"I know I've probably said this before but I'll be quick. That way you can't feel it." A slight smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth as he got ready to spear the man in the chest. "You won't feel a thing. After all, the dead can't say 'ow'!"
Tilting his head to see Kaylen look elsewhere then back up at him, Six released the man as he heard a nasty cough. Straightening when the sound came again, he looked over his shoulder to see the pinkette on all fours. Dropping the man in favor of approaching the teen, Six paused when he spotted the bright red grass. Watching as the boy seemed to be coughing up the blood; the blonde raised an eyebrow before taking a subtle step back as Robert lifted his head.
Deadened hazel eyes stared vacantly at the red one before Robert resumed his previous activity of coughing.
"R-Robert…" Purple eyes widened slightly when aforementioned slowly looked his way. From there, Kaylen slowly pulled himself into a sitting position. "R…Robert?"
Clenching his jaw, Six began to walk towards the pinkette that had resumed with what he had been doing.
Kaylen had sounded hopeful.
Robert was supposed to be dead.
He would fix that.
"You're supposed to be dead so play dead, dammit!"
Picking up his foot, he aimed a kick at the boy's head, simply to have him fall forward and out of the way. Diverting his kick to stomp down on the teen, the android felt his eyebrow twitch when the boy rolled to the side to hold his stomach. Balling a hand into a fist, he swung at the pinkette.
Feeling cold fingers tighten bit by bit, the android growled lowly as he heard Kaylen shouting his name again. "Shut up!" The single eye then narrowed at the pink-haired male that was panting lightly. "As for you-" Blank eyes looked at the blonde. "-let go!" he shouted as he swung at him.
"Rob-!" Violet eyes widened before the man had to rub them. "R…Robert?"
"Let go of me, brat!" Six ordered as he pulled a hand back. " Let. G-"
Being released suddenly, Six took a step back when Robert lowered his hands back to his side.
The teen was a pale as a ghost.
He should've been dead yet there he stood with a chilling and lifeless gaze.
The way he just looked at him was enough to make the android want to gouge his unblinking eyes out.
"Six…" Said person narrowed his eye. "…Six…"
Receiving a series of labored breaths, the blonde sucked his teeth before grabbing a hold of the other's collar.
So what if the brat was still alive?
He killed him once, he could do it again.
Tightening his hold, Six formed a fist with his free hand but didn't swing due to the 'Error' message popping up in his line of vision. It lingered longer than it had previously, making him grit his teeth until he felt something prodding at the hole in his forehead. As his vision cleared, he looked up to see a hand messing around with what could've been wiring. Tightening his hold again, he jumped when the hand at his forehead moved down to mess with the exposed eye socket. And focusing on the boy's face at last, Six couldn't help the mild shiver that traveled down his back when he say the deadpanned look the pinkette was giving him.
He had been giving him that look the entire time.
The name came out nothing more as a harsh whisper that was soon followed by a dull pain. The dull pain then became a mild throb before becoming what felt like a piercing stake to the head. Feeling it again, Six pushed the boy away when he recognized the pain to be coming from the areas the boy had been touching. Hearing his name again, he shoved the boy as he felt a tug coming from where his eye used to be.
Trying to get to his feet, Kay sagged back down as several vertebrae grated against each other. Bringing his gaze up in time, he watched as the pinkette stumbled back on shaky legs. Noticing the copper wiring in his hand, Kaylen looked towards Six to see sparks coming from the empty socket prior to being covered with his hand. He noted the way the droid backed away with each step the pinkette took. Seeing a shaky hand reach forward, Kaylen watched as Robert dropped it back to his side before taking a knee.
Six wasn't sure what was keeping the boy. He had been dead nearly thirty minutes ago but whatever was helping him seemed to be fading fast or not agreeing with him since he was coughing up blood once more. With the amount of it, it was a surprise that Robert was able to move at all.
As hazel eyes shifted to look towards the brunette, Six took the opportunity to punch him down. Ignoring the man calling out to see if the teen was alright, the blonde proceeded for as the boy picked himself up slowly. Repeating his action, he then grabbed him in favor of throwing him across the area, leaving bright red skid marks along the way. Calling of the boy's name made the android clench his teeth before he went over to kick him. Hearing Kaylen telling him not to do what he had planned, Six looked back at him as he raised his foot.
"You're not the boss of me," he growled as he kicked at the pinkette.
Watching as the boy was sent a few feet away, Six felt his eye twitch when the 'Error' message flashed in front of him again. When it ended, he saw Robert climbing to his feet though his head hung down. His arms hung limply at his sides yet he took a staggering step forward. As hard as he had kicked him, the blonde would admit surprise as he watched the other slowly but surely start to close the gap between them.
