It was a week before they spoke again or even locked eyes. Draco had stopped showing up to the Great Hall to eat meals and was grabbing what he could from the Kitchen before disappearing to the Room of Requirement. This was his new hideout.813Please respect copyright.PENANA3E7jj9fJYw
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813Please respect copyright.PENANAkaIQIXhHT5
He was delighted that, although the room took the shape of Slytherin colors, it didn't look anything like his room back at Malfoy Manor, which meant it was harder to get nightmares inside. Though, if he thought too hard he'd remember the flames that burned Crabbe to death and the screams that surrounded it.813Please respect copyright.PENANAr4WSL0mxw4
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813Please respect copyright.PENANAI96RfoI7y1
Then he'd remember the feeling of Potter and how he also owed his life to him as well. If he closed his eyes he could still feel the heat of the flames as they licked him and feel the unsatisfied feeling deep in his stomach. He could feel the curve of Potter's spine as he hunched over him wrapping his arms around his chest for safety.813Please respect copyright.PENANAQEEFmQPQiP
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813Please respect copyright.PENANATdT7A8rOrD
He hadn't thought much of it in the moment, but Potter had lost a lot of weight in the past year, though they both had, but still somehow managed to have a rock hard chest. He appeared so scrawny, but he was sure under his shirt was some outline of abs.813Please respect copyright.PENANAbrD3EiVbU1
813Please respect copyright.PENANApm7D7wmNli
813Please respect copyright.PENANAgCQx6GPVPk
He quickly shook his head at the thought; it disgusted him to think what Potter looked like underneath clothes even if it was just his chest. Draco took a harsh bite off the bread. He wasn't exactly sure what was left for him here at Hogwarts. He only came back because of his mother and because he didn't know what else to do.813Please respect copyright.PENANAK6q9XIRjUK
813Please respect copyright.PENANA81M7QLXbeW
813Please respect copyright.PENANAicdcpSEHV3
Perhaps if he had known what it'd be like he wouldn't have returned. He knew though, that no matter what, he wouldn't have been able to take the Malfoy Manor, it was suffocating now. Everything was tainted there.813Please respect copyright.PENANAiBaQio1fUe
813Please respect copyright.PENANAxevvTXdRt0
813Please respect copyright.PENANAAA2pzjW5jZ
He didn't understand how his mother could stand it. Didn't she still hear her sister screaming curses? Or the cries of those being tortured? Wasn't there still the fear that every corner she turned the Dark Lord would randomly appear? The thought made his insides turn and he sat down the bread to remain almost untouched. His appetite came and went in waves nowadays.813Please respect copyright.PENANAaWKtB6qUIX
813Please respect copyright.PENANAqjQv5PWdLb
813Please respect copyright.PENANAXXOqNVkiC9
He thought back to his last conversation with Potter. There were a lot of questions on his mind about that night. He enjoyed thinking about this; it was easier pondering Harry Potter than to think about his past.813Please respect copyright.PENANATek54oqm1u
813Please respect copyright.PENANA7NfFNnhocX
813Please respect copyright.PENANACBupieY0pD
For one, he was curious as to why Potter was wandering the castle so early. And for another why he felt the need to approach him at all. Then, why in Merlin's name did he have to get so pissed off at him for saying he liked dick? Stupid Gryffindor pride, Draco assumed. After all, he said one of his best mates was gay. But, who was his best mate?813Please respect copyright.PENANAobB1rCjs4o
813Please respect copyright.PENANAgi1xZULe5o
813Please respect copyright.PENANAF3ct6spmyR
There was Ron, of course, but he was dating the Muggle-born Hermione Granger. That was common knowledge after they were caught snogging in one of the corridors near Ravenclaw. Then there was Neville, but last he heard he was chasing after Looney Lovegood.813Please respect copyright.PENANAdH7ggzv552
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813Please respect copyright.PENANAltuLvJjP1r
After that Draco wasn't quite sure who Potter called his "best mate". Draco's mind began roaming away from Potter and to his own troubles again. It occurred to Draco that he didn't have a "best mate" and that he never really ever did.813Please respect copyright.PENANAfKY27M601M
