774Please respect copyright.PENANADdbgiySNTz
774Please respect copyright.PENANAupDaOlKVxY
Timothy found himself stuck in court talk with Chuck Reynolds and Hayden Jacks, contemplating how it had come to this. Yes, he wanted to know more about the girls' habits and how they interact with friends.774Please respect copyright.PENANATWfg3OcmnZ
774Please respect copyright.PENANAof0yCah1fT
774Please respect copyright.PENANAEqx52XTMO2
774Please respect copyright.PENANA9kCbvWVE1R
774Please respect copyright.PENANAHgDZpD1JK2
He was only someone they knew and occasionally crushed on. It was only Jessica Gregory who knew him. 774Please respect copyright.PENANAFdvDZaSh7C
"No, Poppy's old news...a bit boring." Hayden continued their conversation when it steered to girls and other things, "Starlet Corelli came back."774Please respect copyright.PENANAyker8mt6BA
Timothy recalled Jessica mentioning something about Poppy and Starlet Corelli being enemies. "Starlet Corelli? Who is she?" 774Please respect copyright.PENANAI9C0XF4fZ1
"Oh no one -only the biggest mafia boss' daughter in Hemshore. Apparently there's something called the The Six Chairs one of them the High Don -the Corelli's are two chairs away from being the biggest mafia organization in all of Garner Island."774Please respect copyright.PENANAfM7VLNBsXS
"And no one has ever caught them?"774Please respect copyright.PENANA1UEwhf9Kg5
"That's why they're the best in Hemshore but unfortunately there's a rumour that Starlet's dad is in the pit. Her mom's rumoured to take over but don't tell anyone that, don't wanna get caught up in cops and and mafia. That's getting us all killed."774Please respect copyright.PENANAsgF2AkTVH4
Timothy nodded and took a sip of his drink.774Please respect copyright.PENANAb95kLxahb7
"Hey Timothy!" Kelli appeared with Meloni slumbering by her side.774Please respect copyright.PENANAFTmzjycI4e
Mel waved her finger through the air and poked Timothy's nose, "We've been looking all over for you, naughty boy." 774Please respect copyright.PENANA1m0lFmGUcu
Meloni Gonzalez, the most flirtatious of the crowd, always down for whatever. She had three visible piercings and one rumored between her thighs. She was the wild card, the party girl -never once a dull moment.774Please respect copyright.PENANAwJxRy0dvvB
Chuck and Hayden snickered each other arrogant smirks and pounded fists when the girls was facing away from them. 774Please respect copyright.PENANAFDlJR2xjPa
"Why?" Timothy asked perhaps somewhat rude.774Please respect copyright.PENANAxKcOmDnScm
"It's just...we couldn't find Mike and was wondering if you'd come with us to check on Poppy. It's so unlike her to be this late. Something's not right."774Please respect copyright.PENANAsQDNDLQtCc
Timothy could render great concern from Kelli but his teammates felt a different matter. 774Please respect copyright.PENANAyHuSWmJ29G
"Uh...okay I'll be there in a sec." Kelli walked away, dragging her drunk friend along. 774Please respect copyright.PENANAD49GTo2Z7t
"Well everyone knows what happens at Poppy's right! You're lucky brother." Chuck patted Timothy on the back.774Please respect copyright.PENANA2WYowi1Xvj
"Enjoy!" Hayden beamed, toasting his glass against Timothy's. 774Please respect copyright.PENANAuqxqQRfDZu
Timothy shook his head and walked to the parking lot. Wondering whether it was all a trap to question him about Ashley Greeley. Had Jessica told them about this morning? Did they kill Ashley?"774Please respect copyright.PENANARlUVTrZ9ml
Kelli stood beside her red Jeep, waving and beaming at Timothy. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.774Please respect copyright.PENANAYLVGrSRZiY
"You've overcome worse than this Timothy Graham. You can take a bunch of psycho killer girls." He told himself than continued forward.774Please respect copyright.PENANA2BfCFKdcKt
The drive to Poppy's was anything but awkward -rather quite pleasant. He was sitting in the backseat between Farah and Mel, whom occasionally drifted off -napping on his shoulder. He was somewhat envious of Rachel who sat comfortably in the passenger seat next to Kelli. 774Please respect copyright.PENANAL6wrwbXPm0
Despite the discomfort of having Mel's alcohol fumes intoxicate his nostrils, the conversation went flawless like they had spoken to each other far often than they were. It made him realise that all their pretty-popular-girl attitudes was just an act. They were so different from what they were when parading the hallways of Hemshore East High -but somehow, the possibility of them being behind Ashley Greeley's disappearance never escaped his mind. He knew the next day, everything will go back to normal and the real identities of the it girls would be tugged in somewhere far away from everyone else. 774Please respect copyright.PENANANalOt2p2g9
