Luna still couldn’t believe that she and Zorn were the winner play, and to top it off it was about her favorite book. Theater plays were never her style, but this time she’s going to do her best to make everything run perfectly. They only had one month to do everything: the costumes, the stage, perfect the script… it was a lot really, but everyone in the class was excited. On that month they’ll have less classes so they could spend half of the day developing the play.
It was a sunny day, the perfect day to be outside. Luna got up with the best spirits she’s had in a long time, with a smile from ear to ear that won’t disappear any time soon. She arrived at school and went directly to her classroom. She was so happy to the point of stumbling with everything and everyone. Taking her seat, she looked out of the window, humming her favorite song, eager for the first 3 hours to go by so they could start preparing the play.
– Good morning, Luna! How was your day yesterday? —asked Zorn while sitting down—.
Luna stayed looking out the window, seeming like she was ignoring him. Zorn got up and stood in front of her.
Luna got scared and looked at him, putting her left hand over her chest and breathing deeply; she felt like she was going to die in that moment.
– Hi Zorn.
– What’s wrong? Lately you’ve been really distracted and happy… could it be… —Zorn got closer to her face— could it be because we won the play?
– H-huh? —Luna’s cheeks blushed— N-no…
– Come on! I know! You’re super happy because it’s based on your favorite book. I’m happy too, it’s a very special book for me.
– I wanted to ask you this since you told me that… were did you get the book?
– Eh? Sector 4?
– Yeah. I’ve never seen it in a library…
Zorn went blank. Didn’t know what to answer. A few seconds passed before he said something.
– My grandpa gave it to me. It was a gift.
– Oh, I see.
Zorn swallowed down. Went back to his seat and took a deep breath. The class started. The hours seemed like days to Luna. Every minute felt like seconds. Sometimes Zorn would look at Luna, just staring at her, without saying anything.
Finally, 3 hours passed by. The teacher started to assign groups. One group was in charge of the scenography, another one for the costumes, another for the script and directing the practice, other for the sound and light effects, and lastly, the actors. Luna truthfully was happy to just direct the rehearsals, she wasn’t interested in participating as actress, but Zorn didn’t think the same. Zorn wanted them to be the protagonist because they were the ones who knew more than anyone about the book, and could represent the characters perfectly. The groups were assigned one by one.
– Alright… who wants to be the two protagonists?
Luna stayed quiet, looking out the window, waiting to be called to be part on the organization team. Zorn stood up his seat. Hearing a nearby seat move Luna quickly looked at Zorn. Zorn looked away and smiled.
– That would be me and Luna!
– Wh-what…?
– Oh, I thought you’d be on the organization team.
– Yes, but we know our protagonists best.
Luna just kept looking at Zorn. She was so surprised she couldn’t muster a single word out.
– Wow Zorn, you’re right! Alright. You and Luna will be the protagonists.
Zorn sat back down again and looked at Luna with a very big smile. Luna just looked at him with big eyes, she didn’t know what to say. She had mixed feelings. On one side, she didn’t want to act because she was shy and she’d be embarrassed, on the other, Zorn was right: she wanted to perfectly represent the protagonist since he was one of her favorite characters ever.
After the groups were assigned, everyone went to the room assigned to them to do their tasks. The actors were given a completely empty room, reserved for these occasions. They were around 50 characters in total. There wasn’t a problem with that since every section of the same grade were participating. Since they were a lot of people, the rehearsals were divided in two parts. Luna and Zorn had to be present in both.
And so, the rehearsals started. They spent the whole day practicing, almost until it grew dark. Everyday. Luna didn’t seem to get tired or exhausted, on the contrary, with every rehearsal she grew more excited than the previous one. Zorn was in the same state. Everyone was surprised seeing the amount of energy they had, more over the fact that they were the ones with more scenes. With time, the play started to take shape.
A week before the presentation of the play, everything was ready. Except Luna. She caught a cold. Couldn’t even get up the bed. She didn’t attend any of the last week rehearsals but she wasn’t bothered by it, she already knew her scenes and script perfectly. The play’s day was almost approaching and Luna wasn’t any better. She was starting to get scared. Zorn visited her everyday to nurse her and fill her up with medicaments to make her get better.
The play’s day arrived. Luna wasn’t going to let a simple cold ruin what will probably be one of the best days of her life. She got up with almost no energy and took a hot shower. Before going, she took some pills to see if they’d kick up with the time. At school she could barely walk. Sitting down she watched as the other teams fixed everything on the stage and finished the preparations.
– Are you alright? Can you act?
– I’m okay, Zorn. Don’t worry.
The time went on and on, show’s time was getting closer. Luna looked better, and at least she could walk without problem. They went to their dressing rooms and the team started to dress them and put their make up on. The big moment arrived. Luna’s parents and sister were there, on the middle seats, with cameras ready. Her parents were really happy, they’ve never seen Luna being part of an activity like this.
Curtains up. Everyone clapped.
– So? Which soldiers are we sending up?
– I say Josh and Melvin! They’re best capacitated.
– I think so too, I’ve been training for this day, I’m really strong.
– The bow has become my best friend, I’m ready.
– Good, you will depart tomorrow morning.
There was a change in scenography and costumes.
– Alright Josh… I think today we can finally end the war…
– But you can’t get up… your leg is injured…
– Don’t worry about me… today we’ll make it….
– Melvin…
Change of scenography.
– We did it, Melvin! We defeated them!... M-Melvin? Melvin!?
– Yes… Ah… the war is over Josh… we’re free…
– M-Melvin! Don’t leave me! We still have too much to live for!
– You can… make it alone… Josh…
The curtain descended. Everyone got up their seat and clapped. The entire auditorium was a mix of tears and smiles. The play was a success. The curtain went up again, and everyone, including the non-actors, bowed to the public. In Luna’s face was a smile like no other in years. A few tears went down her cheeks. She was really happy and proud of herself. Everyone left the stage and back to their dressing rooms.
– Luna! We did it! It was a success!
– Y-yeah… I’m really… really happy…
– Are you crying? Don’t cry!
Zorn got closer and hugged her with all his strength, caressing her hair. Her parents and sister appeared and walked up to them. Her sister seeing them like that couldn’t help but comment.
– Oh… what a lovely scene.
Hearing her sister’s voice, Luna quickly separated herself from Zorn. Her parents hugged her tightly.
– Luna! We’re so proud of you!
– We’ve never seen that side of you! You were spectacular! You too Zorn.
Zorn smiled brightly. Both went to take off their costumes. The whole group was proud of what they did.
– Luna, the show was excellent, congratulations. —said the homeroom teacher, walking closer to her—.
– Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without Zorn.
– Would you like to enter the literature club? You’d do great in it.
– R-really? I’ll think about it.
After changing into their normal clothes and pack everything up, Luna’s parents took them to a famous restaurant, to celebrate that everything went well. Zorn and Luna got out to the backyard for a while.
– Thanks, Zorn.
– Eh?
– Thanks to you… everything went well. And got to act my favorite character… of my favorite book. Thanks. —she smiled brightly—.
– Yea… there was a happy ending… Luna, do you think there’s always a happy ending?
– Huh?
– Don’t you think that being in war is sad? Unnecessary fighting and innocent lives are lost.
– I-I guess…
– Let’s go back in! I’m veeeery hungry.
Zorn went back first to their table. Luna looked at him for a few seconds. She was starting to feel a little uncomfortable with Zorn’s weird questions. She went back inside and the night ended.