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813Please respect copyright.PENANAx2jtXNOjna
He had Crabbe and Goyle, but that was different. They were friends before they could even talk. Their parents had made sure of that. It was an arranged friendship and one that didn't really count. Even now with only Goyle left he only saw him as a bodyguard. And besides, if Goyle really was Draco's friend, Draco decided, he would have questioned him at least once about his strange attitude lately.813Please respect copyright.PENANAe4wyhwp5D5
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813Please respect copyright.PENANAe1vY0PfB7f
Draco had been off. He hardly spoke, not even harsh comments. He kept his head low and just tried to push through the year. He was hardly eating and he never slept anymore. It was only a matter of time before he pushed himself off the deep end.813Please respect copyright.PENANAtPbCMYYEEP
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813Please respect copyright.PENANAnmV3mUfiN2
And Draco Malfoy was beginning to realize, that if he ever got to that point no one would care let alone notice.813Please respect copyright.PENANABZRIkiQl5N
813Please respect copyright.PENANAnSTgdoppVo
813Please respect copyright.PENANA9T0YXRmM0P
Meanwhile, Harry Potter was piling food onto his plate when he decided to finally look up and glance over at the Slytherin table like he did every meal time. Once again he was met by a different Slytherin, a 5th year who had black hair that didn't stand out like the pale blonde he was looking for.813Please respect copyright.PENANAhzYs2FfKUa
813Please respect copyright.PENANA3fUmql9sUy
813Please respect copyright.PENANArPdCp4B0RR
"For the last time Ronald, close your mouth when you eat! You look like a buffoon!" "Mkay," Ron's words were muffled by the food in his mouth. Harry tore his eyes away from the table to face his two friends. He gave a weak smile, but there was an uneasy feeling in his stomach and instead of eating from the large pile of food he placed on his plate, he just poked it.813Please respect copyright.PENANArW2hpdqzRe
813Please respect copyright.PENANAiRfHzo9pWY
813Please respect copyright.PENANATxSbQVgNiU
"And you," Herimone turned to look at Harry with a pointed glance, "stop playing with your food and eat. Merlin. I don't know how on earth I put up with you two." She grumbled before stabbing a piece of chicken with her fork and shoveling it in her mouth.813Please respect copyright.PENANAI4vCH8oNyU
813Please respect copyright.PENANARx32FPLDSo
813Please respect copyright.PENANAafROQ4vnET
Harry only swallowed sitting down his silverware thinking it was best to just not do anything. "You're in a mood," Ron spoke wiping the grease off his mouth with the back of his hand. Hermione rolled her eyes, that was clearly not the right thing to say to her in this moment.813Please respect copyright.PENANArOgkMWJcno
813Please respect copyright.PENANA9A0hpgNoUx
813Please respect copyright.PENANAsARc36wHoe
"Of course I am, Ron! I have told you a million times why! Will you just leave it alone?" "Bloody hell. Okay.." There was a silence in the air before Ron decided he could not leave it alone. "I just don't understand. Why is this such a big deal?"813Please respect copyright.PENANAG57U7M5W0i
813Please respect copyright.PENANAFMEs3V4Wib
813Please respect copyright.PENANAWrNX50Bpdv
Harry sensed a big fight coming and he didn't especially want to be in the middle of it again. He figured it'd pass over like it always did, so he stood up slowly leaving his dinner untouched, and strode out of the Great Hall. His friends were too heated to notice he had left.813Please respect copyright.PENANA1wBKJEcLTp
813Please respect copyright.PENANAETmrLh3svh
813Please respect copyright.PENANAx9BLzzufvt
It turned out even with the war over, things were still determined to not be okay. Hermione and Ron had been arguing for the past few weeks and though it was obvious they were hiding something from him, Harry decided to ignore it. He didn't want to meddle in things he didn't need to meddle in. Besides Hermione had nearly cursed him last he asked why she was in a mood, so he decided to let it go.813Please respect copyright.PENANA5oLmN6SI0P
813Please respect copyright.PENANAH5F9OW0Ri1
