"I'm going to fucking kill them!" Yang screamed.
Blake took another sniff of the coffee. It wasn't what she smelled, it's what she didn't. The coffee didn't smell as strong as it should have. Most espionage drugs were odorless, colorless, and tasteless. That made it about the same as water, and this coffee was definitely watered down. "Drugged," Blake said simply.
"Of course I was fucking drugged!" Yang screamed again along with an excessive, and creative, use of swear words.
Blake waited it out. After about five minutes Blake felt safe to speak again as Yang's eyes returned to their natural color. "You knew it was going to happen eventually. At least she brought Weiss. She isn't alone."
Still breathing hard from all the yelling, Yang nodded. "Not sure who I should kill first: Ruby for leaving, or Weiss for going along with it." It was said calmly, or at least calmer than before.
"Weiss probably didn't have a choice in the matter. I was gone looking for more cells, and you were unconscious. She couldn't exactly yell for help."
"Yeah, I suppose. Guess I'll merely skin her." There was humor in that one. Not a lot, but enough.
She waited a bit more before approaching Yang. It wasn't that she was insensitive to the fact Ruby had run away. It was that there was nothing that they could do. Yang was the one she could help. A distraction was needed for the day or she was going to do damage to something. First to set her idea up. "Any chance of finding her?"
"No. Nothing in either of these notes give a clue where she's going. No way of tracking her either. It's useless." She threw the papers away from her in annoyance.
Of course she already knew that. It was a good thing Yang was still frustrated or she'd know she was being steered. "So we wait?"
With resignation Yang said "we wait."
Well, now to direct the conversation to something constructive. "I could use your help then while we wait."
Yang's eyes looked at her with a hint of anger, and then deflated. "Sure, why not. Whatcha need?"
A slight smile crossed Blake's face. Seeing her friend in all of her phases in the span fifteen minutes was amusing. "Do you still have contacts on the bad side of town?"
"Junior's still scared shitless of me," she grinned "if that's what you mean. Why, what do you need?"
"Information, and he might have it," Blake stated. "I'm running out of places to find pieces of White Fang." That wasn't entirely true. Now that Thompson and Simon were on board they were giving her leads to other groups. The pieces of White Fang may not like each other, but that only gave them more incentive to keep tabs on each other. Junior might have information on groups that had hidden from everyone, even other cells, so this wasn't a complete waste of Yang's time.
Yang nodded. "He might have something." A bright smile hit her face. "It will be fun to see the club again. It's been a few months. I'm sure he has some new goons who haven't learned to leave me alone, and I got some stress to get out of my system."
That was the Yang she wanted. She wasn't nearly as bloodthirsty as Nora. NO ONE was as blood thirsty as Nora, but the blonde brawler none the less took just as much pleasure in fighting. This could go well. Blake hoped so at least. At the very least her friend would destroy something outside of their room, and outside of Beacon for that matter.
Yang weaved through traffic at a near breakneck speed that bordered on the insane on a normal day. The neck was well beyond broken on her ride that day. She had a lot of steam to blow off, and an adrenaline filled joyride seemed like a good start before the main event at Junior's.
When the siren sounded behind her she chuckled and accelerated. She purposely made sure not to lose them, which she could have done at several points. They must be new, she thought. Most of the force knew her bike on sight. I might as well break them in then. The com in her helmet chirped to life after a couple minutes. "Answer," she said.
"Miss Long, I just got a report that a couple of my cruisers are chasing a yellow motorcycle. You wouldn't have any idea who that might be, would you?" a familiar voice asked.
"Captain, I'm sure I have no idea!" she laughed, zinging around a corner, her knee less than an inch from the ground. This area was close to Junior's, which was fortunate. It meant there was little traffic, and even fewer pedestrians in this rough area of town. She could really let loose, to her pursuers dismay. "And It's Yang. I'm old enough to drink, not old enough to be called 'miss.'"
