As of Aug. 15 2019, I am back at it! There is so much to do with the story and so much to add. I have been working on a lot of material and lore that has me excited. I know I do not have much biography information but I am disabled with a motor neuron disease, these worlds have been a way for me to feel like I can still do things. It has been wonderful to know people actually read them.
Damon, Faldo, Jen, Marlin - they have all come a long way from where they were originally supposed to be. Even Rascus, who was never really supposed to be more than barely mentioned, has developed into something of a joy to write about. The story changed into what it is today and something I did not think I was capable of.
I would enjoy more comments but just seeing that people read it is enough, to know someone has taken the time out of their day to live in a world all my own, to make it all their own, is something else.
It is no mean feat either. In a world of youtube and facebook, it is easy to get your fifteen minutes of fame off of a video, but that is not what a writer seeks. They instead seek, to impart on the reader, simply the world. The world from their eyes, and sometimes, not even the world that we live in. Youtube might give you fame for a year, facebook for a day, but a book can speak across ages, and I guess that is what I would ideally like to achieve.
I am going to be proofing and writing on the Seed of Destruction (Book II), with hopes of finishing it by Christmas. Whether I achieve that or not, eh, I do homeschool my children, so they keep me busy. Book I, Curse of the Reaper, I hope by Christmas, to have through the editor. Self-editing is, well, darn near impossible. I have tried and each time I go through, I find more in that book.
Grammarly is a wonderful program for roughing it in for the editor but it definitely does not replace a human (I catch things it misses.) So, it is off to someone else. That is the state of things and damn if it isn't good to be back!