813Please respect copyright.PENANAu4nYKwgiT2
For a moment, Harry thought about returning to Gryffindor Tower to retrieve his invisibility cloak so he could avoid the looks everyone were still determined to give him. But, he thought better of it and decided to go to a place he seldom visited anymore.813Please respect copyright.PENANAApAxQXcytn
813Please respect copyright.PENANA5aE0HOoo5a
813Please respect copyright.PENANAEMHXnw7Sco
As he approached the hallway of the Room of Requirement he watched a certain blonde he'd been missing in the Great Hall waltz out. There was a second that passed where Harry hesitated. Malfoy was clearly in a hurry, going the opposite direction to get to the dungeons surely, but Harry missed their playful teasing. That was something that was normal in his life, but yet not even that was happening anymore.813Please respect copyright.PENANAYAK1cbih4h
813Please respect copyright.PENANAaUsnNyNsQm
813Please respect copyright.PENANAytkLjhOmX1
His voice seemed to make up its own mind, because just a second before Malfoy turned the corner and was gone from his sight he shouted, "Malfoy!"813Please respect copyright.PENANAn9XyZhI50s
813Please respect copyright.PENANAEyOHUfXvk3
813Please respect copyright.PENANA8M8e9gEDRh
He only said it once but the call was enough to make Draco stall. He slowly turned around, his shirt was askew and his hair a mess. It was a curious sight to Harry; he wasn't used to seeing him so unorderly. Granted this reminded him of the night only a week ago. His bags under his eyes didn't seem as bad then though as they did now.813Please respect copyright.PENANAdlnPopUKxp
813Please respect copyright.PENANAuZUxFuFIeK
813Please respect copyright.PENANAkxTDP8jIFn
"What do you want now, Potter? Come to call me a homophobe again?" Malfoy gritted his teeth, but showed no other signs of aggression. In fact he seemed too tired to want to fight. Harry was annoyed at the situation. Why couldn't anything be normal in his life anymore?813Please respect copyright.PENANADfNaFSyNHt
813Please respect copyright.PENANAKoSzjqdzpP
813Please respect copyright.PENANAczFKQiNqNG
"No, Malfoy. I was actually coming to the Room of Requirement. But, I see I'm not the only one coming. Get a lot of wanking done in there?" He quirked an eyebrow up at him. The words falling out of his mouth were getting twisted in his mind. He wasn't sure what he was saying, he just wanted them to get back to fighting and he wasn't sure what got them fighting in the first place so he decided to go for what made him uncomfortable.813Please respect copyright.PENANANsK0L1iwPS
813Please respect copyright.PENANACtUgxL6brW
813Please respect copyright.PENANAjwVpyrI11t
Malfoy shifted his weight on his feet debating his response. Harry decided it was best to stop him before he could think of something too clever. "Wait I forgot you don't have a dick to wank."813Please respect copyright.PENANABuzvPHSyeD
813Please respect copyright.PENANAWwlWgGpxDb
813Please respect copyright.PENANAMRMBIj58Cy
Something broke in him and Harry watched his lip twitch a bit before he continued his façade. "Must we really go back over this insult, Potter? We're running in circles, aren't we better than this?"813Please respect copyright.PENANAMa1GP86BSQ
813Please respect copyright.PENANAPac4wT86NX
813Please respect copyright.PENANANNKmbV537c
At some point Harry's body must have decided to start walking because at the end of Draco's question he was only a foot away from him. "I agree.." Harry bit his lip, finally deciding if nothing was normal he must as well screw everything completely up.813Please respect copyright.PENANAJfx2YNWbN4
813Please respect copyright.PENANAMO34pu9WHA
813Please respect copyright.PENANApuYOepNxAX
"Can we try something different, Malfoy? Like.. Instead of insulting each other or trying to curse each other we just.." He trailed off unsure. Malfoy seemed too tired to argue. "Like. I just thought. Maybe.. maybe we could be friends?"813Please respect copyright.PENANAeeZPHkxyc9
813Please respect copyright.PENANAwiQLzvRvDX
813Please respect copyright.PENANAR45KfMGyFE
That seemed to finally waken something inside Malfoy. "I couldn't care less about being friends with a mudblood lover like you, Potter." The teasing was back and somehow things had fallen back into normal. But, for some reason Harry was now disappointed they had.