I felt her eyes on me and I rolled to my side to stare at her. Her hand ran up my side and she took my fingers into her mouth. I watched her with passion lacing my blood and she took one of my claws and raked it across her ample breast. I sucked in my breath as I saw the blood well up. I had only been intimate with her for a month but she fed me every time we made love, which was often. I worried over her health but she just smiled softly.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAbaVksqli88
“Why do you wait Eyal? Do you not need this?” she asked.
599Please respect copyright.PENANABeiq5ljtzK
“Yes but I worry for you is all.” I murmured as I leaned over her.
599Please respect copyright.PENANALYOo4bc4zJ
“How could you hurt me? Shall I make more appear?” she asked.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAkefuVo2ge7
She took my hand and dragged it across her belly. Lust ripped though me as I had a pretty good idea of what she would do. She proceeded to bite into her wrist and presented it to me. I lost my mind as I sank my teeth into her delectable flesh. She groaned loudly as I sucked hard on the wound. I licked at the puncture marks and I felt myself become overwhelmed. She was mindless as I licked and suckled every bit of sweet blood she offered. I had no clue as to how the lovemaking became so intense. She always became hoarse and whimpered as I took in her blood. I could feel her endings as if they were my own and I too ended with intensity. I fell to my back satiated and incredibly lethargic. I looked over at her and she was breathing hard.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAcrCCndrHFO
“Halima?” I asked.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAil8fvNlbdw
“I will return my beautiful lover. I need a bath is all. I am still weeping for you.” She said rising.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAUuYSRoTpON
I watched her leave the bed we shared. Her hair was up but when it was down it came to her hips. I could see the swell of her breast and the curve of her hips. I groaned as my damn lust was stirred again. She looked back at me and smiled softly.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAWRELz9V0tn
“So I did not feed you well enough. I am so sorry my master.” She said purring.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA2WZPi8XfET
“I do not own you Halima!” I said in annoyance.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAhjKgSjsKgZ
“Why do you find my submission to you offensive? I submitted to the Goddess all the time. I fell prostrate before her image and allowed her to fill me. Shall I do the same with my Hebrew master?” she asked huskily.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAovEeOroKIy
Her declarations had me burning and my mind was not responding to my indignation of her words. She lowered herself to the floor and bowed before me. She looked at me with undisguised hunger. I was confused and she crawled forward. She fell upon me and possessed me unlike she had before. She was almost animal like in her intensity as I became breathless. She pierced my neck with my own claws and she licked at the wound. She had never even attempted to taste me as I had her and I was blinded by the inferno. I cried out as the bliss consumed us and I fell into a leaden sleep. It felt unlike anything before and I felt tremendous pressure all over. I was blinded in my sleep and I figured I dreamed of her actually drinking from me as I had her. I awoke a little while later and she was gone. I felt my neck and it was healing. The dream had been vivid but almost completely real. I stared at my ceiling and wondered why for the umpteenth time she would not share more.
