My skin as it does at this moment. The
Fire reflected off the clear water
Blinds my instinct with illusions; I am
Left helpless, unable to trust myself.
Standing at the edge of the lake, all I
See is my reflected madness centered
As the source of this passionate devil.
Born of the hell within me, beauty
Is reversed, pleasure is now my pain,
And even the cool waters before me
Are covered in a fire that burns through
My heart, ripping me breathless, rendering
My capable of nothing but this hate.
My eyes fall closed in exhaustion, longing
For relief but my soul is ash and
I feel myself leaning toward the water.
Then as my body falls over the edge
I'm not met with water but endless flames
That reach up to consume me.
I'm plagued by my tortured and wounded heart,
Left silent in suffering, alone in
My angered hatred, torn in two by the
Sound of a happiness I cannot claim.
And you are the murderer of my soul,
The reason behind my longing revenge.
What you have unknowingly done to me
So I shall do to you without feeling.
To watch your suffering calms the fire
I could not extinguish.
Then I realise
The passing of my selfish revenge
Triples my anguish- creating a war
That will not end without true forgiveness.