Compeller: She has the eyes of an angel is what they say, but those eyes can kill. Literally... She isolates herself in order to protect the ones she loves, or the ones she is supposed to love. Her eyes are a curse, passed down throughout centuries. Her ancestors were nothing more than your average people, however when her ancestor fell in love with a witch's husband, that witch cursed her and her successors' due to jealousy.
Her ancestor was given the Succubus eyes, and with those eyes she can attract any man. The only problem is once they look into her eyes and fall in love, they meet unbearable deaths. That included the witch's husband, the curse can skip a generation or two, however the compeller is almost an exact copy of her ancestor.
She has to break the curse before she can look at the one her soul seems to be pulled too, for if she does not she will kill him. The curse gets stronger the more you try to resist, will she be able to stop the curse, or will her unwanted power be her undoing. Her curse has the power to kill all of mankind, and if it's strong enough, the rest of the world. But what can she do?
Her compelling eyes are such a beauty that even she does not want to get rid of them. That's how her ancestor got her love after all. As her desire to stop the curse gets larger, the power of the curse gets stronger. Soon it won't be her eyes that will kill, but her entire body and mind. And an isolated mind with an intense amount of power is never safe.