599Please respect copyright.PENANARgVhID6snz
I woke up from my memories as they consumed my sleeping state almost every night. Syna was beside me and I sighed deeply. I stood up and went to the opening of my tent to see the progress of my castle high up in the Carpathian Mountains. The workmen had turned in for the night and I slipped out of the tent. I had left Babylon merely decades before and I had bought vast tracts of land through the rugged territory of this beautiful and wild place. I had taken on a new name and forbade Syna to mention my real name and true identity. I had become known as Vlad Tepest and I had picked up the Slavic tongue easily enough. I cocked my head to the side and I was still not used to the cold weather. The first time I saw the snow; I had been like a child again and stood amongst a blizzard like a fool. Syna thought me ridiculous and I knew my Halima would have joined me in my foolish notions. The main difference between my silver eyed vixen and my companion was that Halima had lived how she spoke. I had not understood all her Egyptian ways but she had lived by her few words. I walked through the slowly emerging castle and I was well pleased. Plans for a haven for all the uppyr were coming together and I would never abandon one of my own. I was very well pleased and I looked forward to eventually calling this castle my home. I saw Syna emerge from the tent with a cloak wrapped around her and she looked annoyed.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAFcjvKvhMwb
“You were dreaming and calling her name again.” She said bitterly.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAxyDBraeqXf
“I do not purposely try to dream of her Syna. If you are unhappy then sleep alone.” I said walking away.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAdPUM8hsV9n
“I love you!” she yelled.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAn25Dv9FeT8
“Not my problem.” I retorted.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAZXRcdBdL9t
I turned and saw her large doe like eyes. She was a beauty but she was not her. I could plainly sense her anguish but I could not bring myself to really love her in return.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAAiQCWg94Ec
“Have you learned nothing? Love is a weakness and we are above that are we not? Why can you not accept that we enjoy each other?” I demanded.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAJr29rcomQW
“Because I have stood by you for nearly a century while you made up your damn mind about what you wanted for us uppyr. I have not left and I most certainly did not cower away. I hear your thoughts too my love. She left you when she left this life and I think her the stupidest woman who ever lived.” She cried.
599Please respect copyright.PENANArmcN5n2CdT
“Syna, I will not tolerate you speaking ill of her. You may say anything you wish about me but do not dare disrespect such a wonderful woman again!” I said in a dangerous voice.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAkKSsg1QBAw
“As you wish my lord. I will sleep elsewhere tonight.” She said looking away from me.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAgcyL9BxEBy
I watched her stalk away and she was nearly weeping. I felt very little and I kept myself closed off for the very reason that Halima did leave me. I would not allow myself that manner of pain again and Syna could not accept it. I climbed up the slowly emerging walls of my fortress and I looked out into the wilds. My long black hair was loose and blowing around me and I had shaven away my beard. My brown eyes surveyed the night and I caught the scent of a fresh kill. I was curious and I climbed down the wall and entered the forest. I saw a blonde head hovering over a man and she lifted her beautiful face. Her eyes were a brilliant green and she held my eyes. I was suddenly infuriated and was suddenly beside her.
599Please respect copyright.PENANApbwdDJn4B6
“Are you insane?” I demanded.
599Please respect copyright.PENANANCVQEq6x6c
“Who are you?” she asked raising a golden brow.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA7c2xoCHKay
“I am Vlad and you stand upon my lands woman! We do not eat the mortals.” I said coldly.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA4Atk0VUR8c
“You are the Tepest that I have heard so much about. He is not dead my lord; only in rapture.” She purred.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAWZ47Y6Jaom
“We do not eat the mortals.” I said in a firmer voice.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAtwIRm79dbK
“As you wish my lord and master. I am Danika Novak majesty.” She said spying me with through her lashes.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAQ10nSIyh4j
“I will not have the mortals coming to our doors and trying to exterminate us, do you understand?” I said narrowing my eyes.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAdtjjfmLIyR
“Da my lord.” She stated.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAmzPaNYXWt3
“Good. Do something with him.” I commanded as I started to leave.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA8zk8QxXtFF
“You look hungry yourself majesty.” She said softly.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAK1ilwMvNhb
“I can manage my own hunger woman. Move on.” I said coldly.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAOg7Zp0rZbU
“As you wish. You know your woman may have been one of us.” She whispered.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA0Z9j8Xsxtb
“Stay out of my head!” I said in fury.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAy96OOh0s0h
“Again as you wish.” She said bowing low.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAGrIdVIYOjN
I could not believe her audacity but I looked back at her as she picked up the man and ported away. I normally was able to shield quite well but I moved on. I scented more blood and my eyes bled red. I followed the smell of the crimson flow and I saw Syna. She had taken a deer and I normally did not watch but for some reason the sight excited me. She had a long neck that was perfect and her skin was a dark olive tone. I masked my aura and I watched as her throat moved as she fed. I normally only needed to feed from her and I stepped out. She looked up and caught my eyes as I slinked forward. I firmly held her neck and jerked her forward. I turned her jaw to the side and ran my tongue along her jugular.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAmZjXaW2JsW
