Welcome weary traveler! I'm so glad you have come to visit from across the dimensional jump. You have entered Aphelia, a world filled with magic and where this old magic meets new technology adapted from your world. This is a place where old meets new and can create amazing things in the process. Let us begin your journey into this new place you've found.
There are nine regions, one in the center and eight in each direction. Each has a name and a unique trait or traits about them which separate them from the rest. They are Linarisu in the center, Faelarea to the north, Arios to the north-east, Elterion to the east, Lumin Drinok to the south-east, Solaria to the south, Alwenor Felag to the south-west, Klo Lyg to the west, and finally Iiz Golur to the north-west. Each has a mix of races be they human, demon, spirit, mythological, or normal beasts. You will also find each region has their own way of governing as well, but we will cover government perhaps later.
For Linarisu, pronounced as lin-air-ah-sue, meaning Chaotic Beginning is where the other eight all began. Once the mainland was called Raydu, pronounced as ray-due, with a few select races living in harmony on it. This land and world was created by the unseen force known as The Great One. One day after a time, a dark force which came to be known as The Shadowed One made way into Aphelia, and stirred up trouble by pitting brother against brother which lead the humans. This conflict caused a rift and sides to be drawn which soon lead to a battle that became called The Great War. It ended when a figure glowing both light and dark struck the land with a mighty sword, drawing a separation down the center, splitting open the top like a seed and forming a barrier down the middle.
This dead divider became known as Adarusa, pronounced as add-ah-ruse-ah, meaning Dead Lands. The once called Shining Beacon was now split in two, divided between brotherly hate and those whom followed. The eastern side of the barrier became known as Indu, pronounced in-due, meaning Bright Drop. The western side of the barrier became known as Nuray, pronounced nur-ray, meaning Bright Moon. Both sides would be nicknamed The Light Lands and The Dark Lands respectfully. Sprouting out of the opened top is a pathway of grassy ground, leading into a mist like fog which is said to contain a magical tree full of souls and guarded by two women. Only the extremely lucky have ever ventured along this mysterious path and returned to tell of what they had seen.
There are many plants which grow here. Some are magical as others are not with some developing into something new by way of fusion or breeding.
For Faelarea, pronounced fah-lair-ee-ah, meaning Sacred Flower is located north of Linarisu, past the mysterious tree of souls. It's a quiet region mainly known for its Northern Lights which come twice a year and the special flower and fruit produced. The flower is called Aurian, pronounced ah-roar-ee-an, a pale flower that comes in greens, blues and snowy white. They are picked off certain trees picked at random by the lights. During the second lights when they bloom, they grow from bushes and produce a fruit called Plapple, pronounced pah-lap-pull, which is a plum and gala apple mix with a skin similar to that of a peach, ranging in sizes from a peach to a grapefruit.
Next is Arios, pronounced air-ee-ohs, meaning Floating Archipelago is located north-east of Linarisu. When lands enter this region, they are enchanted and taken up into the air for the rest of their time inside the region. This enchantment sustains eternal, making the six major lands accessible only by flight. Although, if a land that drifts over into the region is too big, it will not be taken into the air and left alone. Smaller ones will be brought into the air. Each land has something unique about it. Flora has a unique choice of flowers that grow there as well as some fruits. Natta, pronounced nah-tah, has its military and population being mainly demons. Zento, pronounced zen-toe, has its wizards, mostly human but all are magic users. Lunar has its Lunar Festival as well as more nocturnal demons and night blooming flowers. Azumara, pronounced ah-zoo-mah-raw, has its dragons and mining under their massive land in the caverns found through and near the swirling winds which keep them suspended. Meldano, pronounced mell-day-no, has its merchants and known for being a trading center for Arios.
Welcome to Elterion, pronounced el-tear-ion, meaning Sacred Land is located east of Linarisu. It is best known for having countries and islands with special water. There are four types and each does a unique thing when consumed or applied to the body. The four colors are Lime green, Pink, Rich blue with a bit of indigo, and Purple. The first helps soothe stomach ailments. The second helps priests, priestesses and those able to use enchantment magic to apply said magic or spiritual magic to an item. It is not meant for consumption as that will lead to illness and death. The third helps those able to use water magic to enhance their water magic abilities. If someone not able to use water magic drinks the third water, it can cause injury or death. The fourth is poisonous and is not meant for consumption, although it does make a tasty wine for sirens.
Now we come to Lumin Drinok, pronounced lew-men, d-er-in-oak, meaning Light Stolen is located south-east of Linarisu. It's best known for denouncing magic and focusing on technology. Yes, they have those who can use magic but they are outcast by their friends, family and community. It wouldn't be long into their history before they began to fuse magic and technology, aiming to have full control over magic so it would work in unison with the way technology worked. This failed and resulted in one known country to fall into disaster. It slowly came back but with new problems. It's never been explored on if the explosion there affected anywhere else out from them.
With Solaria, pronounced solar-ee-ah, meaning Winter Lights is located south of Linarisu. It's known for its longer winters and southern lights and the pearls it reveals during the lights, even some gemstones. There is also a known country ruled by a gryphon noble family, their daughter named after the region itself.
Now with Alwenor Felag, pronounced all-win-ore, fay-log, meaning Sky Large Beasts is located south-west of Linarisu. Those living here are commonly more in tune with magic and nature. Here animals are often big enough to be rode upon and have the ability to speak telepathically to others. Not all creatures can do this. It's also known as the birthplace of a terrifying demon called a moudird, pronounced m-ow-durred, a large bird demon.
Next is Klo Lyg, pronounced k-loh, lie-ig, meaning Sand Serpent is located west of Linarisu. Best known for some, if not most, of its lands being deserts. Some of these lands also have giant snake demons with colorful scales which are often used in jewelry. They also have a good business in the crafting of glassware.
Lastly is Iiz Golur, pronounced ee-leez, go-lure, meaning Ice Crystal is located north-west of Linarisu. This region is best known for its seemingly endless winters. Plants have adapted to this and a few unique types grow here. One example are winter cherries. To some creatures surprise, the winter is mild. The snow is there and it's chilly but the waters all remain flowing in the streams, rivers, sea and so forth near the lands.
There is so much to tell about Aphelia, too much to some extent. There are five types of government leaderships to be found in Aphelia, depending on how the leadership wishes to lead. They are: Monarchy, Democracy, Republic, Dictatorship, and Feudalism.
You will also find a system of magic documented and taught for control in schools known as Mage Temples. There are nine common types of magic: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Sand, Light, Darkness, Ice, and Lightning, which have a low chance of killing the one casting said magics. There are five rare types of magic: Life, Death, Time, Reflection, and Void, which have a higher chance of killing the one casting said magics and at times are harder to identify right away that a creature can use one of these five. Void is especially tricky because it has a vast array of magical abilities, seeming almost endless, hence its name to group all these abilities under one name.
I believe closing now is wise. There is still much to be explained but that would take quite a bit to do. I hope you have enjoyed this glimpse into my realm of Aphelia.