Captain Jake Tapper was obviously enjoying this. His voice was almost laughing as much as Yang's. "Good to know. I think I can delay backup then and see how well they handle this."
Cracking a smile, she asked "rookies?"
"Just out of the academy last week," Jake said with amusement. "They still think they have been properly prepared for what's out there."
She'd made three turns in rapid succession, managing at one point to end up behind them, and then passing them. "Hmmm, well maybe this little chase will be a good learning experience. Shame it's not me of course."
"Of course," he said with obvious irony. "I won't interrupt your time any more. Have a safe drive."
"You know me better than that Jake."
"Yeah, I do."
She led them around the area for another twenty minutes. Her final act was letting them catch up to her. She reached out to place a hand on the front fender of the left car and weaved with it in perfect sync. Then she separated a couple of feet before hitting her breaks without warning. With a wide grin under the visor of her helmet she put her hands up and waited for them to come back to her. Their guns were out, and their hands were shaking from a combination of adrenaline and nerves.
It was time for the big reveal. Yang reached for her helmet, slowly to avoid itchy trigger fingers, and pulled it off. With one shake of her head her hair fell loose, and she smiled at the two police officers as if she was having the time of her life. This didn't come close to qualifying, but it had been fun. "Hello boys," she said cheerfully. They may not recognize the bike, but they had to recognize her. Everyone recognized her.
Her team was heralded as "The best team in a generation," at Beacon, but for the rest of the known world they were the best team ever known. It helps that most people have short memories of course. She knew her history, and she knew what they had done to warrant that belief was nothing by comparison.
Ruby wasn't recognized much; her cloak was. Weiss was easily picked out but was better known for her connection with the SDC. Blake, of course, actively avoided the attention. That left Yang, and she basked in the spotlight. She pulled the attention off the rest of the team who preferred to be left in anonymity.
The fame was unavoidable after curbing the worse grimm incursion in known history. Well, that's what they said anyways. There was a lot more to it, and most of it was Jaune's excellent attack strategies and six other teams. RWBY was the best at adapting to changes on the battle field though. So they were put to spearhead the operation, making them the ones who were seen by the cameras. That's all the newsies needed. Instant stardom followed. The fact that of the four her fighting style was, quite literally, the flashiest with her flaming attacks only helped her capture the attention.
"Yang Xaio Long!" one yelled, dropping his gun in shock.
The other was a bit more composed. He holstered his weapon before squeaking like a schoolgirl with excitement.
Fame had its advantages. "Want an autograph boys?" she said with a wink and a winning smile. She led them around by the nose after that. At seventeen she had been hot. At twenty-one she was a rocket powered bombshell.
She gave each one a kiss on the cheek before she left. She wondered how long it would be before they realized they were supposed to arrest her. Not that it would stick. Captain Tapper was a long time friend. Well, long time necessity when it came to dealing with gangs large enough to give the cops issues. Jobs she did for free in exchange for a few liberal interpretations of the law when it came to her.
"They're more of a guideline," she'd told him.
The main event came into sight. Her mood was already improved from this morning. Getting information from Junior was just the whip cream on top of a delicious milkshake, complete with extra cherries.
Pulling up front she looked at the door. She recognized the two bouncers. Getting off her bike she made sure to give them the best possible views before approaching them with an extra sway to her hips. She smiled at them and enjoyed their reactions. They weren't sure if they should be turned on or scared to death. They settled for both.
You know, in the right type of club that reaction is normal, even desired, she thought to herself. But I don't think I could ever see myself swinging around a whip. Her musings made her chuckle and both goons flinched. Well, her laughter was usually followed by an ass kicking in their experience. In this area of town fear and respect were one and the same, and she was the alpha dog here.
"Relax guys. I'm here to see Junior," she said easily.
They did not relax. "Um, does he know you're coming?" the one on the left asked. He was supposed to stop anyone he thought was dangerous from getting in. He knew she was dangerous if she wanted to be. The self preservation gene was kicking in though which made him want to run. This was too much fun!
