Evvie felt Aidan pull her mink lined black coat smoothly from her arms unveiling her new knee length sleeveless metallic lilac dress. It had a deep v-neck plunge exposing the skin of her chest and it fell loosely around her body to a dropped waist. The silken fabric turned into a geometric diamond pattern of beads, feathers and fringe below the waist along with the color which morphed into deep reds and crimsons around her knees. She had crimson high heel shoes and metallic silver elbow length gloves encircled in bejeweled bracelets. Her makeup was simple yet alluring with a red lip and smoky charcoal eyes and her hair as always shined an almost silky black around her face. As she turned towards Aidan she could hear her dress tinkle as the fringe and beads flew out from her body with the twisting motion.
Aidan had set her coat on the counter and had just taken off his own black trench coat. Underneath his coat he had on a black three piece suit with white pinstripes, finished in a checkered white and plum purple tie. On his feet were his new white and black two-toned wing tips which he was very proud of. He set the coat down on the counter beside the other coat before moving the back of his hand up to his forehead directly below the front lip of his black fedora. Moving his hand in a slanted upward motion under the brim, the hat seemed to slide effortlessly into the crook of his elbow. Popping his elbow the fedora flipped in the air over his head and without looking his other hand snatched the hat and with a twist set it on the counter in front of an impressed female coat attendant. Leaning forward on the counter the coat attendant smiled flirtatiously at him and handed him a ticket which he took with a lop-sided grin.
Evvie glared at the girl as Aidan turned and took her arm. They walked arm and arm through large wooden double doors into the lavish interior of the jazz hall which was illuminated by crystal chandeliers throughout. They were immediately confronted with a large oval shaped bar surrounded by leather clad stools. The ceiling was covered in copper sheets riveted into place. Columns framed the center of the room which contained the bar, some round tables surrounded by chairs, a large parquet dance floor which was currently empty and a large stage filled with a band. Beyond the columns there were many dimly lit booths and tables. The band on stage was playing an up-beat jazzy tune lead by muted trumpets and saxophones.
Evvie noticed Aidan scanning the crowd of the half-filled room, but she was only interested in the bar. Aidan turned his back to the bar as Evvie leaned over it and ordered a shot of whiskey. She pulled out her ebony cigarette holder and lit one while she waited for her drink. Aidan meanwhile was leaning backwards on the bar and continued to look at the crowd. Evvie smiled at the barkeep as he slid the whiskey her way. She licked her lips in anticipation as she brought the glass to her lips, but just as she put the glass to her mouth Aidan tapped on her impatiently.
“Evvie, Evvie. That’s him. He’s here.”
She turned to look in the same direction and saw the group he indicated. There were a handful of men talking at a round table near the dance floor. All were dressed casually but not sloppy and most were fairly handsome. “Which one is he?” she asked.
He leaned casually towards her and said, “The sandy blonde with the golden striped tie.”
She apraised the man he indicated. He was a tall man in his mid to late 40’s who was lean through the hips but had a broad chest and shoulders. His hair was slicked straight back and he had a strong angular clean-shaven jaw. His eyebrows were perhaps too bushy but it didn’t subtract from his attractiveness. His suit was a simple black except for the pop of color in his golden tie that matched his hair nicely.
“Who are the men around him?” she asked.
Aidan licked his lips nervously, “I think a few are some fellow inspectors in the police force, the large one on the right is a politician. There are also a couple of business men.”
Evvie turned back to her drink, “Well if he’s here, he’s bribable.”
Aidan’s jaw bulged slightly as he ground his teeth. “Yeah but how do we separate him from his little entourage over there. I need to get him alone.”
She chuckled lightly before shooting the whiskey in front of her. As the amber liquid ran down her throat, catching her stomach on fire she raised her hand for another. Aidan’s brow came down in an irritated scowl. “What’s so funny?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I can see from here that he has a wedding ring on, but I see no ball and chain. He’s in need of some real company.”
Aidan quickly countered her, “No! We’re not doing that stuff anymore. You’re my wife. I can’t handle watching you seduce other men. It’s not right.”