Rob's voice was just a harsh whisper yet it still managed to rattle around in the blonde's head.
Again, Six heard his name being called. It was a tad louder than before but it could've went unnoticed to others. When the pinkette called to him again, Six froze as he read the 'Error' message once more. By the time it had vanished, the pinkette was standing right in front of the other, head tilted ever so slightly.
"Robert, g-get away from…him!" Kaylen ordered.
"You should listen to him," Six stated as he grabbed the teen by the neck. "Anything else you would like to say before I kill you…again?"
To that, Robert placed his hand on the bullet wound to the head prior to sliding it down to touch the empty eye socket. Allowing his other hand to touch the android's cheek, Robert slid it up to touch the ends of yellow hair. Letting out a quiet sigh, he pushed two fingers into the empty socket. Frowning momentarily as the other tried to pull away, Rob sighed once more before grasping several exposed wires. Being pushed again, he stumbled back, pulling the frayed cables with him.
Hearing a string of curse words, the pinkette looked up from the wiring in his hand to stare at the android covering half his face. The threat of death didn't quite register as he started to walk towards the other male. Not registering the calling off his name coming from the injured brunette, Robert watched the darkening eye that had been glaring at him.
"You little brat!"
Holding the side of his face a moment more, Six charged the teen, simply to have him sidestep him. Feeling something slide through his hair, he clenched his jaw when the fingers tightened, yanking him back. Receiving a minor glitch in vision, Six held the side of his head before feeling something hard colliding with his mouth. Stumbling back, he scowled when he fell over. Looking up to see Robert slowly walking towards him, Six scooted back after rubbing his mouth. Spitting out a bit of red oil, the android's gaze shot back up to pin the teen with another glare. The gesture faltered soon after when he noticed something different.
It was small but he noticed it.
Robert blinked.
The dead, unfeeling look in his hazel eyes faded with yet another blink but the expressionless gaze obtained a newer feature.
Rob's gaze seemed somewhat dark, almost sinister.
Even more, he had a small smile on his face.
A shiver went down said person's spine. Seeing the smile broadened a fraction, the blonde kicked his foot out, only to have it caught. Doing the same with the other, Six winced when the pinkette stomped down on the limb, pinning it to the ground. Swinging his other leg, he got the satisfaction of making contact with the teen's chest. On the other hand, he wasn't expecting Robert to grab a hold of it and pull the android closer. He didn't expect the boy to punch downwards, breaking interior circuits and plating.
Feeling several things crack, Six kicked the leg that was caught before climbing to his feet when the pinkette released him. Turning to see that Rob was gone, he stepped back when that annoying communication flashed before his eye. When it cleared, he rubbed his jaw before tensing when he heard the sound of a sigh come from behind him. Being spun around, he had his face captured before having it pulled down to meet the top of Robert's knee. Receiving a kick to the side of the head right after, the android skidded along the ground. And picking himself up bit by bit, he came face to face with the pinkette's smiling face. Flinching as he felt fingers caressing the side of his face, Six winced when his hair was seized again.
Grabbing hold of the boy's wrist, the blonde snapped it back before receiving an uppercut to the jaw. Having his head grabbed to be slammed to the ground, Six rolled out of the way as the teen's foot came down. Grabbing hold of it , Six rolled over again, taking the boy off his feet and pinning him to the ground.
"What's the matter, Six?"
Robert's voice was still a harsh whisper but it actually sounded somewhat intimidating.
Tightening his grip on the boy's wrists, Six studied the pale face before noticing how much darker the other's eyes had become. As he blinked, he noted the faint stretch of a smile before feeling the corner of his own eye twitching.
Shifting to hold two in one hand, Six paused when the teen's grin broadened. Feeling something slide under his midsection, he lowered his gaze before being launched up into the air. Receiving the message pertaining to maintenance, he thought he'd hit the ground.
He waited but he never felt the hard impact.
Instead, he felt himself being caught.
Being tossed up again, his vision came back in time to see the foot coming towards his face.
It made contact before he could react and it sent him skidding towards the brunette that was still holding his side. Glancing at the pinkette that was sliding his hands into his pockets as he began to walk over, Six grabbed Kaylen by the back of the collar and forced him to his feet.
"Stop." Rob did so for about three seconds before continuing on his way. "I said to stop!" Six shouted. "Or do you not care what happens to your friend's older brother?" Clenching his jaw when the boy proceeded forward, Six switched his hold from the man's collar to his neck. "Can you live with yourself if you let him die?"
