A sign hanging above a door was adjusted and released to hang freely on its hinges. "There we go!" a young woman, looking to be about late twenties, exclaimed proudly to herself. She stepped down the ladder and brushed off her uniform, a tan and white dress with an apron tied around her waist. Looking up at her hung work, she soon collected the step ladder and went inside, greeted by the jingle of a doorbell. "Sign's all hung up and ready to welcome customers!"
"Heh, thanks Jen." A young man, appearing to be early thirties, replied with a smile. "I just hope it all works. I really want to help people out."
"Don't worry so much about it Myro. It'll work out fine." Jen said with a small giggle. "I'm just excited I finally get to put my training to work!"
"Well don't be surprised if we don't need it too often, and just once in a while case by case."
Jen sighed and nodded, walking behind the counter to collect a pan and dishrag. "I can still hope, can't I?" she flashed him a smile before stepping over to one of the tables and began to clean it again.
It surprisingly didn't take long before the door opened, the small little jingle drawing both them to look up. In walked a middle aged man with his coat coming off to drape over his arm. "Welcome!" Jen exclaimed happily while she rushed up to him. "Pick anywhere you wish to sit as our first customer!"
The man blinked and slowly nodded as he stepped cautiously around her to sit at the bar. "What will you have?" Myro inquired as he set a glass down in front of the man.
"Whatever your special is. I'm not picky and I'm just wanting something to relax."
"Tough day?" Myro nodded to Jen who giggled, jumped a little in the air with excitement and dashed into the kitchen.
"You have no idea." The man heavily sighed.
"Want to talk about it?"
"No. Just get me the special." He leaned on his elbows, his fingers running through his hair.
Myro nodded just as Jen came out with a bottle of alcohol. "Alright, I won't pry." He added the ice, poured the drink with the crimson liquid and slid the glass over to the man. "Here you are. First drinks on the house."
The customer looked up, confused but took the glass. "You know you won't make any money unless I order another."
"I know and don't worry. Word of mouth is usually the best advertisement." Myro answered with a positive smile.
The man shrugged and took a drink. "Whatever you say," he replied while exhaling and took another drink. "This isn't bad. A bit hot but not burning and not a too cold after effect."
"We're glad you like it!" Jen giggled as he finished the glass.
The customer leaned forwards with his head in his hands. "Ugh..."
"Are you okay sir?" Jen asked, leaning forwards over the bar.
"My head...feels all weird..." he grumbled, slouching more.
"That tends to happen with the specialty of the house. Just close your eyes and you'll feel better once your head settles." Myro explained, placing a hand on the man's head. Jen stepped away, humming a little tune. Myro rubbed the customer's head gently as a small, soft glow illuminated between his palm and the man's hair.
Minutes later Myro lifted his hand with a purple aura following after. He smiled and it grew wider into a sharp, fanged grin. Opening his mouth, Myro brought the aura up and swallowed it whole with ease, releasing a pleased breath. "Perfect as it should be." He muttered quietly to himself.
Moments later the customer groaned and slowly sat up, holding his head with one hand. "Oh man...what just hit me...?" he asked with a rough, groggy voice.
"Oh you drank a little too fast and too much. My apologizes for not stopping you sooner before you passed out." The now normal looking Myro explained. "How about I have Jen help you out and home?"
Slowly the man nodded. "Um...thanks. Uh..." he began searching his wallet and took out some bills. "Here's something for the drink and a tip. Just, learn to stop people sooner, okay?"
Myro nodded. "I will sir. Promise."
Jen came over and helped the customer up. "Come along. I'll make sure you get home safely."
"Thank you miss."
As they stepped out, briefly a pointed skinny tail swayed behind her before vanishing from sight again. Myro chuckled to himself and cleaned up the glass. "A satisfied customer and soon to be double satisfied."