No Plagiarism!KbXCePqCwbFYt0Pv0moVposted on PENANA Okay so clearly I am not the best at keeping up with, well, anything really. Can't study for long, can't read for long unless I really like the book, can't keep writing the same thing. I was planning on posting a Halloween short story, but then I never wrote one and now I suppose it's too late. Anywho I guess I'll talk about Barnes and Noble books because I was there yesterday. So I got two John Gresn books, Paper Towns and The Fault in our Stars, because John Green is amazing, but then, as I was walking out of the store, I saw The Grimm Brothers Complete Book of Fairy Tales, which I've been dying to read. I was going to borrow it from a library, after I finished read Les Miserables, which I gave up on because I just got bored of reading it, but I just had to buy it. So far it's pretty gruesome compared to the fairy takes we know, but that makes it pretty cool in my opinion. Anyone have any suggestions of what I should read next? I'm running out of books, which is never a good thing.