No Plagiarism!3SH0cbpLj3vq4aVjAge5posted on PENANA The white and red egg sat delicately perched on a rock. Comet lay next to it, frowning. Why did Merlin have to fall in love with an IceWing just to die leaving his disgusting hybrid egg with his brother? He felt tempted just to smash it against the nearest cliff, but he didn't have the heart to kill an unhatched dragonet. He jolted as a crack shattered the silence. A spiderweb of fractures spread across the glossy surface. It slowly fell apart, leaving a tiny, bizzare looking creature crouching floppily on the boulder. He raised one eyebrow, taking in the dragonet's appearance. She was mostly white, with a golden-armoured underbelly not unlike Merlin's. A line of red scales outlined the plating. Her horns were red and shaped like a SkyWing's, but a mane of blue spines clattered along her neck. Icy purple spikes lined her back, and her tail was whip-thin with a tuft of smaller spines clustered at the tip. Her front legs were patterned with blue, while her back legs were entirely SkyWing. Her wings were enormous, with a red to yellow fade along the membrane but white and blue patterns shimmered on the digits. As he leaned in, he noticed her eyes- one blue, one red, with a ridge of golden yellow. Her blue one seemed to glow. She let out a small squeak, looking quizzically at Comet. What did Merlin say she should be called again? Seagull? Oh yes, Tern. "Tern." he said, trying it. It seemed to fit the weird dragon. Tern squeaked again. Comet picked up a sack of food and picked out a fish, tossing it carelessly at her. "Eat. We don't have long until sunset." He turned away from her and watched the sky darken, listening to the small munching noises from the dragonet. He sighed. What was he going to tell the SkyWings?