“Vlad.” She hissed softly.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAxaDvDJMvL0
“You are beautiful.” I managed to whisper.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAiewHIkBuvp
“Please. Gods please!” she begged of me as I caused her to feel my entire spiritual presence.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAVlEDBHWWUM
I loved making her moan and making her weak. It was what Halima had done and I found I enjoyed bringing my partner tremendous rapture before I took my sustenance. Their blood always tasted that much sweeter. She was gasping and begging me as I slowly sank my fangs into her neck. She trembled against me as I drank and cried out quite loudly as I staved off my thirst. She sagged against me and as I nipped at her throat. She was not angry any longer and she looked up at me with passion filled eyes.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA11WTpVtT73
“I care for you Syna, I really do.” I whispered softly.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAUbsP7bSREw
“I can accept that for now.” She sighed.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAcYCFIcsNR9
“Can you do something for me?” I asked gently.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAaHoVrZcrVY
“Yes.” She said nodding.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAKqr8vb6H3P
“There are rumors of our kind in a settlement called Novgorod. Will you go and see if there are any?” I asked stroking her hair.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAadafncNm5W
“Yes. You could ask me to behead myself and I would do it.” She said holding my face between her palms.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAq6vg0apv8i
I nodded and she ported away. She was beautiful to be sure but my heart felt shriveled at best. I sighed and decided that I too needed more food.
Syna returned to me the following day. She was cut up and in a foul mood. She went to the river to bathe and I sat beneath a tree and waited on her.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAEVic1D4CIn
“Bastard jumped me.” She growled.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAkV5MwmLG14
“Okay and why would he do that?” I asked intrigued.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAPgSR5OVa1I
“Something about a lone female.” She hissed.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA5uYWQJDdFZ
“What is his name?” I asked irritated.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA8IfMGg2E7M
“Grigory Orlovich and he was strong like you.” She said looking at me.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAeZmMnP7Hkh
“Really? Did you tell him what I wanted?” I demanded.
599Please respect copyright.PENANACkDs6jGMK3
“He said to be a man and come face him yourself.” She snorted.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA4lDYaVPqML
“Did he now? I suppose I shall have to show this bastard a thing or two.” I said arrogantly.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAaUqH9A3Srv
Syna looked at me and shook her head. My abilities had grown exponentially in the past century and Syna was terrified of it. I had never harmed her but she had informed me that for an uppyr to be born with all the mental powers was rare and coveted. The idea intrigued me and I wondered if I could find others who had the same as myself and try to breed a bigger population of us. I moved to her and dragged her from the water. She yelped in surprise and I possessed her mouth. She groaned and I was in a mood. I lowered my ebony head and took a caramel tip into my mouth. Her face contorted in pleasure as I laved my tongue around it and nibbled it with my teeth. She began whimpering softly and I inserted two fingers into her core and she groaned loudly.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAuPZfdBzM4T
“Syna, I want you to succumb for me.” I stated in her ear.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAiYxyxv92bG
“Yes.” She gasped out.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAeYnBtibWgv
I ended up taking her slowly and satiating both forms of my hunger. She was in the tent and sleeping. I smirked as I saw her exhausted from our encounter. I had retrieved the memories from her mind and I ported to the arrogant bastard that laid hands on my companion. It was cold and rather stark at the moment. I went to a larger brick hovel. I knocked loudly on the door and it was opened by a man who was taller then me but had black hair as well. His aura was distinct if not almost similar to my own and I was shocked.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAQ9g2IVVgmz
“I am Vlad Tepest and you accosted my woman.” I said indignantly.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA8z9R0W39Dl
“I saw no band upon her finger. What the hell do you want?” he demanded.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAdd0rKZSXIL
I sensed several uppyr within this dwelling and I was intrigued beyond measure. I had not seen a baby uppyr and I was inclined to do so. I saw a younger man that could only be his son and a brunette female with pale eyes. I stared at her and she did not seem to see me.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAhI8N6JN6vU
“What do you want?” he asked.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAWsg8uVh8VR
“I had heard that there was a family of uppyr here and I wanted to extend friendship is all. You accosted Syna when she was only here to gather information.” I stated crossing my arms.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAa7aEp0uDUj
“Where are you from? You seem familiar somehow.” He demanded,
599Please respect copyright.PENANAY9bN2mL0Ee
“Does it matter? I am building a castle in the Carpathian Mountains and I have been gathering droves of uppyr there to call it home.” I said raising a brow.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAN2dNTmQRzE
“I want to know where you are from. You do not look Slavic.” He snapped.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA9arhlZ0IRy
“Well neither do you.” I retorted.
