Chapter Four
Betrayed! I lost my mother dear
For the father sat lurking
Waiting for the very perfect time
To end my life and my souls inner working
Herbert sat at the bar still chuckling at the antics that the two young friends had put on. They were closer than friends, they were brothers and they would do anything for one another. He and Phil had been talking about the two since Phil got back over to the bar after getting the knife out of his pants. Phil might act foul-tempered towards them but he cared for the big one but for some reason the dark-haired youth he wouldn’t mind seeing in the gallows.
Herbert had known Phil for three years now, two of those years he had been close friends with him. The man had a heart of solid gold. When the Temple changed The Grim’s law and for the first time in known history, allowed ownership of people, Philian took in that slave. He treated that then fifteen winters girl not as property but as a person. Phil did not believe the Temple had the right to change something laid down by Grim himself. Herbert himself did not put much stock in the fantasy of the Grim. He maintained the theory that the Grim was just a sorcerer from two centuries ago, who gained a following but their theological differences did not get in the way of their relationship.
When the Matron decided to start buying people like animals, Herbert had decided enough was enough. He had sold his house to the Matron for a nice profit, bought what he needed for his family to survive, and moved to the Eastern Expanse. Herbert did not go as far as some into the wilderness. He had two girls, one a nine winters dark-haired beauty and the other bubbly brown-haired bundle of five. He wanted to still be close enough to get back to civilization once a week for necessities. Phil always had a place for him to overnight and then continue his journey home. While taking his respite, he took the opportunity to check in on Cariline. She even came to start calling him Uncle Herbert.
Phil was still glowering, standing behind that oaken bar in his loincloth, trying to sow his cut pants where the knife had narrowly missed his meaty thigh. He was muttering to himself, eyeballing the mop and a stack of mugs.
“I ought to add the mug cleaning on top of it I should.” He complained darkly.
“You ain’t still complaining about what them two young lads did, are you?” Herbert asked his rotund friend.
“I shan’t let them in tomorrow, that will teach them. Or I will let in those two jesters. In dresses as barmaids!” The keeper huffed.
“You do that, and I might have to stay. I think the blonde one would make a fine wench.” Herbert said thoughtfully, humor gleaming in his hazel eyes, “You know in all seriousness, with the crowd they gathered, you need to hire them a few nights a week as entertainment.”
Philian’s eyes bulged out of his head, opening wider than they had in a decade.
“NO!,” he exclaimed loud enough to draw the stairs of a few patrons sitting nearby, “I won’t have a tavern left before the weeks out.” Then Phil thought for a few moments on his friend's suggestion, “ But you know the suggestion for entertainment does have merit. Business has been down with all the damnable taxes. Maybe liven up the place will eventually draw in people in the long run.”
“In the Federation, almost every tavern has some sort of entertainment in it. That is part of the draw over going to a regular inn my friend, besides the wenches.” Herbert said with a wink. A yelp let out from across the room by the back fireplace. Through the crowd of people that gathered, they saw Damon on one knee, putting a ring on the young woman’s finger. She was giving little jumps up and down, with each hop she let out another little squeak. It was making the youths job all the harder, but he finally got the ring on the finger and stood. She jumped and wrapped her legs around his midsection kissing him exuberantly on the lips.
“If she doesn’t lighten up and let the boy come up for air, she will smother the poor lad.” Herbert said with a small chuckle, “But then, I could think of worse ways to die.”
“The time for smothering that snake was long ago,” Philian muttered darkly with a sidelong look at the display going on by the fireplace.
“Hey friend, lighten up, as long as they are in love. It’s what matters is it not?” He footed the question to his big friend.
Philian shook his head, “Tell that to his mother, Bethel. Rascus and her were in love and had that snake. Then Bethel had to turn Rascus into a reaper because he, like his son, is black as night.”
“Just give the boy a chance. Sins of the father and all that.” Herbert said disapprovingly with a slightly furrowed brow.
“You don’t get it he is the rea-,” Phil was cut off by a skipping Cariline who came through the crowd to show her guardian and her Uncle what she had. She positively glowed with a diamond on her neck and her finger. The set cost more than most in Tharpe would ever see in a lifetime, and it marked Cariline as an important woman.
“Phil, I do believe by law Damon needs to discuss some terms with you.” she said giving him a kiss on the cheek, “Please Phil, just the cost he will pay to set me free will be dowry enough to save you a fortune.” Phil looked at her with sorrow in his eyes. He wanted to tell her no but could not. She carried Damon’s child, and the arrangements Damon had made with Phil had been precise. If Damon proposed, Phil would release ownership. He nodded his ascent reluctantly and left the bar to haggle with Damon, at least he might make a few silver from the little thief.
