorry Thea, but no one has crossed the ocean, and no one will. " by now, Thea was up and walking towards the newly lit fire. She sat down on the dark wood floor, letting her body warm. Even to Vilo, Thea was a mystery. Even to Vilo, who had grown up with her, the princess was a complete, and utter mystery.
Thea wanted to explore, but not for the sake of her country, up until now, it was just Cascadia, but now her views had expanded to the world. Vilo left the room, wondering if something important happened at the festival.
Something had happened to Thea. She met someone, a guy her age, named Ev, and a girl named Igg. Ev was a good dancer, and for once, didn't want to win her heart, like all the other dancers, and Igg was a good kisser, but unlike all the other girls Thea had kissed, this one wasn't out of attraction, it was to get rid of the suitors. And damn was it effective.