599Please respect copyright.PENANASxJbkev9mY
“Who are your parents boy?” he growled as he neared me.
599Please respect copyright.PENANArDif6oweDd
“Are you seriously trying to invade my mind?” I demanded.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAXABRv3Eubd
“I want to know who you are! Where are your parents?” he said grabbing my tunic.
599Please respect copyright.PENANANC9SX8n2lI
“Get your hands off of me sir!” I said swiping at him with my claws.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAnCA5h9uUmO
He grabbed me roughly and I tried to suppress his invasion of my inner sanctum but he was strong and I had a hell of a time doing it. He sank his fangs into my neck and I lost my head. I grabbed his neck and my claws sank into his flesh. He jerked away and his eyes were red. I was confused at his agitation and he stared at me in anger and almost hatred.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAoypHvGSwwr
“You are a whelp! Where are your worthless parents?” he growled.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAgRfUdqopVi
“I was orphaned at a young age. I have no idea who or where they are.” I growled in return.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAllPwdqKEsC
“Tell me the truth where you are from or I will dismember you slowly.” Grigory said with narrowed eyes.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA4Ag86n25Rk
“That life is over. I told you my name!!” I said in a hiss.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAOoAVgYfQow
“By the look of it you are from Asia Minor. You still have not lost your base color. Give it a century or two up here in Europe and you shall. Your mother was a whore and your father a back stabbing bastard!” he said in a cruel tone.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAFJ2RaTtYMl
My eyes flashed red and I tried to throw him with a wave of my hand. I had never encountered another like me that was this strong and I was dumbfounded.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAME3fp7akM0
“It appears that our parents orphaned another babe.” He said flatly.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAKVgpoiaRpQ
“What?” I asked shocked.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAfZQ8DgP7Ab
“Da little man. You cannot be more then two hundred yet. I would be your elder brother and that woman is your sister.” He said pointing to the brunette.
599Please respect copyright.PENANADXQJP6KDKv
“I do not understand.” I said stepping back.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA2p95C8z8zF
“It is simple. Our parents had no morals to speak of and had no wish to care for their young. I was left here four centuries ago and I found Muriana in Asia Minor. I went looking for them and I wanted to know why. Where did they dump you?” he demanded.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAuoRs1gSfj0
“Babylon.” I admitted.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA89whaU7nMs
“I see. You are Persian?” he demanded.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA74fII5cBhh
“Hebrew.” I stated.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAfRjJm9rI3C
“Well then little brother, what is your real name?” Grigory asked.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAOZwXxPOfgZ
“Eyal. I was Eyal from the tribe of Asher.” I whispered.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAHxzBHGfg0y
“Taste my blood. You will see I speak the truth.” He said offering his wrist.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAQLeorr6ELS
I tentatively took his hand and sank my fangs in and it was immediate. He was not lying and I was in such a state that I stepped back.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAISBdyauIn3
“Her name was Ayille and his was Kerr. I am unsure of where they were from exactly but I wonder how many of us they did this too. Muriana is deaf and blind now. She is very strong telepath but the mortals tried to murder her.” He said in disgust.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA3H7tViTKBT
I stared dumbfounded at my sister and at my older brother and I had to sit. I had grown up unloved and unwanted and now I had two siblings standing in front of me.
