Here is Tailwind, a tabaxi rogue. She comes from a loving family. Her parents had been part of the Sun Singers tribe but moved and joined Veil of Shadows. Sun SIngers was destroyed by a tabaxi that joined a corrupt human, using his magic for evil and taking out the clans. Soon Veil of Shadows followed suit with Sun Singers but Tailwind was already off on her own by this time so she had no idea if her parents lived but later in the Feywilds learned her mother was alive, but her father had not made it that night of the tribes fall. Her party got into much problems and ended up fighting a God and their former friend they had to kill when he tried to kill them out of vengence for his dog that unfortunately died in the Feywild when Tailwind assassinated a mushroom monster.
The story was never completed but we were shown plans our DM had which would had resulted in, if we did all right, in a happy but sad ending for all involved.
Art was done by my friend Rose who can be found at her DA if it's still up :