She flicked her hand at him dismissively, “Oh horse feathers, Aidan. I’m wearing my wedding ring aren’t I? I’m not talking about seducing anyone. I’m talking about playing match-maker.” Another whiskey was set in front of her and she took a drag from her cigarette and picked up the glass before continuing. “All I need to do is separate him from the crowd. In the mean time you go gather that nice group of fillies over there, order a bottle of champagne, and wait for me to make your introduction.” She pointed her cigarette to a group of young girls on the other side of the room who were tweeting together like a group of birds.
Aidan pursed his lips and with a heavy sigh said, “Alright, but how are you going to separate him?”
She raised an eyebrow at him and said over her whiskey, “I think it’s time for a change in music, don’t you?”
Aidan immediately went to protest, but she had already shot the whiskey, handed him her cigarette and was sauntering away from him. She could hear him say “Damn” underneath his breath but she didn’t care. She walked to the dance floor which was currently empty and did a lap in her most seductive confident strut. She could feel the eyes of the patrons turn to her. As she passed the group of men with her target she could feel their eyes on her body. After completely stopping, she turned in an achingly slow manner, until her eyes rested squarely on him. She smiled and cocked her head before slowly stepping towards him with her arm raised. He moved forward to grasp her gloved hand.
She smiled and said in a relaxed confident tone, “I hope you don’t mind, but I am looking for a dance partner and you seem like the big cheese over there. My name is Evvie.”
He raised her hand to his lips giving her a kiss and she giggled in response. “Hello Evvie. I’m Don. I would love to dance with a dolled up dame like you.”
“Well hold on, you haven’t passed my test yet.” She said. “I’m feeling very particular this evening. If I just wanted to dance, I could pull any old man or woman on the dance floor, but as it is I am looking to dance something… special.”
With his hands behind his back he rocked back on his heels slightly and smiled at her, “Oh and what would that be?”
“The tango” She said her voice dropping in pitch slightly.
His eyes widened and it took him a moment to answer, but when he did it was soft. “I do know the tango.”
Evvie clapped her hands together extravagantly, “Well aren’t you the bee’s knees. I just knew when I looked at you that you would know it. I can tell these things you know. Stay right here.”
She almost skipped across the dance floor and bent the ear of one of the musicians and asked him for a tango. The man chuckled and the jazzy music died away. She turned back around to see that Don had removed his jacket and stepped out onto the dance floor his shoes echoing slightly in the now quiet room. The piano began with a thudding like distant thunder, and violins began to softly overlay it setting a heart beat rhythm. She stepped forward to meet Don in the middle of the floor. Meeting his eyes her hands slid into place on his shoulder and in his hand while his other hand found the crook of her back. He pulled her into him slightly and she brushed her cheek against his own feeling the warmth radiating from his body.
She felt Don’s body tense around her as the bandoneon began to carry the melody. He pushed on her slightly and she stepped back in the slow controlled movement of the tango. His leg followed and he led her in the long step-step-side-close formation. As he learned her movement she became comfortable in his and they began to move fluidly around the floor.
She looked around the room and with satisfaction realized that every eye was on them. The music began to pick up and Don suddenly felt it necessary to take charge of the floor. He pushed her out of his arms and pulled down on her hand prompting her to turn quickly back into him. As she came back into closed position he dropped quickly to the floor into a deep lunge which she emulated. Balanced by one another, his strong brown eyes met hers and they slid slowly upward scraping their toes against the floor as a violin took over the melody. She smiled at him, as he drew out the movement before continuing the basic tango formation. She whispered into his ear, “You are good, did you learn with your wife initially?”
At her question, Don swiveled prompting her to step back behind herself and he flicked his foot through her legs in a hooking manner then pivoted, pulling her to cross her back leg back in front of her and she in turn flicked her other foot through his legs. He deftly pulled her into a quick turn that took them across the floor. He terminated the turn in a broad stance and using her forward momentum she wrapped one of her legs around his hip and she heard a gasp go around the room. He paused in this moment and said, “No, unfortunately she is not that kind of woman.”