599Please respect copyright.PENANACLCAn85hUt
“When did the mortals harm her?” I asked hoarsely.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAQCBkSswiNo
“Almost a century ago. So what are you trying to do exactly Eyal.” He demanded.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAuRvPz9nIdb
“I want a home for our people. I want away from mortals entirely.” I said meeting his eyes.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAaYRreWG77J
“You plan on leading us then?” he asked in a low tone.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAxIzrw4Gu80
“What? No!” I said in surprise.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAUuSti3SfHS
“You want a home for our kind and you will have to have some manner of government little brother.” He laughed.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA05Nkuy39Fa
“I have no interest in ruling.” I said standing.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAQ8vKJriAVw
“Well then why bother?” he asked bluntly.
599Please respect copyright.PENANApKIfAKJIn3
“I had no home. I was passed from hovel to hovel and I wanted to hopefully have my own family someday.” I said looking away.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAgJKX6FYiO9
“What do you know of our kind Eyal?” he asked smirking.
599Please respect copyright.PENANABRCVebqHro
“I was ignorant Orlovich. I had no clue what I was. I thought I was an evil being.” I answered honestly.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA0NzIEW7yt6
“Muriana wants to know if you will allow her to know you.” Grigory stated.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA9OKhez7n7C
“Of course.” I said looking at her.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA5vCBldBN8k
“She is a seer. Her abilities have developed to compensate for her lack of vision and hearing.” Grigory replied.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA6PQuvcQ5I2
I watched as the woman stepped forward and she touched my face. I breathed deeply and she felt my features.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAGYfrbDo99p
-Hello- she pathed.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAcCtC2iEH3k
-Hello- I pathed in return.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAJwJujmRqac
-Your face feels like Grigory. - She said in my mind and stepped back.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAZAm7bbHS0w
I was angry and very confused as my older brother went about pouring drinks. I learned that the younger uppyr male was my nephew and his name was Lukas. Grigory was very private and Syna's approach had been a little upsetting to him. He did not like outsiders and it seemed he would kill a mortal on sight. He was also protective of Muriana who seemed almost helpless to me. I was sitting in a simple chair and he across from me.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAqyFKeP1KoX
“So you have money?” he demanded.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAx4Ya3cVKG3
“Once I reached adulthood, I used my abilities to con the mortals around me. So yes I have money.” I nodded.
599Please respect copyright.PENANASbVsRLVrK4
“Well I have no interest in any kind of leadership or dealing with too many people but if you want a haven for us brother then you must learn all you can about us. You must also understand we are not mortals and mortal morals do not apply to us.” He stated.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAzCOa579ie6
“I do not understand.” I said sipping the potent liquor called vodka.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAHd61UNrwWP
“You may have been raised amongst the filthy mortals and you may even believe in the Gods of the Hebrews but you are uppyr. You are a blood drinker and you can and will do what you need to survive. I want to say I think our parents were from Egypt or perhaps Northern Africa. They were powerful and so very cruel.” He said looking away.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAbBuBR1WM11
“Why did they not want us?” I asked confused.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAXfLs9GUn9X
“Because that would have meant they had to stop being moronic and selfish. I hold no love for humans but I would not gorge on their blood everyday. It is rumored our mother would bathe in a mortal's life force.” He said disgusted.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAlx8LuwjjVK
I was horrified and disgusted at the idea but then it seems that my siblings and I were raised amongst mortals and held some of their ideals. Syna had thought similarly but I would not allow her to feed from humans except in self defense. She had balked at the idea but I was very good at making her see my points of view. She usually ended up in bliss and begging me to finish but I would not until she promised to do my will. Syna was easy to persuade.