To that, Robert stopped, much to the blonde's surprise.
Then again, the teen seemed to be full of them.
Releasing Kay in favor of approaching the other, Six stopped several feet away. When Rob made no attempts at moving, the taller male stepped closer prior to swinging a fist. Knocking the other back a few inches or so, Six repeated his actions before kicking his foot out to catch Robert in the chest, sending him away. Walking towards the boy that had yet to get up, the blonde kicked him in the back. Repeating his actions, Six watched him skid along the ground with a smile.
"R…Robert!" Violet eyes widened when the android kicked the teen closer and closer to the edge. "Robert, get up!"
Receiving a kick to the stomach, Robert coughed up blood before curling in on himself. The painful feel of kicking soon died away though he could tell that the android was still attacking him. With every blink, the calling of his name got fainter and fainter until he couldn't even hear it anymore. Eventually he didn't feel the kicks either.
Rolling the pinkette onto his back, Six stepped down on his stomach to see red trickle from the corners of his mouth. Pressing down hard, he watched as the boy's eyes appeared to lighten, losing that sinister look they once held. Reaching down to grab Robert's neck, Six smirked when the other gasped. As fingers reached up to touch the side of his face, the blonde narrowed his eye before tightening his grip.
"When I kill you this time, stay dead!"
Watching the other's eyes start to flutter shut, Six applied more pressure until he lost sight of the hazel coloring all together. Dropping his hands back to his sides, he stared at the bruising at the boy's neck before looking back at the brunette that was covering his mouth. Offering a smile, the gesture faltered suddenly. Looking back down at the boy, the first thing Six noticed was the small smirk twitching at the corner of his mouth.
"Ah, ah, ah." Pale fingers grabbed the android by the neck before their owner sat up to lean in. "You should make sure I'm actually dead before you look away," Robert whispered as he pushed the blonde onto his back, pinning him there. "You're like a spoiled brat." Moving to sit on the other's stomach, Robert offered a mocking smile. "You take way too long to do anything because you think you're invincible yet, here you are. You've had this entire installation fearing you, you know and for what? Because you took over the systems that ran the place? Because you took control of the people in black?" The pinkette chuckled before spitting out a bit of blood. "If you were capable of doing all that before, why'd you wait until you brought me here to do so?"
"Get off of me," Six ordered.
"Why?" he asked as he leaned down, grabbing the hand that almost seized his throat once more. "You didn't bother rebelling until you brought me here. Why is that?" The boy blinked once. "You needed security, right? You figured that Nikolai wouldn't touch you if you brought me about, huh? You could've easily killed him when he slept. You could've walked right up to him with a gun and pulled the trigger yet you wanted me to. Using people to get what you want isn't nice, Six."
"Ah, ah, ah." Pulling a shard of glass from his pocket, Robert stabbed it into the android's free hand, pinning the thing to the ground when he had attempted to grab him. "No need to get mad because it's true. You could've killed Nikolai but, the way I see it, you were completely terrified of him." The teen chuckled quietly. "I suppose that's understandable but there could always be scarier things in this world, Six." Leaning in a bit more, the teen smiled next to the android's ear. "Nikolai is scary but you should be afraid of me."
"You're dead!"
"Yeah, I suppose Robert is…but so are you when I'm done."
"W-what did you just say?"
Withdrawing another shard of reddened glass, the pinkette smiled as he jabbed the piece into the blonde's free hand. "I said you're going to die."
Sitting up, Robert leaned back, slipping out the handle of a knife. Dangling the thing in front of the android, he smiled when the red eye widened then narrowed. He soon flicked out the blade prior to stabbing it into the bullet wound to the head. Six lurched forward, tearing the skin on his hands before seeing the word 'Error' flash in capital letters.
The message vanished when the knife was removed.
However, he jerked when he felt the blade stabbed through the empty socket.
"You bastard-"
"Oh, no. No, no, no." Pulling out a second knife, Robert traced the sharpened end along the blonde's jaw line then along his neck. "You should be nice, Six. I mean, you would want a quick death, right? That would be showing mercy but you just make it so damn hard. After all, you were shot in the head." The free knife stabbed into said wound before pulling out quickly, causing frayed wires to spark. "You also were shot in the eye." The pinkette wiggled around the knife that was lodged in said area. "Yet you're still talking and walking and…and…heh." He chuckled. "C'mon, Six, where's your off switch, huh?" Hazel eyes darkened soon after. "You found Ace's after all, am I right?" Stabbing the knife into the android's chest, Robert pulled it out when he saw the spark in the red eye fade momentarily. "Oh, what's this?"
