This section will also contain four questions and answers that correspond to being a blogger or my blog in general.
What devices do you use to upload a new blog post?
I mainly use the family computer as that way, I can email myself all of the images that I need for inserting into a post should I need to. However, if I'm on a bus for example and really want to blog about something, I use the WordPress app on my iPhone to save a draft or even upload. I can also see my notifications and private messages through this app too.
How do you let people know that you've uploaded a new post?
Through WordPress, I make sure that my blog is connected to Twitter so the second a post goes live, it automatically tweets for me a link to the new post for my followers to see. If I do mention authors, publishers, other bloggers in my post, I tag their Twitter usernames as well just to let them know that they are in a post. I also promote the post on my Goodreads, Facebook page and Instagram account.
If you want to post, how do you motivate yourself?
For this, I do a few things:
1, Work out the best time of the day that I feel able to blog. So for me personally, it's either 10PM at night or 6AM in the morning UK time.
2, Play some music through YouTube just to get me going.
3, Screenshot a reminder to blog on my iPhone lockscreen since the first thing I do when I wake up is check my iPhone for messages.
Do you struggle with coming up with new ideas for blog posts and if so, how do you deal with that?
I sometimes do, if I feel that what I've recently blogged about has been the same old topics, I worry about followers finding my writing boring. To deal with this, I look at my Goodreads for example and see if there's a book review that I've written that is long enough for a blog post. If there is, that's one new blog post. I do like to keep myself busy with blog tours and other promotional opportunities but in all honesty, I found stressing about it to be a huge negative. Just let the inspiration come to you, with myself and books, I find that the books speak ideas to me.