599Please respect copyright.PENANARdMN3tVvLY
“What do you want to do?” he asked.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAwqHRqVfVgf
“I just wanted a land where the uppyr would not face persecution for being what we are, that is what I want.” I sighed.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAPcs1nbnJuC
“Uppyr are selfish and arrogant creatures little brother and they will follow strength. I suggest you heed my warnings or you may have the filthy humans at your doorstep.” He shrugged.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAq1Aiox7eku
“What do you need? What can I do for you all?” I demanded.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAeqkg2ONBKO
“I do not need anything.” He said indignantly.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAHYO4ZYKaVk
“I was not trying to insult you! You are my blood and I should help you if I can.” I said in anger.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAPCDuCke22p
“Once you get that castle built then keep Muriana safe. She is a fragile soul.” He said with a hardened look.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA1Mn4WiUtlW
“Okay.” I said nodding.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAWLAmaeWLbJ
“Do not share who we are either. Leave us as your secret and we will keep yours. You do know there are other types of uppyr out there.” He said.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA2BsV54NVFa
“I did not know but thank you for telling me. You have a home in the Carpathians as well whenever you want.” I said under my breath.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAaj4ZDZKNhO
“Da. Go on runt.” He said trying not to show his feelings.
I was still in shock and I ported back to my castle site. I was shaken to my core and I wondered if I was indeed from Egyptian descent and I was also curious if perhaps Halima had been an uppyr as well. I wondered if perhaps she was another form of daemon but I could not figure out why she would not tell me. I put it out of my mind as it really did not matter; she was dead and I had stumbled upon a family.
I was standing in a portion of my castle that was complete and I felt such a sense of accomplishment. I had actually worked alongside my workers and helped push and pull the stones into place. I caught sight of the golden haired woman that had partaken of the mortal man and I watched her. She was extremely strong as well and put Syna's abilities to shame. She turned as she caught me staring.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAZsnty5aYQM
“Can I help you my lord?” she asked.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAYT6uU2W0Mm
“Wondering if you had eaten anymore humans.” I asked sarcastically.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAZwdWawCUs6
“Might I be blunt my lord?” she asked.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAeRSbrK4ANG
“Go ahead.” I stated crossing my arms.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAesu1HUyvMN
“Would you expect the mortals to leave us alone?” she asked me.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAofjGfIwemP
“I understand that humans are pathetic and sorry but if you put enough of them together then that is when problems arise. I want no problems here and I want this to be about our people and not theirs. We can survive on the blood of the beast so that is what we shall do.” I said staring hard.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAYF0eOAeeJN
“As you wish but there may come a time when the blood of a mortal will be the only thing you crave. You obviously grew up around them to have such tenderness towards them.” She said sarcastically.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAfggHPi9jUs
I rushed her and held her throat. Grigory's words seemed wise and a show of force would be necessary. She fell to her knees and I never wavered. She held her head and cried out. The other uppyr stared at me and she finally lifted her face.
599Please respect copyright.PENANA88dPgSVr2C
“I am sorry.” She said hoarsely.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAfJaQdhLRSL
“That is better. I have no wish to be a tyrant but these are my lands and I want peace.” I demanded.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAKKgprl9su2
“As you command majesty.” She said in a demure tone.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAbcuALr2wIo
I sighed and moved on. I heard hoof beats and I saw Syna slowing her massive beast she called “Tiny”. She had been gone awhile and she appeared with things from Greece. She wrapped a piece of fine linen around my neck and I smiled at her.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAqmIIjxU4Un
“I have brought all manner of things from my homeland to help decorate the castle. Should you like to know what I brought you?” She asked.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAwcdVSogqQD
“Yes.” I stated smiling.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAl7uqqczlgM
“I have brought you a real bed! A real Greek bed made on the island of Crete.” Syna said excitedly.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAZHvnAuJsXE
Her excitement was infectious and I lifted my hands to hold her face. I was beginning to feel a very strong attachment to her and she felt it. She kissed my open palm and smiled at me.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAThonEQxPPD
“We shall have to try that bed out as soon as we have it installed.” I whispered in her ear.