Alcohol really did make a lot of confessions come out but none that involved Ashley Greeley.774Please respect copyright.PENANAAhpor9jTYz
"So my mom is back with Stan!" Farah typed vigorously on her phone and rolled her eyes, "Yay!" hissing sarcastically.774Please respect copyright.PENANACB8ibYBHsA
"Oh God Farah! You have to get her away from him before she falls back into drugs. You'll go into the system while you're not eighteen yet. Do remember your birthday's in December." Rachel looked her sideways and rolled her eyes.774Please respect copyright.PENANAIySxUUBegt
Farah was accepted the low in IQ, of the group. No one thinking twice to ever ask her anything. Everyone played themselves a fool, behind her mysterious wild brown eyes and innocent naïve looking appearance, Timothy could see Farah as the opposite of what her rich friends made her out to be.774Please respect copyright.PENANA5dCRxqTjWB
"Too late." Kelli uttered. She pursed her lips together, looking at Farah in her rear view mirror. 774Please respect copyright.PENANAugk52rWrNh
"What did you say!?" 774Please respect copyright.PENANAvwQH07n67w
"I'm sorry, Fare I wasn't going to say anything until later when we're alone." 774Please respect copyright.PENANAeD20MXEMKW
Farah looked at Timothy, he had something in his eyes -like he could see right through her. That moment being shared by only the two of them. She redirected her gaze on Kelli, whose eyes were fixed on them in the rear view mirror.774Please respect copyright.PENANAO4CbZnC7LF
She felt a rush of jealousy steer through her. Every time he'd paid Poppy all the attention, played within in her mind as she witnessed the intense gaze between her crush and friend. 774Please respect copyright.PENANApbQ7oBwvlg
"So what! You saw my mom at a crack house and decided to tell me when we're drunk and probably high!?"774Please respect copyright.PENANAwTGPKR8Xom
"We'll talk later okay."774Please respect copyright.PENANA8AjXYeyHLl
"No! Does Rachel know? Do you?" Farah looked at Rachel angered. Her friend let her head down. "And you still give me the system talk!? I bet Mel, Jess and Poppy knows too, right."774Please respect copyright.PENANAM7dqlQq0JN
"Fare chill...it's not like that." Kelli said calmly.774Please respect copyright.PENANAoCSPdwBfgl
"Pull over." Farah stared out of the window.774Please respect copyright.PENANANGeMfiOovc
"What?"774Please respect copyright.PENANAPXqfByJzvG
"I said, pull over." Farah never once failing to compose her collected state. "Everyone gonna talk about my mother behind my back, how about we talk about your mothers?"774Please respect copyright.PENANA9FqN8iQQ3r
"Come one Farah this isn't necessary."774Please respect copyright.PENANANHEe18iMJE
"Not necessary because Timothy is here? Is it because people might find out what you truly are? Kelli how would you like it if people knew how your mom agreed to fuck her boss to make partner? Oops, now Timothy and Rachel knows.774Please respect copyright.PENANAQDHKC6xG7k
Or...Rachel, how would you feel if Kelli and the other girls was to know about your mom?"774Please respect copyright.PENANAmVXgzkCc5Q
Kelli pulled the car against the sidewalk, coming to halt quickly. On either side were homes occupying the road. Farah got out quickly, continuing ahead. 774Please respect copyright.PENANAIeJWucPjkP
Kelli and Rachel got out of the car, Timothy quickly on their tale. What had been pleasant had quickly escalated into girl drama. 774Please respect copyright.PENANAcyHnyOx0Eg
"Farah where are you going?" 774Please respect copyright.PENANAXr1ZXGLyYg
"I'm leaving so you can talk about your poor black friend from the wrong side of the tracks and her crack head mom." 774Please respect copyright.PENANAHPnqFD33rQ
"Come one Fare, it's not even like that!"774Please respect copyright.PENANAGMbIbFJtfZ
"Farah!" Timothy exclaimed in a humble town, giving a quick jog after her. "Hey..." He placed his arm around her shoulder, stepping in front of her.774Please respect copyright.PENANArQyJT15byV
"Timothy just go." He could see tears flowing from her eyes. Not knowing what to do, he placed his hands on both her shoulders.774Please respect copyright.PENANAULdxc2ccaU
"A good friend once told me that sometimes girls can be dicks but I told her hear them out, maybe there's a reason for it all." He said trying to lend her comfort. 774Please respect copyright.PENANAVUf8T2JFV9
"Fare!" Kelli's voice emerged behind her. 774Please respect copyright.PENANAlc6ecGSwH2
"Let's just get to Poppy's already and thereafter not pretend to be friends anymore." Farah walked pass Kelli, waiting by the door for Timothy to take his former seat. 774Please respect copyright.PENANADvMjSS1naj
"Rachel switch with Timothy. He looked uncomfortable with Mel on his shoulder."774Please respect copyright.PENANAqWBZO3imoC
