June 22, 2013 11:01 AM
I woke up to the light shining through the motel window, warming my face. With half-closed eyes, I sat up and looked around, taking in my surrounding. For a moment, I didn't remember how it was I found myself in an unfamiliar room, until the memories from the night before came crashing in.
June 21, 2013 10:52 PM
When you're seventeen you're likely to believe anything you are told, so when he told me he loved me, I believed him. I didn't matter that I had met him less than hours before, or that I didn't catch his name, because he loved me. He told me so in the way his hands traveled across virgin skin, skin unused to the contact of a stranger. Every touch of his hand, every word told me that he wanted me, and that was something I craved. His husky voice memorized me, and lust burned in his deep blue eyes. He stripped away my clothes, and with it my loneliness as he ignited a spark that I couldn't even begin to understand. His movement was rushed, his hands far from gentle, but I didn't care, because I was the only one he wanted. His mouth pressed to mine, hard and demanding. Everything was moving too fast for me, yet I didn't dare stop him, least I lose my only chance to be loved, because who would love someone like me, a boy who rebelled against the gender code of our society.462Please respect copyright.PENANAZPE70YiloJ
The turn of the doorknob startled us. We looked up to see my mother standing there, shock etched into her face. The shock quickly turned into disgust as she took in the two of us, a naked teen, and a barely dressed man of thirty-something. The suitcase in her arms dropped to the floor, having returned from her vacation two days early. With Hell's flame in her eyes, she marched into the room, tossing our clothes onto the bed.
"Get out," she screamed, cursing my name. "I will not have some faggot living under my roof, so take your boyfriend, take your clothes, and get the fuck out. "
She turned to my closet and I rose to stop her, not bothering to dress. Hiding my other deepest secret was more important that protecting my modesty. As one always is right before a moment could become much worse, I was too slow. The closet door opened to reveal the closet full of skeletons, and the feminine clothes I had been wearing in secret, in a town miles away to keep from being recognize. In that moment, I wanted to die, for my overly religious Jewish mother had finally figured out the truth.
June 22, 2013 11:28 AM462Please respect copyright.PENANAsXLwYATclZ
I rose from the bed, reaching for the clothes I had discarded beside it, grimacing as I pulled on the NASCAR shirt, not that I hated NASCAR but it wasn't what I wanted to be wearing right now, and a pair of blue jeans. I slipped my can of Copenhagen into my back pocket, because I had the feeling I would be needing a tobacco fix or two today. 462Please respect copyright.PENANAarQ4IMEMAv
In my mind, I went over the list of things I needed to do. Find a better paying job was a must, since a part time job wouldn't provide for me unless I planned to live in a cardboard box. Find a place I can afford that's better than this shitty motel room. After that, well I honestly had no idea what to do. 462Please respect copyright.PENANAMLDT0ZFJa9
I slipped my boots on and grabbed my car keys before heading downstairs. I passed a couple woman on my way down and groaned, the sight of them reawakening a driving hunger that had been left unsatisfied. Scratch the To-Do List, my first goal was to get laid, then find something with at least a bit of femininity to it. On the way out the door, I glanced up at the clock, only to find it's hands unmoving, stuck at 3:00. Well, I didn't have time to dwell on that, I had too many things to take care of, and I knew just the place to get my fix, and apply for a new job. Slipping behind the wheel of my Toyota, I headed towards CrossSwords.