He pushed forward and she unhooked her leg and he spun her under his arm and came forward to meet her melding seamlessly back into the normal tango rhythm. As he crossed his legs and turned in place she swiveled back and forth around him saying, “Are you saying that I am that sort of women.” She could hear her dress tinkle and from the corner of her eye she saw that a crowd was beginning to form around the dance floor.
Don pulled her to his side and leaned pulling her to lean deeply into his side and she slid her outer leg up against her inner one as he looked at her and responded, “I think you are the complicated sort.”
He pushed her upright once more, and she slid one leg through his legs sinking slowly downwards. She looked up through her eyelashes and said, “Good answer”
The music suddenly picked up in volume and tempo and he pushed out their arms to point across the floor and they followed the direction in large strong strides. At the end of the floor he pushed her out and pulled her back prompting her to turn multiple times back into his arms after which he immediately back peddled dragging her across the floor. He ended the movement by pulling her into a deep dip as the music crescendoed to an end.
Evvie puffed heavily as she hung in Don’s arms. He swung her back to a standing position and she curtsied to him as she heard applause rise around the room. It wasn’t exuberant and it seemed forced, as if the room didn’t know what to make of the dance but recognized a show when they saw it. Don stepped toward her and took her hand in his once again and raised it to his lips for a kiss. “You are a most spirited dancer. May I ask where you learned the tango?”
She smiled coyly at him and responded without missing a beat, “My husband, of course.”
He swallowed for a moment and asked, “Your… husband?”
Her coy smile took on a mischievous edge and she walked into his personal space and placing a single finger on his chin, “Yes, and he’s dying to meet you.” She pushed past him and looking back at him over her shoulder gestured with her head for him to follow. He seemed to tighten his tie nervously but he did turn and follow her. She sauntered off of the dance floor with Don in tow and the jazz music regained the hall as a hand full of people began to fill the floor. It did not take her long to find Aidan seated in a large round booth surrounded by six beautiful young women. Aidan smiled at her with a large devilishly charming grin as she approached but it did not reach his eyes. He handed her an already loaded and lit cigarette holder and a filled champagne flute. She took both and turned to Don.
“Don, this is my husband Aidan Ikaros. Aidan, baby, this is Don.” She took a sip of her champagne and sat down in the booth next to a waifishly skinny red head in a sparkling blush colored dress.
Don grasped Aidan’s hand firmly and said, “Lovely to meet you ol’ sport.”
From a slight flick of Aidan’s hand some of the girls slid out of the booth to let Don sit nearer to him. “Great to meet you to. Won’t you have a seat? You dance an excellent tango.”
Don sat down in the booth and he was immediately framed on both sides by a blonde and a brunette. “Well, your wife was the true star on the dance floor.”
Aidan began to poor a glass of champagne. “Don’t be modest. She is all that of course, but it takes a strong partner to lead her. Glass of champagne?” Aidan held out the champagne flute to the man with a knowing smile.
Evvie saw how Don appraised Aidan for a moment before returning the smile with a knowing look of his own. Don reached out and took the glass and wrapped the other arm around the brunette’s shoulder saying, “Yes, How very kind of you.”
Aidan’s smile truly did reach his eyes now and he continued, “Oh I forgot to make introductions. How rude of me. This is Melody, Roxy, Trisha, Jasmine, Carrie, and… oh yes Patty.” He went around the table pointing out each lady’s name and Evvie discovered she was next to Roxy the redhead. Knowing that Aidan was truly in his element now Evvie returned to one of her favorite activities; drinking. She began to sip on her glass in earnest as Aidan got down to business.
Don spoke first as he wrapped an arm around one of the girls, “So Aidan, are you from around here?”
Evvie turned to look at Aidan and noticed the excited twinkle in his eyes. “No, Evvie and I have a little place in Kentucky, but there might be an opportunity to come out this way.”
Don had to swallow the champagne in his mouth quickly to respond, “Opportunity?”
“Yeah, business has been good and we’re looking to expand.”
“And what business might that be?”
Evvie watched a smile creep over his face as he reached out to take his own champagne. “Technically…” Evvie rolled her eyes as Aidan shrugged slightly puckering his lips. “… not a legal one.”