"Ah, ah, ah. I know who my alleged father is," Robert said as he stabbed the knife down again. "Come now, Six, can't you-"
"Get off!" Six ordered as he pulled his hands free.
Ignoring the jagged tears in his hands, the blonde shoved the pinkette off. Clambering to his feet, he lurched when he felt the knife in his chest shift. Glancing up, he stepped out the way of a punch but couldn't get out of the way of a perfectly placed kick to the stomach. Another was placed a bit higher than previous before the third hit the knife, lodging the thing in deeper.
Pulling out the knife in his eye, Six swung the thing at the other, catching him across the shin then in his upper arm. Increasing the distance between them, the blonde held the side of his head before buckling to the ground. Hearing footsteps, he swung the knife at teen before bowing his head.
"Ah, what's the matter, Six?"
Said person looked up slowly before growling as he felt a kick to his head. As he fell back, he scowled at the foot pressing on his forehead before cutting the boy's leg. Feeling a sliver of victory when the foot removed itself, the android trembled when he felt the shoe step down on the protruding handle, lodging the item deeper. Swinging his hand with the knife, he grimaced when the boy stepped down on it, pinning it to the ground.
"Oh, Six." Robert took a knee to retrieve the blonde's knife before carving a line into the ground. "Six, Six, Six…you don't seem to be faring well." He traced the blade along the trail of red oil leaking from the corner of his mouth. "I do believe I found your off switch after all. How nice. I would say we should play more but I fear my time is starting to run a bit short you see. That being said, it's lights out, Six."
"Go to hell."
"Well, the longer I look at you, the more I feel like I'm already there." Pulling the knife from the other's chest, Robert held one in each hand. "I would say that this time has been fun but that'd be a lie."
"Just shut-" A splitting pain wracked Six's form before he cringed inwardly. "F…fuck…"
"You seem to be suffering, Six." The single eye looked towards him. "Did he suffer?"
The blonde clenched his jaw as his vision began to flicker in and out. "B…bastard…"
"Did he or didn't he?!"
Feeling his body shudder, Six hung his head as he startled to chuckle. "He did…He did every damn day. He suffered until his body shut down! He was nothing more than worthless metal. He was worthless!"
Curling his fingers tightly around the handles, Robert let them go lax for a moment. "He was worthless, huh?" Dark eyes then rested upon the android before one of the knives came down, landing right in the center of the blonde's chest. "If he was worthless, then you're not even worth being scrap metal," the pinkette chided before plunging the final knife downwards.
Punching Six when he attempted to grab him, Rob dragged both weapons down in a slow fashion. Ripping both out when the blonde retried his previous endeavors, Robert jabbed one into each of the blonde's hands before eyeing the cavity he had made. Catching a glimpse of the red eye watching him, he reached into the android's chest, feeling around for several seconds prior to ripping out numerous cables. Ignoring the spatter of red oil Six had hacked up; Robert continued to pull at the cables and ripped out circuitry.
He paid no regard to the sparks being emitted.
He ignored the imitated blood welling from Six's sputtering mouth.
All he wanted was the android to stop existing.
Picking up the knives again, he eyed each one before staring at the waning light still illuminating Six's eye. "Just die," he said before stabbing the first then second down into the exposed machinery.
Watching gears slow and wiring spark madly, Robert gradually rose to his feet when the small lights on the other's circuitry faded. Looking at the blonde's face he watched as the remaining eye lost any signs of life prior to noticing the faint trail of water rolling down from the corner of his eye.
"…He suffered until his body shut down!"
Catching the sound of sirens in the distance, Robert looked towards the water. Taking in the sights for a few moments more, he covered his mouth when he felt something running down the corners of his mouth.
Holding his hand up, he eyed the red substance curiously before covering his mouth again when he felt something crawling up the back of his throat. Coughing up more blood than he had previously, Robert took a step back from the edge. Watching as the liquid seeped between his fingers to fall to the ground, the boy held his stomach before dropping to one knee. Starting to feel light-headed as he did earlier, Robert looked over his shoulder to see Elle lying motionless.
The rise and fall of her chest, despite an irregular pattern, confirmed that she was alive.
Turning his attention towards Kaylen, he made out the hazy, violet eye watching him before it slid shut.
He seemed to be well enough to make it too.
"He was worthless!"
When sitting upright became a chore, he leaned forward as he clamped his hand over his mouth tighter. While the hand at his midsection clasped tighter, he listened to the sound of waves crashing against the rock wall far below until the noise was lost behind the ever increasing volume of sirens. As they grew louder, his hands finally dropped to his sides before passing out in the reddened grass.