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Late International Woman's Day piece.
I've been looking up a bunch of sexual assault and rape stories, enough that I got inspired to draw out this. Having fun trying to draw women and play around with the brushes and skin tones! I thought about going with a water-colour style, but decided against it. I felt that it would make this seem more fantasy than realistic, which I prefer for such a topic.655Please respect copyright.PENANAFVuDEUR259
At first I was thinking of making her sad and crying, with the tape over her mouth, but then I decided to make her appear more defiant: she might be broken, but she's not beaten! This is a woman who will passionately speak out against the injustice, who won't be silenced, no matter what anyone says to her or what labels get painted on her!655Please respect copyright.PENANAf9LmdSiDIr
First off: What is Rape? 655Please respect copyright.PENANAvLItCElRUq
-From what I gather, it is forcing someone to have sex or take part in sexual activities without their consent. The feelings behind it are usually that of domination, control, and self-entitlement (as well as plain ol' lack of empathy and idiocy). Sometimes, it could be of ignorance and miscommunication, such as reading the wrong signals from someone.655Please respect copyright.PENANAtzWjdsbN2Z
Here's some of the arguments people give to justify rape:655Please respect copyright.PENANA0z9O0yIpK6
-'Its your fault': Blaming the victim is a usual thing that seems to happen, because somehow its THEIR fault that another person CHOSE not to keep it their pants! That THEY somehow tempted the 'poor soul' into committing such a crime! Other stuff listed below are supporting 'arguments' people give.655Please respect copyright.PENANAWQwNNnMm3v
-Bitch, whore, slut, freak, filthy: Not justifying per-se, but something most victims commonly hear people calling them. Part of the whole 'blame the victim' act, by making it seem as though the woman (it's usually female) was bad to begin with.655Please respect copyright.PENANAkqV2ckB490
-(S)he was 'asking for it' or 'deserved' it: No one EVER is asking or deserves to be raped, no matter who they are or what they're doing with their lives! This aren't even arguments! They're just self-righteous opinions! NO ONE can judge someone else and tell them what they want or deserve!655Please respect copyright.PENANAkcwbJUza5t
-They were drinking/drunk: While I personally don't approve of drinking until intoxication for any reason, drinking or being drunk is NOT an invite for exploitation, especially if they can't even say yes or no, or are actually unconscious.655Please respect copyright.PENANAsk05HCndOs
-Not saying 'No': I remember reading about the Steubenville rape case last year. One of the reasons they gave for justifying their crime was that Jane Doe "didn't say 'No'." They assumed that no 'No' means 'Yes'! It SHOULD be that no 'Yes' means 'No'! Unless someone actually tells you (soberly) that they consent, DO NOT DO THE SEX!655Please respect copyright.PENANALy3VgcSWVH
-Its the clothes: Someone's appearance or physical attributes are NEVER an invite for rape. It shouldn't matter if they're stark naked, unless they say a solid yes, DO NOT DO THE SEX!655Please respect copyright.PENANAxXaegW7TGg
-They're lying: Less than 1% of reported rapes and assaults (emphasis on reported) are actually false accusations. When someone talks about an assault, it's hardly ever to get attention.655Please respect copyright.PENANAvJ74ZU5mx4
-They probably enjoyed it: Again, don't make such an assumption! Ask yourself: would you ACTUALLY enjoy being tied up, drugged, or otherwise helpless while someone forces themselves on you against your will? I'm pretty sure no one does!655Please respect copyright.PENANA7BEgZYOtx9
-Don't tell: There are a few reasons I've found why rape isn't reported... 1. They'll be shamed or blamed for it (look above)... 2. They'll be accused of lying or creating drama... 3. They'll be getting the rapists in trouble (apparently this is especially bad of said rapists happen to be on the local sports team)... 4. They themselves believe that they brought this upon themselves.655Please respect copyright.PENANAG6UZjI3M7H
Suggestions for when someone tells you that they've been assaulted:655Please respect copyright.PENANAE0FjjFHPla
-Listen, be supportive, and have Empathy. Everyone responds differently to things. Don't make any judgements and give them a shoulder to cry on and freely express their feelings. This person needs someone to trust and talk to. Don't be dismissive or tell them to 'get over it'. The first thing you should tell them is that you're there for them (and mean it). I know, this is practically going against what most societies have taught us, but its the right thing to do!655Please respect copyright.PENANAvPBkXRzFl4
-Respect their (new) boundaries and don't question them too much. Don't touch them unless they say you can, and don't start interrogating them on who did it or what happened. Let them know you'll listen, but give them the space and time they need until they're ready.655Please respect copyright.PENANATdJBJeUfRk
-Convince them to go to seek medical attention. Don't tell them about how you're gonna go kill or otherwise get revenge on the assaulter. It can come off as you caring more about revenge than their well-being. Again, be supportive, but not forcing.655Please respect copyright.PENANAVYuMv5f1UU
-When they're ready, report the crime. Many rapes aren't reported for the reasons above. Letting it go is another way of condoning this sociopathic behaviour, and why rape and sexual assault is so prevalent in many societies.655Please respect copyright.PENANAG0ggVDCKat
Some links:655Please respect copyright.PENANAF4wJxl67LH
www.healthyplace.com/abuse/art… (supporting someone who has been sexually assaulted)655Please respect copyright.PENANAHkUEuNpQtf
www.reuters.com/article/2014/0… (Tribal leader orders gang-rape on woman in India)655Please respect copyright.PENANAUMFFDabaVQ
www.care2.com/causes/steubenvi… (Steubenville defense: "no No means Yes"!)655Please respect copyright.PENANABfdjO1NqkB
www.theinternetpatrol.com/rape… (Rapex: Anti-rape device)655Please respect copyright.PENANAyHndr4HrPZ
mediamisses.wordpress.com/2010… (She didn't ask for it)