Herbert turned to the glowing woman, who was giddy with joy. She was accepting congratulations from people all around. He reached up and tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention. She turned and favored him with a bright white smile.
“Well my dear girl,” he said, “it looks soon enough you shall be a proper woman of some imports around here.”
“Oh Uncle Herbert, I am ready to be done with that damn Temple,” she said with longing, “I want to move to the Federation, maybe the Expanse. Anywhere we can be that doesn’t have the rule of the Temple.”
“You don’t want to live in the Expanse girl,” Herbert said, “If I weren’t a wanted man back in Valor then I would tail it back there. It is a hard life out in the Expanse away from everyone else. You have no one to depend on but yourself. A man can’t be a master of all trades, doll.”
“It still has to be better than living next to the tyrant,” her voice filled with strong emotion, then she let out an exasperated sigh, “Oh no, I just realized that tyrant would be my mother-in-law.”
“Well lass, all that can’t be helped must be endured, even demons.” He said placing a comforting hand around her shoulder and kissing her on top of her head, “Let me see that beautiful ring.” Cariline held her hand out for him to see, he took her fingers and held it closer for inspection. The ring was made from silver and gold carefully intertwined in a masterful weave with a finely cut diamond. He kissed her hand and smiled at her.
“Congratulation girl, my hope is he is worthy of my lovely niece,” Herbert said with a voice filled with love, “Now, do me a favor and keep our mutual friend Phil from offing your man before the wedding date.--” He winked at her. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a silver and a few coppers and then handed her his empty mug. “--Fill that for me will you Cariline,” He said smiling, “The silver is for the happy new couple as a wedding present and a hope of a bright, wonderful future.”
“Thank you,” She hugged him again and then turned back to him, “by the way Uncle, please take a bath. There is one hot in the back.”
She pointed towards the door that exited towards the back with her nose pinched. He laughed merely. He got up from his seat and started for the door. He had wanted to talk to Phil and Cariline first, but now it was time to lose his fragrance.
“Alrighty girl, but when I get back, I want my ale” he threw over his shoulder.
From across the room, Damon had watched the exchange, his good mood fading. He didn’t value to many people as family. His mother, he would tolerate. Though after tonight, he owed her nothing. His debt with her was discharged by giving her the gift of her life. Then there was Faldo, his soul brother. He was one of the very few he loved and trusted. For Faldo, he would do anything. There was no tab between the two of them; they did without thought of return. Philian was in the small family of trust, though his usefulness was slowly coming to an end where he would need to end his relationship with him and then there was his Cariline. She was his Cariline, only those who were in his family were allowed to have any intimate contact with her, and that big, hairy, stinking ape had kissed her several times.
Oh, he knew that man. He was a regular here, and she even called him Uncle but that didn’t earn that ape the right to lay his lips on his woman. Damon had watched in disgust as she put her lips in return on his hairy cheek. At least she recognized that that pig needed a bath. Cariline sent him off to the back. Damon thought he saw the older man reach out and feel her as she turned. Damon clenched and unclenched his hands as he seethed.
The small man wondered if his father's spirit was with him tonight. Nobody but Marlin the blacksmith, his mother’s latest toy, knew he could talk with his father’s ghost. The giant had just looked worriedly at the younger boy at the time and turned to walk away in silence. Damon had never told his mother for fear that there was some exotic rite to excise the evil from him. He didn’t want it gone. The insight that his father gave him in the times that he did speak had meant life and death or might indicate a fortune lost if he didn’t listen.
He reached out trying to feel the presence of his father with his mind and whispered to his father as if praying. He was not spiritual but asking of his father was as close as he would get.
“Father,” he whispered fervently, never taking his eyes off his soon to be as she waded around the room, “Please deem me worthy tonight to speak to me, I need spiritual wisdom and insight. Is my Lady being true to me and keeping herself clean or is it as my mother has put it that other bulls are rutting her around? Do I kill her and Phil for the pain I would feel? Please answer me.”
He would be highly disappointed in Philian if the tavern keeper followed the Matron’s orders by renting Cariline out to the highest bidder. Damon had been paying Phil handsomely, more than the man could make from this lousy tavern yearly, to keep her pure. Damon even dropped what he charged for smuggling in the hard liquor for the big man so Phil could make a substantial profit on it. Damon wanted everyone to know that if you did exactly what Damon said, you would be rewarded far and above your dreams. But if Philian had failed and succumbed to the idea of double dipping, then Damon would slowly cut small pieces off of him. He would leave them everywhere for the guard to find so that people would know the price of failure.