Don’s lips pressed together and he nodded his head. “I should have known, you’re a gangster.”
Aidan chuckled, “I take offence. I’m a business man, and business is good my friend.” He lifted his glass to salute Don, but Don only shook his head and looked down at his glass on the table.
“Business may be good for you, but I have to say it hasn’t been so good from my side of the fence. Men willing to break one law are usually willing to break more serious ones.”
Aidan scoffed, “Well you should be happy to know that my record is pristine. Besides, violence is messy and bad for business in my opinion. I run a clean operation. My job is simple; keep the parties rolling.”
“Is that so?”
“It is.”
Again, Don nodded but this time, a slight smile turned the corner of his lips up. “So what do you want from me?”
Evvie turned her attention from Don and Aidan and to her glass before Roxy began chatting merrily with her.
“You’re tango was impressive. I wish I could do that.” she said, her voice high and chirpy.
“Why can’t you? God seems to have blessed you with lovely legs.” she responded looking the girl up and down.
“Oh it’s not my legs I’m worried about. I guess I’m just a bit too shy. Everyone was watching you. I don’t know if I could handle being the center of attention.” She said matter of factly.
Evvie poured herself another glass of champagne. “I guess I was shy once too, but at some point I decided that I didn’t want to sit on the side lines anymore. You know, that’s what our mothers did. They sat on the side lines and did as they were told. What did that get them except blistered hands and flabby bodies?” As she spoke she could hear Don and Aidan laughing boisterously. Things were moving along right on time.
Roxy looked at her admiringly, “I guess I never thought about it like that before.” Evvie wondered if she had any sort of thought before, but knew that as soon as she thought it that it was an unfair judgment. She hardly knew the girl and she did seem very young.
“You know it’s ok to not want to be the center of attention, but you can’t let life pass you by without taking some risks, but you obviously have things well in hand. You are here after all.” she remarked as she puffed on her cigarette.
The girl gave her a genuine smile and said, “I am here... May I bum a cig?”
“Yes Roxy, you may.”
Evvie spent a good portion of the evening talking with Roxie and the other girls. At one point they all got up and danced some more and the alcohol flowed freely. The jazz hall filled up to its breaking point and the band was on fire. The more Evvie drank the more the world began to blur around the edges and she found herself laughing louder and smiling so much that her cheeks hurt. By the end of the evening, a few of Don’s initial entourage had joined them and coupled up with the remaining girls. Don had taken a shining to the brunette named Melody and by the end of the night they were necking brazenly. Roxie too had found herself a young man and was dancing unabashed on the floor, kicking her legs up high, showing the tops of her stockings.
Evvie finally found the time to cuddle up to Aidan. He draped an arm around her and she whispered up to him with a slight slur, “So has everything worked out like we hoped?”
Aidan smiled and took a drag off of a cigarette, “Yes Evvie. It has. Mr. Don Trapper is firmly in our pocket. We can expand into Indiana as soon as I recruit some new drivers.”
She gave a contented moan and responded, “I do believe a thank you is in order.”
Aidan gave her a sigh as he smiled down at her. “Evvie, you exasperate me. You were flawless of course, but it doesn’t change the fact that watching you dance with him was extremely difficult for me. At times, I think you do it, because you like seeing me in pain.”
She chuckled and brushed a hair from her face. With half closed eyes she said, “That’s not true… well, maybe it’s a little true.” She brought her hand up and placed her thumb and pointer finger together in a pinching motion, but her motor skills were so off that her hand wobbled in front of her face and she laughed again. As the laughter died in her throat she swiveled and climbed up Aidan’s body to come face to face with him. “But you shouldn’t let yourself get jealous. It’s always been you and only you. More than anything I like the idea that I can control those other guys but you? I can’t control you. You were partially right earlier. I don’t need a strong lead, but I do crave it.” She dropped lazily back into his chest as the jazz band shifted to a more subdued song. The night was coming to an end.
Aidan wrapped his arm around her cradling her into his chest and traced a finger up her arm. He whispered, “Thank you Evvie, but perhaps the next time you feel like dancing the tango, try dancing it with me.”
