It all happened when a loud WHAM roared across the corridor. Shovels fell from shelves, water was spilled everywhere, the mud went flying in directions.
And in the very center of what happened was a frightened professor Sprout, standing there with a face as if she's been stared in the eye with a basilisk.
It was 2 weeks since that disaster in the greenhouse and everyone's nearly forgotten about it except me and my twin younger sister Eleanor. Not because of how frightened professor Sprout looked, not because how Fred-Anderson Turner (as indicated by his initials he is a very F.A.T bully) looked absolutely hilarious when he saw the disaster, but what actually grew out of the flower pot that supposed to belong to a mandrake was never seen before.
A tree, with CARROTS hanging from it instead of apples.
Now as many of you will know, carrots are root vegetables and grow from underground just like potatoes, turnips, ginger and beetroots. They, in no shape of form, grow from TREES.
"So what do you two think about it?" Me and Eleanor are from the Starriver family, one of the famous families that contain outstanding potion makers, and so we grew up surrounded by herbs and all other ingredients required for all potions. This all lead us to being called to the headmaster's office to have a conversation with professor McGonagall, to help with the investigation.
"Well, the first thing we know is that carrots growing from trees is something that neither of us have seen before." Eleanor handed McGonagall her little notebook which contains a sample of each herb she's seen, the name of it, a brief description and notes on use. McGonagall flipped through it and as expected, nothing near "carrots from trees" were there.
"I would assume it more as a prank." I joined in, "a carrot wouldn't be a carrot if it grew from trees."
"Well why not?" Eleanor snapped back.
"How you define a carrot is that it grows from the underground."
"How do you prove that it's the correct definition?"
"Well because-"
"ALRIGHT, you can continue this argument when you're back in your dorms, ladies, we're off topic." McGonagall placed her hand between the two of us and handed us a notebook, "This is the notebook I use to jot down notes when something happens. I'll now hand this to you for the time being of this case, and give this back to me when you think you have enough data of this incident being written in this notebook."
And with a whip of her wand we're being pushed onto the staircase, the stairs turned into a slide and we slid all the way back to outside the headmaster's office.
"Alright." Eleanor swiped off the dust from her bum. "SO HOW EXACTLY ARE WE GOING TO DO THIS!?" She sounded very furious, and to be fair she should. McGonagall just gave us the notebook and shoved us out of her office, without giving us any more further information.
"Well, we just have to go with what we have." I picked up McGonagall's notebook and opened it to see if there's anything useful.
And guess what? I found some.
"Why would she have Umbridge's face doodled in?" I was flipping through the pages and stopped when I saw a comparatively ugly drawing, or more precisely a doodle of the face of Dolores Umbridge.
"Maybe she's done something stupid enough to have her stupid face being drawn in?" Eleanor came over, snatched the book from me before laughing at the doodle. "She made apples fall from the sky and she had liquorice growing out of horse butts. HOW DOES THAT EVEN MAKE SENSE?"
Don't get me wrong, that IS quite impressive to have things growing from all sorts of awkward places that weren't supposed to have things growing off it, but that is just what we needed.
The next day me and Eleanor crept out of our beds at a really early 5 am to have a check on Umbridge. If she can make apples fall from the sky and make liquorice grow out of horse butts, then making carrots grow from trees is no difficult task. We sneaked out of the Slytherin common room before tiptoeing all the way to Umbridge's office, under our invisibility cloaks. Why 5 am? We're not sure if Umbridge was the real culprit, but whoever does things like this usually favors timeslots with less then a few kittens awake.
And there she comes, our target.485Please respect copyright.PENANAcgeODciNyr
Umbridge came down the corridor whilst whistling her self-composed little song.
"Are you sure it's her?" Eleanor looked at me as if I lied, "I start to feel that she's too stupid for this."485Please respect copyright.PENANA4ZRlkuR9aa
"Well because she is too stupid she won't know we're here, so shut up." I snapped back at her.
Just before Eleanor could talk back at me, we heard the noise of one end of a scroll hitting the floor tiles. Turning our heads fast as we could but at the same time not leaking out our hiding place, we saw exactly what we needed.
The scroll in Umbridge's hand was a very detailed plan of how to climb up a ladder and put carrot seeds into trees, how to make Slughorn drunk so she could get her filthy hands onto the potion that enables impossible things to happen, put that potion onto branches and how she could avoid the explosion so the whole situation won't look like she's involved.
Ah, so THAT's where the huge WHAM came from. Me and Eleanor looked at each other, we have things for McGonagall.
Three weeks later, Umbridge's office was reworked into a little conference room, and Umbridge herself was forced out of Hogwarts. Well to be more accurate, she was shot out of the building like a rocket by the famous Fred and George.485Please respect copyright.PENANA7tCnlKpuEy
No one knew what they used, but I will assume it's the very same potion that caused the explosion.