Kelli got into the car, not once making eye contact with Farah or Timothy, who'd glanced slightly at each other before getting back into the car. Kelli had known her decision was out of pure jealousy for the chemistry she decided existed between them. Farah had somewhat known too but it didn't matter. She knew she could never go for Timothy Graham -she had seen Kelli peer gazes at him and knew as per fact Poppy would never in a million years allow it. 774Please respect copyright.PENANAwn7xiVPLvR
She sat back in her seat and stared out of the window -dying for the day when she'd finally be free from popularity, forever.774Please respect copyright.PENANASQZHgCHnCv
Five minutes later.774Please respect copyright.PENANAkOoC3ccwoV
Kelli parked her car in the driveway of the Marshall manor. Rachel gently pushed Meloni of her shoulder, still phased in her drunk state. They moved swiftly to the door, Rachel eagerly reaching for the doorknob rather than knocking first. 774Please respect copyright.PENANAeEQmC3eKxM
The door cracked open and Rachel poked her head inside, eyes scattering around the empty reception hall. "Poppy?" Her voice echoed through the designer custom home.774Please respect copyright.PENANAxIMU0k6ibJ
"This is so strange," said Kelli, "her car is parked upfront and she's definitely an early riser."774Please respect copyright.PENANARWQWKtPLsP
"Wait...I'll go first." Timothy moved in front of Rachel, pushing the door open and slowly stepping inside.774Please respect copyright.PENANAJOxLNWu5vq
It took him a minute to adjust his eyes to all the white occupying the Marshall home and the hollow, dire atmosphere that lingered once he set his foot inside the door. Timothy familiarised himself with every corner of the place as he concluded that Mrs Marshall was one that preferred her home neatly kept at all times, even if no one occupied it. 774Please respect copyright.PENANAzptgFPAiNE
He searched for anything that could possibly be erroneous, anything that could imply something was off. He had nothing but the cold hollowness that increased as they reached the staircase.774Please respect copyright.PENANAiJNDPV1wSi
"Poppy!?" Kelli called once more...774Please respect copyright.PENANAtrYk6UTgsN
"We should split up and check the rooms." Suggested Rachel.774Please respect copyright.PENANAlJfk4g7jes
"Hell no!" Farah muttered, "I'm scared as hell! I'm not going around this house alone."774Please respect copyright.PENANAlonWMYhaTw
"I'm with Farah on this one." Kelli uttered. "Why is it so cold in here?"774Please respect copyright.PENANAMRSLMPe0rl
"Maybe the air-conditioning is messing again."774Please respect copyright.PENANA9DGZq1Fur6
"Timothy continue. Poppy's room is in the right, the second door." Farah shivered, slowly following behind her friends. 774Please respect copyright.PENANAmWJQgW1A2f
Behind Timothy, only footsteps were audible as Kelli's breath brushed against his neck. He shivered and his vision all a sudden blurry -remembering the night he had experienced true terror. 774Please respect copyright.PENANAjtwr4LAc9K
"You're high right!" Kelli placed her hand on his shoulder concerned, seeking his eyes. "You know she killed those bunnies. Why did you lie? How could you protect a murderer?"774Please respect copyright.PENANAHER6oEvgk7
"What?" Timothy looked at Kelli confused -than, as if bright light had strike him, he remembered his ten year old self in the woods behind the Gregory's home. 774Please respect copyright.PENANA68XL2Og0ao
"How did you known that!?" Timothy did best to act nonchalant about the matter, his mind racing.774Please respect copyright.PENANAaZZXjga7Z6
"Dizzy state, you're sweating and it's freezing in here. Confusion..."774Please respect copyright.PENANA0PPaSwHjhY
"Oh God! Did Hayden give you that...new thing? Z?" Rachel was in a semi state of panic, "it's experimental you shouldn't take it."774Please respect copyright.PENANAYe2NCIgJtr
"Wait...didn't you? What did you ask me just now Kelli?"774Please respect copyright.PENANAi3ZETPUKEL
The three girls all looked at Timothy in trepidation, fearing the worse.774Please respect copyright.PENANAEGy9gBTJUf
"I asked you if you were high on which you eagerly confirmed. What is going on with you?"774Please respect copyright.PENANAu2mxygUHsY
Rachel stepped closer, placing her hand against his head, "It looks like it."774Please respect copyright.PENANA5E89f8BhJL
"Look, I'm okay. Lets not forget what we're here for." Timothy turned back around. Visiting that horrific childhood memory once more.774Please respect copyright.PENANAKwa2nlrAFQ
Everyone behind Timothy waited in anticipation for him to open the door.774Please respect copyright.PENANAURHwctn2q2
774Please respect copyright.PENANATMVOv1O6KD
"Wait..." Rachel tugged her hair behind her ear and handed Timothy a tissue, "something's not feeling right here -use this."774Please respect copyright.PENANAcqOn3qKLDI