599Please respect copyright.PENANAjDIGlBwSfC
“Yes.” She breathed.
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I watched her look around my head and stare at the female known as Danika. I looked back and Syna began simmering in fury. She tried to jerk away from me and I held her firmly.
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“What is she doing?” I demanded softly.
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“Planning her own demise if I have a say about it!” My Greek companion growled.
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“Forget her. I want to see the things you brought me.” I said dragging her along.
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Syna stared at Danika coldly then followed me down the path to the large tent we normally shared. I proceeded to go through all her treasures and she was happy again. 599Please respect copyright.PENANAXBBL0aJTtu
We enjoyed a pleasant evening and later in the evening she went to hunt for her dinner. I lay upon the bed roll and stared at the ceiling of my tent. I allowed myself to be lulled into sleep and I thought I began dreaming. I felt hands upon my bare chest and I groaned as I felt sweet feminine flesh pressed against me.
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“Syna?” I murmured.
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“No.” I heard in my ear.
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My eyes flew open and there was Danika flanked by a beautiful woman with almost white hair and fair green eyes.
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“She is not worthy of such power.” She purred.
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“Why are you here?” I asked in anger that melted away instantly.
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The other woman had drawn out of my member and she had wrapped her lips around me and I could not think. Danika slowly stripped out of her simple tunic dress.
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“That is Ileska. She is my younger sister my lord.” Danika whispered into my ear again.
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“Stop.” I tried to say but groaned it instead.
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Danika began kissing and nipping my throat and her sister worked my groin. The immense sensation had me nearly near my end when the brazen creature took my lips and kissed me deeply. She boldly explored my mouth with her tongue and she suddenly bit into mine. I gasped in euphoria and realized she was keeping me from completing. I groaned out and thrust my hips madly against the other sister's mouth. Danika stared at me with reddened eyes and Ileska pulled back.
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“God!” I cried out as Danika sank down on me.
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“Da. Cry out for your God my lord. You are such a man.” She said as she rolled her hips against mine.
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Syna was brazen but almost always succumbed to my will and this was throwing me over a precipice. Ileska leaned down and took my lips in a softer kiss. I could not breathe as my chest hurt with need. Danika was bringing me to heights I had never reached in my limited experience. I had only ever taken Halima and Syna. I ripped my lips away and groaned loudly over and over. I refused to beg and it seemed that is what she wanted. Ileska leaned down and she offered a very pink nipple. Hunger ripped through me and I sank my fangs in. She screamed in pleasure and I suckled her as if a babe. Danika leaned forward and sank her fangs into my neck and I exploded. I was growling as if a wild animal and I had to hold her hips as I emptied my seed. Her own voice was muffled against my throat.
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“Such a man.” The golden haired succubus whispered as she slipped from my body.
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I was lethargic and I realized they had both drank from me. I looked at my wrists and I looked down at my inner thighs and threw my head back. My mind was blown away with how much I did not know. I made myself get up as I did not want to deal with a jealous Syna. I managed to slip into my unfinished castle. I was breathing hard and I intended to find the woman later and punish her for touching me. I had to prove to these uppyr that it was I who made the rules and I would be the one in control of myself. I could not get the beautiful faces of either woman out of my head and the liberties that I had allowed to take place. It warred with my past life but I found myself wanting more. I suppressed a shudder and I had to hunt as my hunger was out of control. I ended up lying out on a huge boulder staring at the sky. Things were so different from Babylon but it in a way made me very happy. I was actually finding myself quite eager to experience this new life.
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