The human mind is an incredible thing in any way you look at it. It creates and transfers ideas like nothing ever seen before, like an innovative super computer that Steve Jobs probably would’ve got hit in the head with. But I don’t think it’s the fact that the human mind can create ideas beyond anyone’s reach, but the simple urge to share them. Even now, the spreading of ideas is effecting everything we do. For everything we do is simply an idea.
Every idea is a story to be written, told, and illustrated, only to die out on a street somewhere in Hell’s Kitchen. And without further or do, here is the story of… a story, I suppose. Something, that under careful examination, would be impossible, yet it happened anyways. I guess this is where the old asshole in the tux states “And now, let us start this peculiar story” or some crap like that. Well, sorry Morgan Freeman, but I beat you to the punch.
And now, time for a peculiar show about a typical protagonist and his psychopathic partner.
The year was this year, and the day was today. Today was a typical day, I would say so. A typical day in a typical world with typically odd humans rummaging through it like the useless trash they were. The best and worst movies were shown from 4:30 PM-12:00 AM, and the weekly magazines were sold for $4.00 on Wednesdays and Fridays at some local convenience store right next to fried inedible food items.
Truly, it was a typical world, and I personally would like to tell you about this commonplace area. But alas, there are at least 200 billion people in this story, so I think I'm going to have to shorten it down to two high school seniors living in south Oregon. There is nothing quite peculiar when it came to these boys, nothing that would set them out from others. But in a world such as this, I don't think they need something peculiar about them. Just a pencil, a desk, and something to work off of.
They didn't need anything in particular about them, for they were going to create something truly out of the ordinary. Something bigger than anything we could ever hope to achieve. And that simple, small thing that they were going to create was a story.
The "Sketch" premier issue is coming soon! Make sure to check it out!