"Rachel you're being silly." Farah tried to protest.774Please respect copyright.PENANAv7D3KVJXmL
Timothy pushed the door open and the scent of death immediately consumed their nostrils. Rachel spun around and vomited in the hallway at the sight of a perfectly tanned barefoot leg. Blood everywhere in Poppy Marshall's room. 774Please respect copyright.PENANAjBgLozXxz1
Farah stiffened at the horrific view in front of her -eyes scattering around in search of the remainder of her friends body around the room.774Please respect copyright.PENANAhkvQ1YIZBT
Timothy stood firmly holding Kelli, whom couldn't once stop shaking. Her body in a rapid and frantic state. Despite the fact that it might be Poppy's leg on the bed next to him -his mind only pointed out the fact that none of the present party was going into complete turmoil -crying and screaming to call the police. 774Please respect copyright.PENANA4XHhdsliav
What did they know?774Please respect copyright.PENANAJA4PUBOmN9
In stead, they were only astonished by the sight before them.774Please respect copyright.PENANAa5dIjbO7fF
"Does anyone have a phone on them? We need to call the police."774Please respect copyright.PENANAXpmQtIGOlT
Silence consumed the room that bore a homicide and Kelli stepped away from Timothy quickly.774Please respect copyright.PENANAqd5x0Siah1
"No police!" Rachel's eyes grew wide. "Please don't call the police?"774Please respect copyright.PENANA9upFjD17jS
"What the...your friend is missing and a human leg is lying on her bed. Look around, there's blood everywhere! We have to call the police she could be dead."774Please respect copyright.PENANAGRRlp1EKcq
"It's almost graduation, they promised we could get out!" Farah started to cry. "Why is this happening!?"774Please respect copyright.PENANAbfk4yDyhFA
"Shut up, Farah!" Kelli exclaimed moving to crouch in front of her friend.774Please respect copyright.PENANAGBmtFOUgFI
"What is going on here? Do you know why this happened? Do you know who did this?" Kelli stood and turned to face Timothy. He saw her completely change.774Please respect copyright.PENANA3Vp2shvHpI
"No! We're not sure."774Please respect copyright.PENANAu9fnMrEHr5
"Kelli don't play games with me right now. Tell me what the hell is going on or I call the police and tell them there's some secret you're hiding as well."774Please respect copyright.PENANAmWZo0lHsJJ
"We're not hiding anything."774Please respect copyright.PENANAIBw8i4KuR6
"Timothy please don't call the police?" Rachel plead. "We can't say anything or we might all end up dead."774Please respect copyright.PENANABMb4WcSfBV
"Rachel!" Kelli was angry.774Please respect copyright.PENANA9cl1sEvOdv
"I can help you." Timothy hardly gave it thought as those words escaped his mouth and so instinctively earned the attention of the three girls.774Please respect copyright.PENANAmkTLDt9UZC
Farah stood up, walking to Timothy when Kelli quickly grabbed her by the arm. 774Please respect copyright.PENANAYRzMyB3Q2k
"The only way you can help right now -is to not call the police and allow us to clean all of this up. If Poppy is still alive and this maniac knows we contacted the police, he will kill her."774Please respect copyright.PENANAcKE4iBb3RU
"Are you listening to yourself right now? You sound as if you know who's doing this. Has someone been stalking you girls?" Timothy moved his eyes between them and rested rested them on Farah. 774Please respect copyright.PENANA2DktcahU01
"Farah?" Timothy knew she was the one that would easily crack, she was edgy and looked like she might loose it at any moment. 774Please respect copyright.PENANACw6vPeO3OQ
Farah looked back at Timothy, tears flowing loosely from her eyes, "I'm going to ask you to trust me and not call the police. Only because I don't want you involved in all of this, I can't tell you. I won't be able to live with myself knowing I had ruin your life."774Please respect copyright.PENANAxnp16m97np
Timothy sighed, finding no sign of Farah being insincere -yet incapable of letting it go just like that. The memories of the life he had before returning to Hemshore was enough to come to a decision, "You have until tonight to tell me what's going on or I go to the police." 774Please respect copyright.PENANAHZUmdzrcCN
He quickly retrieved his phone from his jacket pocket moving to the door. Turning around he flipped on his camera and recorder a video. 774Please respect copyright.PENANAHiAFBJTXgW
"I know what you did to Ashley Greeley." He wanted to see what happens and found the girls looking at him in trepidation once more. "If Poppy Marshall turns up dead with one leg, than this video is evidence you had something to do with her murder too."
This story continues on Wattpad. Find me @Amber_Ivanka