A mug thumped hard in front of him, making the ale slosh onto his lap and it startled him out of his dark thoughts. His heart lept out of his throat as he instinctively reached for his knife before he calmed himself. Faldo’s deep chuckle came from beside him as he took the seat to his right in the booth.
“Demon’s teeth Fal, you almost solved my deepest mystery!” He said testily.
“Oh, I forgot you are the son of the Mother Matron. They don’t like to do ‘the talk’. Well, how ’bout I get Aliesa away from her current client and we can give an educational class, just so you are ready for your wedding night.” He jested, “My treat.”
Faldo pushed the tankard directly in front of Damon in one of the signal’s they had developed to let the other know that someone was watching them. Damon himself did not drink, alcohol dulled reflexes and loosened your tongue. He never wanted to be in that state but from time to time, he had used spirits to meet his ends. He had got merchants dead drunk while only taking sips so as to find their destination. He had also feigned drunkenness to make others think he was a sot.
He picked up the mug of thick brown liquid and took a drink of the bitter spirits and tapped at the table with his left hand in askance. At the same time, he struck up on the conversation Faldo started.
“I don’t know how well my future would be with Cariline if she caught me involved in that kind of scientific demonstration. It wouldn’t be worth it, no matter how much it broadened my perspective.” Damon said with a sigh.
Faldo chuckled with mirth but flicked his eyes off to the right. Damon followed the gaze and saw Sergeant Thomas sitting at the bar, trying to look casual. He was failing miserably, considering guard did not show up in armor, armed with weapons. Damon swore under his breath. He knew chastisement from his mother was planned to get underway and there were several on the guard, Thomas chief among them, who had been waiting for the ban on him to be lifted. He sipped on his mug and leaned forward slightly so not to be overheard by anyone.
“Faldo, something happened earlier today that isn’t going to give me much time, so please listen carefully.” He waited for Faldo to nod his acceptance laughing like he just told a joke, “ Good Sergeant Thomas over there is here to arrest me for something that has nothing to do with our business. Keep up with the accounts.---” He handed his pouch under the table to his best friend, who took it quickly and secreted under his shirt, then Damon continued, “---Take that and use it for my bail, I want to be out as soon as possible. That old man over there at the bar has been too friendly with my Cariline, could you please find out where he lives. I think he requires some reminders of civility.”
Faldo gave a small groan and nodded glumly as the door opened to admit two squads of soldiers who were led by the second-in-command of the guard, Corporal Wallace. Sergeant Thomas got to his feet and crossed the room to walk with the soldiers to Damon’s table.
“My, my, so what do I have the pleasure to greet both the head of the West Garrison and its more competent second-in-command. Mother really must be furious with me.” He said jokingly, “Do either of you two fine gentlemen have the switch handy so I may get this over with.”
Thomas's stormy look thundered that if were allowed, the Sergeant would run Damon through here and now. The guard spread to form a ring around the table. The red-faced Sergeant spoke to Faldo in ominous tones, without ever breaking eye contact with Damon.
“Faldo, my old friend, we have known each other for a long time. Will you please remove yourself from the table for your safety, please?” He asked in almost pleading, dark tones. From the strangled words, it was all the Sergeant could do to restrain himself in Damon's presence.
Faldo looked at Damon, who nodded wearily and mouthed Cariline to him. Faldo nodded and got up to walk to his brother’s betrothed and one he looked at as a sister. Cariline looked on at the scene with tears in her eyes. She had Faldo on one side and Aliesa on the other each trying to console her. The crowd gathered at building drama. The scene attracting on-lookers, just like wolves were drawn to fear. Thomas slipped a metal gauntlet on his right hand as he began to speak. The soldiers tightened their ranks to prevent the youth from escaping.
“Damon, son of Rascus--” Sergeant Thomas began. By naming his damned father in the genealogy, the Matron Mother was letting all know she had disowned her son, that he was no longer the Temple’s responsibility. Damon swallowed hard, for the first time feeling fear in his chest, “--you are hereby arrested on twenty-two accounts of burglary, thirty-seven accounts of assault, five accounts of murder, an unnamed number accounts of extortion, and the most grievous account of all, striking the most beloved of The Grim.”
Thomas raised the steel-clad first and brought it down across Damon’s face with a sickening crunch, slamming him back into the back of the booth where he sat. Thomas stepped back and motioned to the guard with a bloody steel hand to drag the unconscious youth out to the floor. From somewhere behind them came a females wail of despair.