I knew this would happen, always does. She disappeared and each time she did, she increased the amount of questions in my head. What was she doing? Cheating on me. Wouldn’t be a surprise, most people would if they had to go out with me. I missed her more and more each time though. She came back again, like she always does, claimed it was a long day at work despite me seeing her never enter work when I drive her to work as she didn’t have a driving licence yet (she normally takes the bus, but I do drive her to work from time to time) She then said she had something to tell me. So she finally was going to confess the truth? It wasn’t a surprise to anyone but I should at least prepare myself mentally to cry. I had to cry. Most people would cry. Most people aren’t used to this pain - they haven’t neglected it yet.
She looked me in the eyes. She squinted as if she tried to stop herself from crying but did it anyway.
“The truth is… I don’t think we can see each other for a while. I love you and all, and that’s why I’m leaving you. I don’t want you to get more involved into this dirty business than I already am,” she said.
"So you finally admitted to cheating on me?"
"No, what?!" she sounded surprised, "I came here to tell you that I lost my job so I decided to find a new job, but I knew it wouldn't be enough to last us both especially if we want to have children so I decided to go back to living with my parents and going to med school to become a doctor."
"So this is goodbye?"
"Yes I'm afraid it is for now, I would say feel free to visit but I won't have the time for visitors if I go down this route. I'm sorry but if you still love me in four years, you won't have to go overtime most nights in your job and will be able to enjoy a normal stress-free life. I'm doing this for the both of us - I hope you understand."
"I do, make sure not to fall for some handsome doc whilst you're there," I said as I laughed to soften the pain. I'm used to being cheated on, that's a pain I learnt to neglect but this pain was something new. The pain of wanting someone but knowing it's best for them to leave for a while, that's a pain I'm sure no one can neglect...