Evvie closed her eyes and licked her lips. “Ok how about right now?”
She could feel him shrug irritably under her and said, “Evvie, you’re too drunk to dance.”
Evvie turned slightly and rested her chin on his chest and slipped a hand down his stomach to grasp the front of his pants and said, “I wasn’t talking about that sort of tango.” She felt him jump under her touch surprised by the turn in the conversation, but he hardened immediately to her touch.
The next moments became a blur to Evvie. Aidan had responded by kissing her deeply and she fell completely into the embrace. She was only half aware of leaving the jazz hall and walking up stairs to the hotel that topped the illegal drink establishment. She remembered being pinned to the side of the elevator and she looked up at herself in the mirrored ceiling, seeing the top of Aidan’s head in the crook of her neck and an uncomfortable looking man controlling the elevator. Evvie could feel her heart beating a complicated rhythm has Aidan groped at her skin hungrily. Just as she felt herself get her bearings, Aidan was tugging on her and she stumbled out of the elevator down the patterned hall. The world was spinning slightly and if it wasn’t for Aidan holding her up she would have fallen. Her lips felt slightly numb and Aidan’s hands seemed to burn against her skin.
Aidan had her pinned again against a wall and she heard the jingling of keys. The wall she was pressed against suddenly swung away from her and Aidan pushed against her keeping her upright as she seemed to fly backwards. Her back hit hard on the open door and Aidan was once again on her mouth, kissing her breathless. He pulled her back from the door so that he could shut the door and she stumbled dizzy and light headed into the room. She heard the door shut behind her and she was suddenly grasped from behind. His hands were on her hips and his mouth traveled from her neck to her shoulder where he suddenly bit down hard. She sucked in air at the sudden flash of pain falling back into him.
Evvie’s vision blurred and she hadn’t realized that he had pushed her towards a bed before she fell hard face first into the mattress. She gripped at the comforter trying to stabilize her equilibrium as she heard an unzipping sound. Aidan pressed into from behind and she groaned at the contact, and the ecstasy of him pressed into her flooded her entire body. Aidan’s hands were pushing up her dress and unlatching the snaps of her garter belt. She felt the urge to slow down a bit but she was too slow. Her mind could not react fast enough to Aidan’s insistent need of her. She was so overwhelmed by his touch though that she lost the urge to slow down and instead tried to focus on staying with him in this moment instead of falling behind. She felt his mouth kiss and nip on her hips as his fingers slid under the fabric of her underwear pulling them down her legs.
Her limbs felt like jello and she struggled to regain control of herself, but before she could Aidan had pushed her further on the bed and lifted her hips to meet his. Her face fell into the sheets with a moan as he entered her, and for a moment she felt whole, like he had filled completely a deep void within her. The pleasurable warmth seemed to consume her entire body and she trembled at the strength of it. Evvie did not have long to relish the moment before Aidan had gripped her hips firmly and began to beat a strong steady rhythm against her.
She did her best to steady her body against him but the force of his movements rocking her back and forth changed something within her. Her stomach lurched violently at the motion and she closed her eyes tightly as the nauseous wave grew within her. Beneath the black of her eyelids her world began to spin too quickly exasperating the uneasy feeling in her stomach. She felt like she was riding some insane merry-go-round in the depths of some dark cave. Only slightly aware of the warming friction created by Aidan’s forward thrusts, she felt the overwhelming urge to stop. She attempted to say so but it only came out as a mumbling muffled moan. She swallowed willing the bile in her throat back down and she breathed deeply doing everything in her power to return to the pleasurable heat that dominated her only a few minutes before. She was only slightly aware of the tears slipping from her clenched eyes. She had lost complete control of her body and was forced to endure.
Aidan finally gave one last powerful thrust against her and gripped her hips digging his fingers into her skin. She was thankful for it and when he pulled away from her she slipped from the bed and crumpled to the floor. She immediately bent forward and her abdomen heaved forcing the mostly liquid contents of her stomach onto the floor. She could hear Aidan’s worried voice say, “Oh Evvie…” as she sank into darkness.