The day was going well for Merle, the first day was always hectic with students finding there way around and syllabuses being handed out like the unwanted candy on Halloween, there's a surplus, and nobody want's anything to do with it. Merle really just wanted a good cup of coffee, she missed her usual cup because of some reason that she honestly couldn't remember. She just knew that if she had to stand through another roll call full of strange names she needed caffeine in her, and soon.
Luckily it was her planing hour, so she escaped her classroom soon after the bell, hoping to avoid the inevitable lost student on the way to the history lounge. her soft footsteps padded down the hall at a quick pace, so far no students.
Her hand landed onto the handle, with a quick survey of her surroundings she saw no children, nor other staff members. Merle opened the door with a swish and closed it behind her with a soft click. The young teacher gave a sigh of pleasure as she inhaled the aroma of coffee filling the small room.
She ambled slowly towards the small coffee pot in the corner of the room and poured herself a cup. Giving a silent thanks to the kind soul who made it she took a small sip and enjoyed the warm feeling it gave her. Merle sat down at her small homey desk in the corner, she gave her small cactus a smile and reached for another pile of syllabuses to hand out in the next class.
Merle gave another swig of coffee and reclined in her seat. The two other history teachers weren't in the small office so she had it to herself. A smile slowly graced her lips and she turned on the speaker, a soft jazz song breezed through and she closed her eyes.
She stood up and sashayed over to the copier, she needed a couple more first day activity sheets for the next hour of classes. she swayed to the soft trumpet that sang in the room. She didn't hear the door click open, nor did she notice the person backing into the office.
Merle backed up and spun around to the music waiting for all of the copies to print. She gave another spin and stared wide eyed and motionless at the intruder. she blinked and then for good measure blinked again, ruefully wishing that whoever this was was just a dream.
She saw that the intruder was also blinking, though he was i doing it in quick succession, as if trying to believe what he saw. Merle gave herself a mental slap, they were both adults, not embarrassed teens. She willed a smile on her face and turned back around, the copier finished in the awkward encounter.
"Sorry 'bout that, I was called to fix the light." His voice called through the room. Grabbing the papers Merle walked over.
"It's okay, really." She tacked on the really seeing the look in his face. "Um, the light is just over there, it's above my desk." He gave a quick nod and grabbed the step ladder that he had behind him. The two sat in silence, with the radio playing a soft piano tune. Until Merle decided to end it. "Thanks for doing this right away."
"'S no problem." He gave, "I'v got a question fer you. How'd your light break on the first day." Merle just sighed, not really knowing how.
"I don't know, it just blew earlier when i was working." A noncommittal grunt was heard as a response. They worked for a few more minutes in silence until the man finished.
"That should do it, if it happens again just give us another call." He grabbed the ladder again. "I'm Kalani, I'm here during the days. The other janitors mostly aren't here then." Kalani proffered a hand for a shake.
"I'm Merle, nice to meet you, clearly I'm history." the young woman returned the shake. She looked at him and smiled. "Would you like some coffee?" She asked gesturing to the pot in the corner.
"Nah, I had some earlier." He shook his head and gave a small wave. Merle smiled and sat back at her desk, and basked in the light for a moment.
The end of the day had come for Merle, she grabbed her bag and headed out of the history office and into the main office. She had completely forgotten to get her mail earlier, what with the day of school nerves. That and she didn't exactly like secretary, Blair. There wasn't much to like about the simpering lady, Blair tended to gossip and giggle more than was necessary, getting on Merle's nerves.
Checking her phone Merle walked slowly into the mail room, nothing. No one called or texted, oh well she thought and reached for her mail, though that also wasn't much, only a welcoming pamphlet and her schedule that she already knew.
Merle was caught with a quick thought and almost smacked herself. She never thanked Kalani for the light. She grabbed one of the spare pieces of paper and wrote a quick thank you.
She picked her purse back up and headed out the door. Once she was outside and took in a deep breath, it still felt like summer, but that won't last for too long, soon the nights will hold a chill and the mornings a frost so Merle was trying to enjoy the warm while it lasted. She headed towards her car and hopped in.
Sitting for a bit she took a deep breath and started the engine, hoping that it would indeed start. When she heard the low rumble Merle let out a long breath. Time to head home.
The drive consisted of nothing special, neither did her diner, Merle flopped down on her bed and passed out
The next morning Merle came in early hoping to get some work done, honestly she wanted to get in and get her music going before the other two came in. She gave a yawn, hoping to discourage another wave of sleepiness and opened the door to the history office to see a strange sight.
The young janitor that she had met yesterday was kneeling in front of the small coffee pot and swaying slightly to the soft melodies playing from the radio. Merle stood there as Kalani turned around and froze.
Merle just blinked, and so did Kalani. A silence washed over the two, then The man let out a soft chuckle, "Coffee?"