"Does he ever?" she smirked. The other bouncer's hand was inching towards his sword. He either didn't think she would notice, or hadn't realized he was even doing it. "I wouldn't." The hand quickly dropped as sweat instantly formed on his forehead. "Now there's a good boy." She gave him the best come-hither smile, and kissed him on the cheek. She gave him a pat on the ass as she walked past both. They didn't try to stop her, breathing a sigh as the tension left their bodies.
The double doors into the club proper opened up automatically on her approach. Hmmm, more security than normal, she noted. A couple of the bouncers quickly made their way to Junior as soon as they saw her, pointing in her direction as she approached. Junior didn't turn around though. He ordered a shot of something from the bar and downed it, then had a second before she reached him. His personal bodyguards, the somewhat attractive Melanie and Miltia, eyed her. They were probably itchy for a rematch, but having had their buts whooped every single time in the past, to the destruction of the club, they smarty gave her plenty of room to get to their boss.
"Don't drink too much of that stuff," she said helpfully, "it'll make you do stupid things."
Junior shook his head. "I'm starting to think staying at the club at all is a stupid thing." He paused for a second, then with what could almost be called a sulk, "Sir."
It was good to have them trained early. "But if you did that who would I have to talk too?"
He chuckled nervously. "Exactly my point."
"Oh, my feelings are hurt!"
"I doubt that," there was almost a growl in there, but he didn't let it out enough for her to call him on it. "What information are you here to squeeze out of me today?"
"Straight to the point. Why Junior are you trying to get rid of me?" She was purposely needling him and hoping he'd bite.
He almost did. "Stop toying with me already and spill it," he said with heat. Realizing that anger had slipped the "Sir" couldn't fly out of his mouth fast enough.
She cracked a smile that was filled with joy and menace. "Careful. I'll play it your way though. The White Fang. I know there are still parts of it out there. You wouldn't happen to have any idea where we could find some of them?"
"Do I look like I keep track of animals?"
That was a dangerous thing to say, and she didn't think Junior even realized it. "No, but I think you keep track of anything that could affect your little slice of the kingdom."
He nodded to the bartender who got him another shot. "Maybe. What's it to you anyways?" he asked, downing that shot right after.
"I'm asking, that's enough isn't it?" she stated coyly. "Just between friends, of course."
He was a beaten man and she hadn't raised a finger. It was almost disappointing. Maybe it was time to work over a new club. "I'll send all the information to your scroll that I got. There's maybe ten that I know of, but I haven't counted. No point, they're all dying out. In a year there will be nothing left."
She turned and started to walk away. "Thanks." She paused as if thinking. "Oh, and I wouldn't count them out just yet." Let him simmer on that. They could become a threat, or she could be messing with him. He won't know for sure so he'll look deeper, and if he looked deeper that would just be more information for her. She wouldn't even have to come down here to get it. Now that he knew she was looking for it he'd send it to her just to avoid her being in his club. It was a win-win because she really did just like messing with him.
Passing the twins, she gave them a wink and a smile just to torque them as well. They were fun to mess with too. It was a shame she couldn't provoke them anymore to attack her. They were good enough to give her a small workout.
Getting home, Blake met her at the door. "I have news, but I wanted to tell you in person."
News could mean only one thing. "Ruby?"
"Yes," Blake nodded. "I spoke to Headmaster Ozpin to tell him that Ruby and Weiss had disappeared."
"And?" she asked impatiently.
"He already knew. He told me not to worry, they would be back by Monday. That Ruby had gone to take care of some 'family business,' as he put it." She paused, obviously nervous that Yang was going to lose it again. "I thought you would want to know."
She did feel the need to lose her temper again, but she throttled it. At least she's safe. The headmaster wouldn't let her leave without having a way to track her should she need help. It was more than she had this morning. Her confidence in Ozpin was such that she didn't give it a second thought that Ruby and Weiss could be in any kind of danger.928Please respect copyright.PENANAmUdhMKa2Le